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Which direction should i go? (5)

1 Name: Draco : 2014-08-04 23:38 ID:2arNqSla [Del]

Hey guys, for some reason even though i am new here after reading through the forums i feel i can get an honest opinion from you all.

I am going back to school and i am starting from square one all over again. When i first started college back in the day i was really into computers and was building my own for some time before i started. I went into computer and network support specialist program i felt like it was perfect for me. Well life caught up with me and i had dropped out after only a year. Now i am going back and my interests have changed.

Before i was into computers now i am more into automotive performance. No this is not because of tv shows or anything like that. I have been working on cars almost as long as i have been working on computers. I just love the feeling of breathing life into what people think is just something that gets you from point a to b. I am still going to school for computers but its only because it pays more, it is not my passion.

What do you guys think i should do?

2 Name: Draco : 2014-08-04 23:41 ID:2arNqSla [Del]

Sorry forgot to add my other question.

Should i continue the on path i am going or should i switch my major to automotive tech while i have the chance?

3 Name: ZAK : 2014-08-04 23:49 ID:6DLma1Xj [Del]

Well your choice, the biggest question is, what do you really want to do? being an auto mechanic is good and all and working with computers makes you a bit relaxed. I say you choose whatever you feel is fun. cause if you are to work without any fun in you, you won't get along with others, and that ruins the team work in the workplace.

4 Name: Draco : 2014-08-05 01:58 ID:2arNqSla [Del]

i guess i feel more at home when i work on cars. I know it will not pay the bills right away like a computer tech would but i don't feel as happy as when i am messing with an engine.

The problem i guess i am having is, i like working on performance cars. Giving them new life and bringing out their potential. I have a connection with every car i put my hands on, like i can feel what type of mood they are in. I don't get that with computers. The reality of it all though is that unless i work for a performance shop or open my own, i might be stuck doing oil changes and tune ups which i am not so passionate about. I want to give the owner that smile of loving their car, not the smile of "thanks for fixing my mode of transportation"

5 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-05 03:40 ID:pyJTdjZJ [Del]

I think you should do what you enjoy the most and from your posts I think you'd be much happier being an automechanic,since you're passionated about working with cars.
Yes,it's true that you'll probably get paid better as a computer tech (at least,in the beginning),but what's the use of having more money if you don't enjoy your job and working soon becomes a pain in the neck?