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Having Problems (8)

1 Name: KawaiiNeko : 2015-06-14 15:00 ID:HaQmJoly [Del]

My grandfather is dying. My father was having a hard time and took a drink for the first time in 40 years. He swears never to do it again and know he won't. But my family is now judging him. What do I do?

2 Name: kinuha : 2015-06-14 15:14 ID:FCcSd+NI [Del]

dont judge him your father did nothing wrong he is having hard time try to Show that you are with him support him let him tell his problems and how he feels to you

3 Name: Shift : 2015-06-14 15:32 ID:URf9hDhE [Del]

kinuha is right your father is entitled to feel down, if my parents were dying i would act similary

4 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-06-14 16:47 ID:aNeuAR+D [Del]

Your father has a right to feel down like everyone else here is saying :C i know what you mean if he went to drink after 40 years or so, some cultures just dont allow drinking. Just stay there with your father and comfort him when he needs it, he'll appreciate it and will maybe stop relying on drinking. Your family might be judging him now but they'll all come around, blood is thicker than water.

5 Name: LittleRat : 2015-06-14 19:10 ID:xSRtusu8 [Del]

mhh I don't know Just know that at the funerals it will be somewhat sad it will all depend on the members there and the environement.

I went to the funeral of my grandfather today... Its pretty hard on some people. Other copes. But even to us that decided to stand and cope we got judge by the rest...

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-15 06:23 ID:ZWCHfcsf [Del]

Drink to forget your sorrows
But some will still remain
Drink to forget your sadness
And it is a shame
Drink to forget you're drinking
Then the cycle goes round again

7 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-15 17:40 ID:D0cagRGv [Del]

You would just be pressuring him even more by judging him. He had a little escapade, that is only natural under those circumstances. The loss of a dear person is something that can break a heart, so it is your job to help fixing the cracks!

8 Name: Kuronaii~☆ : 2015-06-15 19:29 ID:RY8thrx3 [Del]

People drink sometimes as long as not its a major habit or health issue he is fine. You should let your family know that if he is faithful to his statement of it being one time then they shouldn't bring it up again because this will only cause arguements and remind him of the problem and make it worse.