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Is it really that bad? (14)

1 Name: pchips : 2016-02-18 07:54 ID:z8s0Bipv [Del]

I don't have many friends. I'm...not really a people person so keeping up with friendships and all other relationships are difficult for me. Though I am female, I act a bit boyish and pretty much a gamer too so I don't really have a lot in common with other girls in my class.

My few female friends in that class seems to slowly drift away since their focus are to much more important stuffs, we still talk but I feel like we're not as close as before.

I've been hanging out a lot with some guys in my class nowadays, we're all really just a bunch of nerdy gamer who plays too much mmorpgs and online rhythm games. That's all there is to it really. You could even say that we're all just members in a make-shift hobby club.

My parents didn't like that when they found out though. Said that I'm a girl and should only hang out with girls because chances are, being friends with the opposite gender leads to dangerous situations.

They don't trust these peeps and didn't like them just like how they would say that they didn't like my other female friends too coz of trivial reasons like how I occasionally share my food with a certain friend because she's in a pinch and I just want to help out(?????).

I understand my parents' concern. Even if it may not look like on the outside, I really do. I just... I don't know where to put myself anymore. My 'old' friends are drifting away, my 'new' friends are considered 'dangerous', and the rest of the class already formed a very tight-knit mini groups that I can't even relate to what they're talking about.

There are times that I feel alone and overwhelmed. Even times that I would laugh really hard because of something funny but would lose control and restrained my tears and pretend that I teared up because it's just too funny.

Am I depressed? I don't know. I just feel really sad and heavy internally.

Am I selfish for wanting to have friends? Am I selfish for not caring whether they are guys or girls? Am I selfish for not caring what other people will think about me if I hang out with a specific group?

Am I selfish for feeling hurt and awful about what my parents said to me? to them? Because, compared to them, I'm.. a lot more worse of a person both as a student and a daughter. And now, I feel like I'm an ungrateful child for even thinking this.

If this doesn't make sense, I'm sorry.

Maybe this can be considered as a vent I guess. I... don't have a lot of space left to bottle it all up.

2 Name: N : 2016-02-18 10:02 ID:A0je/Rez [Del]

Your parents are right 6 years ago ween i was in school 96 girls got pregnant there was only 300 students if was so awkward i took my senior year at home year who wants to a school were almost all the girls are pregnant

3 Name: Perpendicular : 2016-02-18 10:06 ID:8iCiNYUn [Del]

I wouldn't say this situation is that bad. Actually, I'm a female gamer and a computer geek, and the other girls in my class just aren't interested in that kind of thing. Because of this, I have a lot of geeky male friends and we hang out a lot. My mother knows about this situation, and she seems fine with it. However, she has warned me about being friends with a lot of guys, as she used to do the same thing. I think more importantly than gender, it's the type of person you're friends with. Some guys are good, some are bad. Just stay away from people who will try to use you or hurt you, that's the biggest issue.

4 Name: Perpendicular : 2016-02-18 10:10 ID:8iCiNYUn [Del]

Wow N. Okay, another important thing is to know your boundaries. You should know how far you should go and how far you shouldn't go. I wouldn't recommend bringing a guy home, especially at late hours. If one of your male friends keep bugging you about this kind of thing, stay away from them. Different people will act differently. Just be friends with the good ones.

5 Name: N : 2016-02-18 10:24 ID:A0je/Rez [Del]

Im not held by Boundaries i keep a open mind also im no saint i fu%ked two girls in school at the same time they didn't get pregnant cuz im smart enough to pull out good ones lmao all men are going to go for it if there giving the ok shes horny shes going to say k its a itch you just cant scratch by yourself sometimes or like vampires hungr for blood there going to say ok after forplay second why are commenting on something your uncomfortable commenting on trust me i Can make you alot more uncomfortable if i wanted it

6 Name: Perpendicular : 2016-02-18 11:02 ID:8iCiNYUn [Del]

First of all N, I never said anything about foreplay. And when I was speaking about boundaries, I wasn't trying to pick a fight with you or anything. It was advise for pchips. If you're a high school student, like myself, and don't want to get pregnant, I recommend not going too far. It's up to her to know where to stop, so I thought I should tell her that. I just think boundaries are very important. Second of all, I'm not uncomfortable. I'm perfectly fine talking about this and giving my view on it.

7 Name: N : 2016-02-18 11:54 ID:A0je/Rez [Del]

Ok bro i saw the wow n at the beginning of your comment but sense your so comfortable giving advice mind giving me some on my thread as for pchips just focus on studies a put down the controller an hit the books an dont worry about dating in school like 1% of highschool relationships make it them 96 girls that got pregnant had no help getting around the school from the dads might as well say 96 single moms

8 Name: Perpendicular : 2016-02-18 13:00 ID:8iCiNYUn [Del]

I said wow because I was shocked, rather than uncomfortable. And I wouldn't mind giving you advise, but I don't know much about that situation personally like I do this one. I can try though.

9 Name: pchips : 2016-02-18 21:23 ID:z8s0Bipv [Del]

Uh.. that escalated quickly.

Just to be clear, I'm not looking for 'dating' relationships. I'm just looking for people I could consider as friends because my 'supposedly social life' is non existent. School and home are basically the only two places I go to so education isn't really something to be worried about.

And thank you for all the advices, I'm also aware of the boundaries concerning that and to be honest we only talk about games and nothing more than that.

10 Name: NPC : 2016-02-18 23:09 ID:cTCTwxwE [Del]


Same. x1000
You're overthinking...who cares if your friends are male or female? I mean as long as you don't go to their house past midnight without your parents, it's fine, isn't it? Not like they're going to stunt you in mental growth or anything.

(TBH I just hang around guys more than girls because girls scare me -.-lll)

11 Name: pchips : 2016-02-19 08:52 ID:z8s0Bipv [Del]


I guess I did overreact to this, didn't I?? Sorry for that, but it did help me think more clearly. Thanks you guys.

12 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-19 11:24 ID:WpVeBG9O [Del]

It's always good to hang out with guys and girls. It's kind of a nice way to see how other people think. Just try to make sure you don't get carried away in something that can get you hurt. But other than that, just go out there and socialize.

13 Name: SeijuroIzaya : 2016-02-19 15:59 ID:m51r90ul [Del]

I understand how parents think, but do what makes you happy. It's your life, so hang out with whomever makes you happy. It's perfectly fine to not fit a mold of hanging out with just people who fit your gender because you are not everyone else. I'm a female at birth who's always been more comfortable hanging out with guys than girls. Be yourself.

14 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-02-19 16:56 ID:Hh4SmdFZ [Del]


Even though so many people already gave you some great advice, I'll share mine as well :)

Growing up, most of my friends were guys. I liked hanging out with guys more than girls, because I was just like you -- a gamer, geeky, and super tomboyish (and still am haha). Nothing wrong with that! It's fun to have friends who are both girls and boys.
Obviously, you have to choose your friends carefully, regardless of whether they're dudes or girls -- are they good or bad people? Do they do dangerous stuff? Etc.

I understand your parents' concern. My parents were (and still are to some degree hah) the same. Talk with your parents. Explain to them and try to show them a different perspective, tell them what you're thinking. Maybe they don't realize they're putting you on edge. You have to have a dialogue with them. But don't just throw away their concern either. Keep it in mind, they're just looking out for you! :)

One last thing before I drag this out: it's perfectly fine to not have a lot of friends. It's most important to have a few very close friends than a myriad of people you call 'friends.' I have maybe 3 people I'm very good friends with that I've known for a longer time. The others are people I occasionally talk to. That's it, but I'm happy :]