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Is it ok to want to be average? (7)

1 Name: HIGpopS45 : 2013-11-20 09:49 ID:2Rri6J0B [Del]

I when into a walmart store and a adult was happily working in the shop. When me and my mom were heading out she said never to do that. She said the he could've gone to college and did a better career with better pay . But I though it was ok since he's happy on we're he is. Is it ok to have a job or life with low pay? My mom want me to become a doctor and I do to but I'm leaning towards a art career and she said it one of those things where you want to be a superhero and will soon forget it but I was serious. People who work low pay at a part time job are fine people right? Aren't they happy where they are? Sometimes I wish I could settle down in a city and work as a waitress or at a mall and live quietly, is that wrong?

2 Name: Blinking (On her phone) : 2013-11-20 11:05 ID:9t3zUyek [Del]

Of course not. Being happy, safe and healthy is the important bit - as long as you have those things, you'll be fine. Make sure you consider the risks and benefits of the life you want to lead before you get set on it, though.
Low pay jobs are less likely to cover your living expenses, but high pay jobs are often stressful and take more time and effort to achieve. Having a good education improves your chances of getting a decent job, but education can also be stressful - not to mention expensive.
Like I said, happiness, safety and health are your primary concerns. It's hard to have all three, so you need to decide which you are willing to sacrifice. Weigh your options and figure out what you really want.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-20 11:41 ID:bmjAyDqY [Del]

nigga try yo hardest in lyfe dat's all you need to know! never settle for average have a passion but work smart more than you work hard dont be doin dat stupid ass shit like heroine and cocaine dick dat shit mess u up easy!

u need 2 remember that college does not garuentee u a gud money makin job to get mo bitches. sum of my bruthas in da h00d be getting business degrees and workin at fuckin grocery stores and walmart . in fact that man yo mom saw could in fact have a good degree

competition is rough out there but hold on

4 Name: Neko-tama : 2013-11-20 14:12 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

You aren't wrong. Happiness isn't money. And being a doctor is tough, the competition for med school, the super long shifts, you'd have no free time, and if you didn't love the career then you'd be depressed as well.
You love art, go after it, live with no regrets and if you love it then do it! Who cares about money?! It doesn't matter what others expect and want from you. What's more important is happiness and if art is what you want to pursue then pursue it with all your heart! :3

5 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2013-11-20 22:18 ID:uvxxFRkh [Del]

I'll be real with you man. Going for art is not gonna be easy at all. There may be times where you're broke and on the streets because you didn't sell enough to make rent. BUT, just because you don't have a roof over your head doesn't mean you can't stop doing what makes you happy. Shit man, go to a gallery and spraypaint a giant picture with a smiley face in the negative space, ANYTHING, as long as you can stand back, look at it, and smile. One last thing: if you truly want to be happy doing something, don't let somebody do it for you. Take life by the reigns and the only limits you have is the walls of your imagination. It is not wrong to be normal, if that's who you are. Be you, and be happy doing it. Good luck on your art, don't stop practicing! And stretch. Always stretch.

6 Name: Saika : 2013-11-21 00:03 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

The only issue about not caring about money, is that without money, you won't be able to physically support your own living circumstances.

There are many things money cannot bring you, but money is dependable in the sense that the things that you can get with it aren't things that change and disappear too easily, or are influenced by your circumstances, like happiness.

Stability usually brings contentment. Money usually brings stability. Being a doctor usually brings money.
That's why your mother wants you to be a doctor.
However, if you have no interest in it at all, your work life will be difficult.

On the flipside, if you are doing art, your home life will be difficult, because you are unlikely to make much money. Your life will be unstable unless you can find a constant stream of money to live on.

Things will never be ideal, no matter where you go. It is up to you to choose where to go.

You are recommended to take the path with the most money because living without being able to pay gas bills or without being able to afford your next meal is not ideal to most people.

7 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-11-21 20:36 ID:xcIP79dN [Del]

Happiness means different things to each person. Just do what you believe will make you happy. No one else can make the choice for you.