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Self Harming Aid (12)

1 Name: Cel !kEQsHPqPRI : 2015-01-03 03:48 ID:snpQEOGW [Del]

Hey, i was just wondering if there was someone with advice about self harming. I've been doing it since 6th grade and im now currently in my second year of college. I've tried to stop and sometimes i can go many months without cutting, but some how i just keep going back to it.

I feel like no matter what i try to do i cant shake the want to do it. when im down or depressed, it's the first thing i think about. I have yet actually been able to deny the urge to cut when i first consider it, regardless of the situation. It makes me feel terrible that i have so many marks on my arm and its hard to wear short sleeve shirts sometimes.

Is there anyone else going though this? how are you dealing with this? is there anything i can do to stop cutting or is it all just apart of me?

2 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-03 08:13 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

If you've tried to stop and still can't after all these years, it's not "just a part of you" - it's an addiction like any other. Like someone else may drink away their sadness, you cut it away, and you're most likely going to need professional help to stop. If you have any time off from your classes coming up, maybe you should consider saving up for a bit of time in rehab or for a few psychotherapy sessions?

3 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-03 08:15 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

If you can't afford something like that, it may also be good to open up to someone close to you and try to get some support. Your doctor may also be able to give you better suggestions.

4 Name: Aya : 2015-01-03 10:56 ID:jmpAqToT [Del]

Therapy can help. I'm in it and it's helped me a little bit. The first thing you should do is find what specifically triggers your cutting...then try to think of something else to do besides cutting. For me, it was taking a nap or watching anime.I hope you get better :)

5 Name: Sanae : 2015-01-03 22:16 ID:Fs88km/r [Del]

Try finding a hobby to do to cheer you up instead.
Personally, when I'm feeling down or depressed I would usually listen to some of my favorite songs and sleep the feeling away. Just always try to find new things that you can do within your community, feeling that you're needed usually pushes that feeling of depression away. :)


6 Name: Cel !kEQsHPqPRI : 2015-01-03 23:18 ID:snpQEOGW [Del]

thanks everyone for answering. i'll take your answers into consideration. :)

7 Name: Blank : 2015-01-04 00:36 ID:LR/AEaDk [Del]

I feel whats best to do is to find someone who is willing to love you. TBH love changes you but it can also hurt you. What I am saying is just have someone whose willing to be there for you. Take care of you and make you happy and try to keep busy it helps.

8 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2015-01-04 11:48 ID:Gw8yxOcM [Del]

Try this. When you feel like cutting, pick up your phone and call your mother, speak to her about anything for a while. I feel like it will help you. You can also call your best friend too
One absolute way when you're feeling depressed, go to your bed, turn off the lights, get into your favorite sleeping position, and keep saying "Happy, Happy, cool, cool" inside your head till you fall asleep. (The last part is certainly crucial. No joke.)

9 Name: virru : 2015-01-13 07:03 ID:nRMxOmhV [Del]

when i'm frustrated and stressed. i scratch myself and slap and hit to the point that my head actually gets a lump. i wan't to stop it so much since i don't do it everytime yet. and i'm scared that if this goes on i might do much worse to myself...
i look like your average teenager, i even act like one, i have great friends but a slightly not that happy family. i don't want to open this thing to my friends, i'm ashamed. besides it's not the sort of thing they would expect me to do... help??

10 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-13 08:31 ID:GCOVk3Fr [Del]

Bumping bc I need to understand how cutters feel more.
I still don't get it.

11 Name: Sparky : 2015-01-13 13:32 ID:GHSi7f7n [Del]

I understand, I have self harmed before, honestly not that often and not that much, but I still do it. Recently when I wanted to, I thought of my boyfriend, about how upset he would be if I did it again, I realized I couldn't harm myself because of him. So I would say think of someone who you know would suffer from seeing you doing, someone who it would hurt, and think of them, of course it doesn't have to be someone your in a relationship with, it can just be a close friend or relative. I would maybe also suggest that anything you would use to cut, you maybe put somewhere which is hard to get too, like putting them in a box and locking it or something, giving you chance to think about it or something.

I'm sorry this is all I really have right now. How you can get over this!

12 Name: Sparky : 2015-01-13 16:23 ID:GHSi7f7n [Del]

Also, do these words kinda describe why you do it? 'I cut myself so I can feel something I know is not alive.'? They're lyrics from a song, and I can kinda relate, wondering if its the same for you.