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Feeling like an idiot... (8)

1 Name: Nickolaj : 2016-11-16 02:18 ID:BwmnSnP4 [Del]

Hi wonderful people of the internet.

I'm in a wonderful relationship, with this amazing girl, but we live 10 minuttes apart, and if I'm lucky I see her once or twice a month. I have oceans of time, I go to school and come home 9/10 days. However she never has any time what so ever, and I'm starting to feel like she either does'nt want to make time, or that she only wants to spend time with me if it's 100% convenient to her....

Just looking for some response here.

2 Name: _Lighter_ : 2016-11-16 02:45 ID:e2wf3mz1 [Del]

Have you ever asked her why she doesn't have much time? Because if she is studying at an university for example it is normal to be exhausted, not having much time and if then only on weekends even if you don't live far apart. If she also wants to spend time with friends and relaxe a bit I could understand why she doesn't have much time. However once or twice a month still sounds fishy to me, especially if you only hang out for a view houers when you are together, Honestly jusk ask her and see what happens. To have a healthy relationship of any kind it is importand to be upfront.

3 Name: Nickolaj : 2016-11-16 02:53 ID:BwmnSnP4 [Del]

She tends school, has a job though she is 17 so it's maybe one shift a week, and she has a horse a few miles out of town. Just feel like I'm the only one who's willing to make time, course I could just try to treat her likewise.

4 Name: _Lighter_ : 2016-11-16 05:49 ID:e2wf3mz1 [Del]

I think treating her the same wouldn't help much. I'd say tell her how you feel about the whole situation and explain why. By the way she reactes it should be possible to roughly assume whats going on inside her. Maybe she doesn't see it the way you do and doesn't realize that it makes you feel bad. Some girls (and guys too) just do stuff without calculating how much it could hurt the other party. If there is any other reason behind it try to talk about it with her.

5 Name: Nickolaj : 2016-11-16 05:59 ID:BwmnSnP4 [Del]

Will try to, so yeah I'ma see how that goes, and if not I'll have time for other stuff.

6 Name: Nickolaj : 2016-11-16 06:41 ID:BwmnSnP4 [Del]

Aaand everything is solved, a simple chat.... Fuck me that was so simple.

Crisis avoided, we settled at her being unusualy busy, and she has more spare time the next few months.

Special thanks to; _Lighter_ , a rational voice in a time of need.

7 Name: _Lighter_ : 2016-11-16 08:04 ID:e2wf3mz1 [Del]

No problem, I'm glad I could help. Wish you two all the best

8 Name: Nickolaj : 2016-11-16 17:03 ID:eJwukhqe [Del]

Best wishes to you too!