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Friend or not? (5)

1 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-10-02 18:53 ID:j9MFqM4M [Del]

Okay, I saw something very interesting. In the "WHAT?!? No way..." thread
(, someone asked "Are you sure that they are your friends?" They asked that because they are forcing the OP to have a romantic relationship, I get that. But think about it, they might be caring for the OP.

So I'm asking, what IS a friend? And what length of actions can friends take?

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Ch3nch0 : 2015-10-03 10:22 ID:jcNo4XGS [Del]

the friends are be counted with the fingers of a hand. they are the family who you choose, and the family do anything for you, stay in the best and worst moments of your life.
if they don't do this for you, they aren't your friend.

4 Name: Neukki : 2015-10-03 10:32 ID:eJ1Zja+P [Del]

I'm the one who asked that and I didn't want to sound offensive towards them at all, and I also don't want people to think I am harsh and stuff, but one should choose their friends carefully, and those little signs can give a huge help.
What I meant by that is that it wasn't the girl's fault.
Whatever, I just had to make it clean.
About the topic, I have to add that there are friends who accept us no matter what - these are the ones who will tell our secrets, but of course not all, and there are the ones who are nice to hang out with, you can have so much fun with them, but not really reliable when it comes to serious situations because you are just not that close or you can't be. These are both friends in my opinion, but comparing the two types, it is hard to call the second group of people 'friends'.
However, I usually call someone a friend when I feel comfortable around them and they don't mind being around me either, no matter how long we've known each other or how close we actually are.

5 Name: Shiruka : 2015-10-04 01:03 ID:YjZLRZC4 [Del]

Haha. Am I the only one who considers and see their friend as the biggest jerks in the whole world? For me, my friends are the ones that slap me on my worst times, tells me to break the rules and gets things from me without asking permission. However, twisted our friendship may be, when I need them most, they are there; when I break the rules, they make sure I get caught, but I get caught with them; when I need something, without even asking, I'm given the privelage to get it from them.
You see, for me, friendship is when you hurt each other, but make up afterwards; do bad things together, but learn lessons; and when you need each other, you don't let them be pathetic, you slap them hard and say, you can feel sad or depressed today, but tomorrow, I want my friend back.