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true friends? (3)

1 Name: Tagori : 2014-11-19 15:13 ID:n81MLBiZ [Del]

I need some advice here.
When i was in college i had four amazing friends. for the sake of this thread, i'll call them T, S, R, and J.
i met R and J early into my second year. Immediately we became friends and began spending as much time as we could together. soon, R introduced us to T and we made him part of the group. eventually S also became one of us.
so it was the five of us for a couple months. eventually S and i began dating and the rest of the group seemed to support us. Everything was great for the rest of my college career. I graduated and moved to a larger city for work and i would continue to visit them in college (as they were in their second and final year). about half a year passed and everything seemed to be going fine.
then everything changed.
I went to visit them (a full two hours away) and immediately S greeted me but seemed distant. even when i was hanging around everyone else, they seemed to want me to leave. before the day was done, S had broken up with me and nobody else seemed to care about me. i worked through how i felt with the help of my high school friends on my way home.
within the next three weeks, they had all unfriended me on Facebook and R and S had even gotten together. immediately i felt as though that was the reason things were playing out as they were.
anyway, A year passes and a convention happens that we all attend. they attempted to talk to me, but i was too angry with them that i ignored them. after, they send me messages saying that they didn't want things to happen this way. for some reason they felt it best to stop talking to me after S and i broke up.
so to the point of this.
I don't know if they are being truthful when they say they are sorry. I don't know if i should allow them back into my life after they walked away from it. keep in mind that i was in a new city with nothing to look forward to after they had abandoned me and for months i had to try to reassemble myself on my own. I don't know if they want to apologize for their own personal gain after seeing that i had actually made a life for myself.
in short, i have so many questions about this, but don't know how to start looking for answers.
Thanks everyone, in advance, for reading this and helping me.

2 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-19 18:07 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

I think it's worth a shot to give them a second chance. Holding a grudge won't do you any good and consider what you have to loose if it doesn't work out anyway, putting myself in your shoes I don't think I would have much to loose. It's never too late to bond friendship again, these guys sound like they want to do that and hell maybe you should too. I can actually see that if you do hang out with these people again that you may feel like that you guys don't get along as much and may decide to distance yourself from them because "it doesn't feel right". So yes, I think you should hang and see how you feel about it all, but I wouldn't suggest having your hopes to high, go in with more of a mentality of like "im just going to have my fun" ya know?

3 Name: Aia : 2014-11-20 06:18 ID:WYsTRm8V [Del]

Hear them out, they must have a reason behind what they did. If you find that reason acceptable then give them a second chance if not then move on with life. But now listen to what they have to because you might regret it when it's already too late.