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I need advice (10)

1 Name: MRCASADOS : 2015-03-18 19:53 ID:knmWc47f [Del]

There is a girl I really like. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. I can't stop thinking about her. However, she already has a boyfriend. And not Being able to be with her is driving me crazy, I can't focus on my schoolwork and recently my grades have started to tank. I don't know what to do, it's starting to make me really depressed and people are starting to notice, what should I do?

2 Name: Jamm : 2015-03-18 20:36 ID:Mi1/C9p7 [Del]

Hey, I was going through something pretty similar a while back and the thing I found helped me most was to talk to someone you can trust. I know it sounds cliche, and while it doesn't make the problem go away in my experience it helped me feel a lot better. Good luck!

3 Name: Takuto : 2015-03-18 21:10 ID:QHis4pnn [Del]

Are you stupid search new love dammit don't disturb girl in love

4 Name: Yclept : 2015-03-18 21:10 ID:Wh7XTHng [Del]

well, i can tell you this...i have had several similar situations like yours, and sometimes i told the girl and sometimes i didn't. The Pro of telling her how you feel is that now she know how you feel and she just might feel the same way, or the con of telling her is you get into a "Painkiller" relationship as i like to call it. A "Painkiller" relationship is one where she keeps dating her guy, but if something goes wrong, then she tells you and you are her shoulder to cry on. Sounds awesome, right? No if it ends up like this you have a small shot of her seeing your sensitivity and going to you but it will most likely end up with her venting to you about her boyfriend and either intentionally or unintentionally stringing you along. Now you can do the good ol' fashion "keep it to your self" type of thing. Now this decision also yields two paths( but they are strikingly similar, just that one is more self destructive). One where you keep it to your self for a while and bide your time till she's not with him anymore and then swoop in as a knight in shinning armor. but this is taking a risk, so you become impatiant and start to obsess over her which leads you down a self destructive path(i.e. addiction). The other path is to just shrug it off and try and find another girl (which sounds like you won't be doing this). There is something you should try either path you take by telling her or it is, the Big Advice that i can give you...Be the person who you're looking for is looking for. Sounds lame huh? but try it, i started to do this and suddenly i'm talking to all sorts of different girls. But yes, be the person who you're looking for is looking for.

5 Name: MRCASADOS : 2015-03-18 23:49 ID:RqisON8p [Del]

Thanks guys

6 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-03-19 00:56 ID:1QIApZ5X [Del]

Good luck man.

7 Name: MRCASADOS : 2015-03-19 14:01 ID:s8//6mYB [Del]

I decided I'm just going to leave it alone, I am in love with her, but her relationship is getting really serious.:(

8 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-03-19 15:40 ID:1ovhYx0C [Del] It's a mild heartbreak to lose a girl that you like. But at least you weren't in love with her.

I think it's smart that you decided not to fight for her. Especially since her relationship is getting serous.Don't fall in love. It makes it easier.

I just broke away from someone that I like. It's getting easier every day. It was three weeks ago too. So yeah. Go for the easier healing process and move on. You'll find somebody I'm sure.

9 Name: MRCASADOS : 2015-03-19 20:40 ID:hh0ZQMA6 [Del]


10 Name: LostAndAlone : 2015-03-19 23:57 ID:7U6MhskK [Del]

If you really love her,then no matter what you can't give up. I'm not saying you should interfere with their relationship or anything, I just mean you have to be there for her. What will happen to her if he loses interest in her? If you love her, then tell her how you feel. Girls value honesty, and if you tell her how you feel, there is a chance she will trust you more, and be more open to you.