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I feel like I'm alone (5)

1 Name: DarkFlameMaster : 2016-10-03 12:18 ID:h5o0vx6P [Del]

I know I can't be the only one who feels this way. Now that I've moved out and am in college, things are a lot different than I expected. First, I am in a college heavily populated by CS (Computer Science) majors. If there is one thing I learned about CS majors, it's that we don't really come out of our shell very easily. Usually, I'd be ok with this, seeing as I like to keep myself to just a small group. But, even when I'm with these new friends, I can't help but feel like I'm still the odd one out. I didn't have any friends in high school until midway through senior year. I had a blast with them in the end, and they became my life, but now that we've all spread out, I'm reverting back into my shell.
So I come here asking, if anyone else even THINKS that they can help me find my way out of my hermit shell, I will gladly take your advice.

2 Name: Mons : 2016-10-03 12:37 ID:I6tMtC8w [Del]

Something that helps is to look for a community that you fit in even if it means trying every single community you can find. Not be weirded out by being awkward. In the end awkward is just ok.

3 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-10-03 15:53 ID:6HvthrS5 [Del]

1- Maintain contact with your old friends, who might or might not share your experience. That will remove a bit of the loneliness and maybe give you new perspectives/ideas on how to not feel so alone.

2- Keeping yourself busy with projects or explore new topics. Not only would it help keep your outlooks fresh and give some new motivation to your life, thus dulling the sensation of loneliness, but you might (or might not) meet new people whilst doing so.

3- Attend hackathons.

4- Acknowledge the fact that it is perhaps unlikely for you to be as comfortable with new acquaintances as you were with your old pals due to the difference in experience and little time spent together. Take this as some new learning opportunity or as a new chance to understand yourself and where you are heading.

Good luck and remember that you are not alone!

4 Name: Archos Militarus : 2016-10-04 00:46 ID:Cott9uH5 [Del]

I'll respond with a nice verse.

Hebrews 13:5b-6 "'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' 6 So we can confidently say,

'The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear;
what can man do to me?'"

I'll admit, I was kinda wanting to say this to someone. Just remember that no matter what happens, you are never alone.

5 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-04 01:20 ID:u7uO+7bB [Del]

Freaking nothing will happen if you just say your lonely and not even trying to befriend anyone. And even so your never alone you always have your family and old friends to talk whether if it had to be in a social network or directly. I'm sure your friends already tried to move on with your friendship so that they can move on to the future. Freaking this is like the anime Little Busters where the main character always acted fine because he had his friends but then when the group fell apart he just run away, the lesson to the anime was to be strong and never run away or turn your back. Think of how your friends are doing now they're probably fine so you should to. Don't be weak-willed only people who are weak-willed feel the desire to go suicide or give up and blames it to the world. Fight back you wouldn't reach anything if you didn't. So in summary keep on going and living, and to endure this lonely emotions, learn to stand on your own without your friends, and if you desperately want to have friends doing nothing won't do you good so the most simple solution is to put an effort in befriending anyone(make sure they aren't bad influences)