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Does this make me a bad person? (6)

1 Name: Apollo !xlgRMYva6s : 2014-10-21 08:41 ID:qdJIzBqI [Del]

I never thought I'd be posting my personal problems online, because I never thought they were significant enough to share with anyone, but I could really use some advice right about now.

So, to start off, some background.
(Junior in high school by the way)
I grew up without a father, and with a mother who was always at work. Not once did she ever say, even while walking out the door, "I love you." Nor have I said it to her. She just never had the time to tell me or show me that she cared. Even now, she still doesn't. Currently, she's halfway across the world for who knows what reason for the next month. I've never felt what it's like for someone to care about me. For the last 4 years, I've had depression and thoughts of suicide for this reason and others; so this post might just be THAT talking. NOW onto the real issue.

So, because of the way I grew up, I admit that I frantically try to get close to people in hopes that they'll open up. Sometimes, this means friends; sometimes, this means girlfriends. With my last girlfriend (we broke up a couple of days ago), she made me a cake for my birthday, and that was the first present I had ever received. On by 16th birthday. I broke up with her because she wasn't looking for the same type of serious relationship I was... which eventually came to a conflict. She was the first girlfriend that I really liked while I was breaking up with her, so I wasn't brave enough to do it to her face, and it ended over the keyboard. I'm now getting shit from our mutual friends about how I was too much of a wimp. I can't look her or our friends in the eyes anymore because I never wanted to break up with her; let alone like that.

So I ask if the people criticizing are right. Does this make me a bad person?

2 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2014-10-21 09:12 ID:B9/n9Xcn [Del]

Well, breaking up over tec is harsh, at least write a letter, but it is understandabl!!!! No, I don't think you're a bad person. I think life hasn't been too kind to you. A few things
1) You're in high school, so you probably won't find someone as serious as you. You're young, still trying to figure things out, and most people aren't ready to have that kind of commitment.
2) I'm not sure why think are so bad between you and your mother, but I'm sure she does love you. Maybe give her a call, talk with her, tell her what's new in your life, ask what's new wither her, and before you hang up just say "hay Mom, I love you" :) you maybe surprised that the year of seeming neglect was just time going by too fast and not realizing it. Perhaps she worked so much to earn money to give you the best life that she could, but never being around you cause you two to drift apart and one day she relized that you had become strangers, having no idea how to repair the broken rrlaitionship .

3 Name: dark151 : 2014-10-21 14:27 ID:81pwx6Kn [Del]

Ur not a bad person and if u never wanted to break up with her then you should tell her and she if she still likes you like that old saying : if you love something let it free if it comes back to you its yours! All u need is a little courage and you good to go but you must also be were of the reaction
The world is not as bas it seems!

4 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-10-21 16:27 ID:v8aWcuMU [Del]

In no way does this make you a bad person. Breaking up over computer, text, etc., is not something I'm fond of people doing, but it's not like you can change that now. It's not bad that you broke up with her, though. You can always try getting her back (if that makes any sense), but it's very unlikely that any relationships in high school will ammount to anything (long term, I mean). I can assure you, this is not the only time you'll break up with someone, and it's not the only time this girl will get broken up with. These things happen, and it doesn't make you a bad person.

5 Name: Apollo !xlgRMYva6s : 2014-10-21 23:28 ID:1L0Hz1hf [Del]

Something I left out, I broke up with her because she actually sent the message that she didn't actually care that much, and for those who know, the feeling where you're into someone more than they're into you while you're in a relationship with them, is awful. I had talked to her about it previously, and she considered it a casual relationship, which I tried to be ok with for a while. That's why I broke up with her. I didn't want to, but I was told by others that I would be happier and better off otherwise.

6 Name: Saya : 2014-10-22 00:22 ID:w0fOuWKb [Del]

I admit I think it's bad when people break up over a message, but you shouldn't dwell on it. If she didn't really have a reaction then I think this shows that she wasn't as into you. I think it's nice how much you liked her but if she can't see it then I think you made the right decision. The relationship doesn't balance when one is more serious than the other.