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How to Help (2)

1 Name: Evalynx : 2013-10-19 16:36 ID:LzUeA1yI [Del]

Okay, so I have a friend. She's my best friend. She picks me up when I'm down and she's so selfless its annoying. But she's going through bad times. She says she's fat, shes trying to starve herself, she forces herself to throw up, she says she hates herself, she cuts, she was bullied at her old school, people purposefully damaged their car at their old home that they had to find a place to hide it every night, she keeps moving, farther and farther away from me and I can't even help her. She's too far away, I don't have any source of transportation, I can't reach her in any way other than the internet now. She doesn't tell me much and only vents in short outbursts that she takes back the second she hits send and asks me to ignore her. I don't know how to help her. I tell her she's not fat and she doesn't believe me. Telling her everything will get better isn't helping. I can't stop her from hurting herself and causing herself to keep suffering. Nothing I'm saying is helping. I can't go see her either. So I don't know what to do for her when she's like this. I don't want to lose her. I want her to stop hurting herself. I want her to be happy. I want to chase her demons away for her but I don't know how. So advice, anyone? Please?

2 Name: May-Ven : 2013-10-19 19:01 ID:0akfmcO1 [Del]

Well some things are hard to fix, but I think I know what might help. Why don't you invite her to go somewhere she enjoys going. If you can get her to say yes, don't talk about what's happening, just have a basic conversation. If what you talk about ends up being about her, try not to dwell on the topic and find a way to change it. Hope this helps :3