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FSA [Florida State Assessment] Advice? (2)

1 Name: Vallyra : 2015-04-17 15:04 ID:MFgC/ClS [Del]

Alright, so my one friend who I'm very close with lives in Florida and is going to be taking her FSAs in a week. She's stressing out really bad and she has it in her head that she's going to fail the geometry part (she hasn't mentioned any other parts of it). I've been trying to give her advice and help her calm down, but I live in Pennsylvania so I'm not really sure what the FSAs are like. She's been so stressed about them that she's going into a bit of a depression from it and she was just recently taken to a facility for 3 days due to suicidal thoughts from stressing out so much, so could someone please help and give me some tips/advice/ideas that I could relay to her?

2 Name: Sid : 2015-04-19 03:24 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

First off I don't really know what this test is for, even after googling it. I am unsure if it is a aptitude test for college placement courses, or if it is akin to the SAT. But if it has something to relate to careers, or future placement in the world, then it probably isn't the test itself. If it is that kind of test though then it might be due to her freaking out about her future. Her families expectations, or hopes, could factor into it. As well as her own. It might not even be about the test itself, but the thought of the consequences.

If it is anything like the SAT then yes colleges do look at that, but they look at all the other stuff as well. An essay in the application could turn the tide. Extracurricular activities could also play a bigger role. GPA is also a factor. I also took AP classes which some colleges will look at that more than just the grade you had in it.

I could have even got into a higher education university with a bad GPA, and an average SAT score. The schools looked at everything and being an eagle scout really helped as well.

I had a teacher that only helped a select few of his students with their essay and all of them were accepted into the colleges they were shooting for. Though everyone that did so worked weeks on it and sent in a unique piece of work that didn't consist of just words on paper.

If she has the drive and isn't good at taking a bs standardized test she should show her qualities in a way that best suits her. I say that the standardized tests are bs is due to me getting the highest possible score on the essay and it didn't do jack to my bad writing score. Doesn't make sense that I got high marks for an essay, but then they tell me I am below average for writing.

But mainly it is not the end of her future if she gets poor marks on it. If she is really so hung up on it she could take the SAT in the future.