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Girls=gymnastic, Boys=wrestling ? (6)

1 Name: djkflan : 2014-12-09 19:26 ID:8KTWse+z [Del]

I don't know if this should be in the sport sections but it really got me thinking.
(please move to sport section if you think it's necessary)

Why in middle school do girls have to be in only the gymnastic unit and the boys in the wrestling unit separately?

When I was in middle school, I had to do gymnastics and I didn't love it at all. It helped me with my stretching and all but I really wanted to gains some more muscle since I always practice with my push-ups at home.

I asked my guy friend about it he says he doesn't understand why not. He would like girls to wrestle but he said that probably the adults think we would be treated unfairly to the boys.

I don't see the same problem vice versa. I think those sports in gym class need to be switched for the guys and girls (by sex or gender wise). Since men by sex have less flexibility they should do gymnastics to improve, same with women who have a harder time gaining more muscle than men do.

Plus all the units in gym glass like tennis, hockey and basketball are open to both gender and sex for any one to play. But when doing wrestling and gymnastic why do we have to split those groups apart?

2 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-09 20:34 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

What country do you live in? And is this a private or public school? Because ours isn't set up like that where I live. Girls and boys have their gym classes together, and we're not allowed to do gymnastics nor wrestling because of safety concerns :o

3 Name: Lawli !dweebQgsDc : 2014-12-11 08:33 ID:jNIqPlog [Del]

My school got gender-split gym classes when I entered middle school, and I go to a private school, but we don't have gymnastics or wrestling (though I so wish I did.)

But one of my friends goes to a private school where they do, and I asked her. She said that girls are only allowed to do gymnastics, and the boys are allowed to only do wrestling at first, then gymnastics as well in their freshman year. Girls are never allowed to do wrestling in her school, though. She asked why once, and someone told her "Well, the reasons are obvious, dear," and no one ever bothered elaborating on it more than that.

I never really thought about this, but now that it's been pointed out to me, I won't stop thinking about it for a while, most likely.

"I don't see the same problem vice versa. I think those sports in gym class need to be switched for the guys and girls (by sex or gender wise). Since men by sex have less flexibility they should do gymnastics to improve, same with women who have a harder time gaining more muscle than men do."

I think that your way of thinking is the opposite way that the school thinks. Boys are expected to be more muscular, so they do the combative sport, while girls are expected to be more elegant, so they are told to do gymnastics. It isn't much about improving in the areas that the other gender is "better in by nature". It's about improving in the areas society has assigned for each gender, respectively.

Basically, gymnastics has always been perceived as "feminine" (and sometimes it is viewed as gender-neutral) while wrestling has always been perceived as "masculine". And for schools, crossing the imaginary line between the two is a huge no-no.

That's my take, anyway.

4 Name: Usagichi : 2014-12-12 01:43 ID:ZdBs/zaA [Del]

All the posts here are interesting to me. I never had a split gym class like this my school never had a wrestling unit but everyone did gymnastics.

5 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-12-12 15:24 ID:LJpVUkhm [Del]

It's stupid and fearful. Let them do everything they want early and then they will find out what they like. Forcing them to do things is understandable, but barring them from doing anything is not.

I can't see any reasoning behind it. Why would it matter if you are naturally talented in it? I can't take math, then, because I struggle with it? God forbid anyone will have to do work in order to succeed, because that's not what school is all about, right?

6 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-12-12 16:20 ID:B6SoFd5V [Del]

I never thought gender split gym classes exist xD The more you know!
Anyway,I agree with you.Every sport should be available for anyone.I , for example , when I entered highschool I was really disappointed by the fact that basketball classes could only be taken by boys.