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I need help with my long-distace relationship... (7)

1 Name: Cédrec : 2014-02-10 08:21 ID:TVOb4frP [Del]

Ok here is my situation. I've been in a long distance relationship and last night my girlfriend and I was having a conversation on a different site. I'm not going to go into details of the conversation but at one point before she left, she asked a question. The question was "Do you ever think we'll get married?" I didn't think when I'd replied about how I thought marriage was still a way off because we haven't even been on a date yet, (this is mainly because we could never meet out of school and a month after we started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend, her family moved to a different state. We've been together for 2 years 4 months.) When she left even without her saying I could tell she was up set about it... and I dont know what to do, or if she accepted my apologies on it... I really need someones input on this...

2 Name: don'tknow : 2014-02-10 20:53 ID:QBgBkl1j [Del]

You have to keep swimming for her man!

Try as much as you can to chat with her and decide on your future from there. If you keep focusing on the distance between you two than you won't focus on the love you have for each other.

If your committed to this girl than you have to patient even if it's years before you two meet, if you guys love each other that much than you have to keep comforting each other no matter how much distance is between you two.

Personally, I don't think it's necessary to marry right away. Some couples marry when their in their 30s or 50s. You don't need a ring to know you love each other.

3 Name: Ear-kun : 2014-02-11 01:32 ID:d+RY0PNT [Del]

If you really love her, you must pursue it even you think it's very far ahead. Every girl has a dream of getting married to someone they love, and that means she loves you very much for even asking you that question.

Marriage doesn't have to be rushed but why not start planning for the future?(that is if you will not do anything funny.) You can do it if you are really committed to her even though you will have a hard time waiting for her. As for me,(who has the same situation as you) we have talked about marriage, having a family and starting a good life even though they were so far ahead. I just feel that I will be with her until the end so I have courage to say the words such as Marriage or even Having a Family.

If it's you I think you can do it and if you talked about the future, things like that might cheer her up and makes your bond stronger even though your away from each other.

AND DON'T FORGET VALENTINES DAY THIS FRIDAY :) SEND CHOCOLATES AND MAYBE A LOVE LETTER(Why not a chat message or a text message? Because a love letter can be stored and taken care of plus it will be a fragment of your memories with her when you get old.) So Goodluck! Gambatte Kudasai! ^_^

4 Name: Cédrec : 2014-02-12 14:28 ID:TVOb4frP [Del]

Its not that getting married isn't something I wanna do because it its... I guess what Im trying to say is that 1 Im kind of scared about making that kind of commitment and/ or since Im a "go with the flow" kind of guy planning that far ahead is not really something I do alot... the only thing I have really in depth thought about is that I want to have a son and daughter, and what I need to to be able to say that I have no regreat with my life when I die... but as long as I know Im needed then I can do that.

I dont know her address... and I think its a good thing I dont, cause if I showed up at her house or sent here a letter her parents would be mad, and its very hard not to think about the distance between us. even more with Valentines day friday and her bithday the day before.

But thanks for your inputs they are really encouraging,

5 Name: kabk : 2014-02-12 21:50 ID:g7OzyuMh [Del]

move in with her, love is when you will do anything for the opposite sex, if you dont want to move with her, break up

6 Name: Lone wolve21 : 2014-02-13 00:10 ID:2/F7Yze+ [Del]

i think you should tell her that you want a steady relationship and that you could possibly thing about marriage if it gets to that stage, but it has to be something you both are comfortable with and it shouldn't be rushed, if you lover her and she loves you back I'm sure she will under stand that its not out of spite that you probably answered something simmer to this, but that you want to have a steady relationship with her.

7 Name: kabk : 2014-02-13 17:35 ID:e036Fqpm [Del]

or you can put it that way, thanks for making my advice sound stupid