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Advice? (7)

1 Name: L. : 2015-04-10 15:11 ID:XjVFPzFs [Del]

Hello I'm L I'm an 18 year old girl and I want to tell my family that I'm lesbian but I don't know how.
I only told my best friends, and they said that they can't help me with that topic that's why I hope that somebody can help me.
I wanted to get a girlfriend to but I'm kinda afraid that my family will judge me for going out with a girl.
Please give me some advice.


2 Name: [Pissed off] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-04-10 15:18 ID:9nDosPkQ [Del]

First, who are you most close to in your family?
Tell them first,
but if you are not that close, then try to see what they think.
Dont tell them yet, but ask what they think, if they give a response you prefer, then go for it, if not, well, am sure the other dollars would help you.

3 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-04-10 15:34 ID:0eZRDSk6 [Del]

I think parents should ideally support their children no matter what they choose to believe in or sexuality they find themselves having. To an extent it's a choice, but to an extent it definitely isn't; some people are just homosexual because that's the way they are, and there's nothing wrong with that, despite what society would have you believe in the past. Becoming a lesbian in their eyes shouldn't change your status as your daughter. They spent the duration of your life with you nurturing you and being there for you (I can only assume, correct me if I'm wrong heh, no family is the same). This one little detail should be something they can accept, and if they can't deal with that then they aren't seeing you for you, they're getting lost in the details that make up who you are and failing you as your parents. So I'd try to talk with them, see if they understand; no matter what they think, though, you're you, and you need to be okay with that no matter what, because being a lesbian isn't something you have to "fix", it's something you discover about yourself so that your love life can make sense again. I wish you the best of luck in hooking up with the girl you mentioned, and I hope your parents understand and take it as another part of your growth as a person rather than something to be ashamed of. Enjoy being you~

4 Name: Sid : 2015-04-10 15:37 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

I think that if you are close with your family it should turn out just fine. Unless someone is super prejudice against gays. My dad is quite racist against blacks, but if I ended up with a black person I think he would accept it, or maybe just tolerate it. I'm not even that close to my family either.

5 Name: Takuto : 2015-04-10 18:50 ID:yIz2LO+R [Del]

Gay now lesbian there is nothing i can say but your parent won't allow this maybe they will send you to phsycology test or something like that

6 Name: Ellaumi : 2015-04-10 20:20 ID:dlYAl76d [Del]

The Trevor Project has a nice coming out guide available. You can find similar resources by searching "coming out guide" on google.

Good luck! Remember, coming out is something that's supposed to be for yourself- if you decide doing so ever places you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation, you don't have to. I hope everything works out well :)

7 Name: L. : 2015-04-11 07:11 ID:TvxTW5QK [Del]

Thank you all for your advice.
I think I'll first tell the girl I like what I feel and then tell my family.
and again THANKS A LOT!!!!<3