Dollars BBS | Personal

















1 Name: Lolli-Kawaii : 2013-09-10 14:01 ID:Y0pn9X1W [Del]

well i used to be bffs with this girl called megan and she and i get along alot! its been two years already since we became bffs. Now i think she's trying to find new bffs and replace me. :c i know that's sad! I felt angry but i remained calm to see what she was gonna do next.And by staying calm for 2 weeks, i noticed she was keeping secrets behind me and she tells all my secrets to her new bffs Rosa and Carla! Well i even once asked her if shes hiding anything, she said she isnt hiding anything.Then one month of torture has passed and i noticed she is getting far away from me and going closer to the girls. She stopped talking to me, sitting with me in class and even looking at me!! She doesnt even sit next to me anymore in lunch or snack breaks. I feel soo depressed! Help please! please tell me if she really does hate me and like carla and rosa more! If i got the answer, im going to find new friends and move on! Dont worry i wouldnt get sad anymore, i just wanted to know the truth! Thanks Minna!

2 Name: Yui : 2013-09-10 14:05 ID:jxMM2kef [Del]

Hi! i'm sorry to hear that Lolli-kawaii.
Maybe Megan doesn't hate you (since you haven't given her any reason to) but some people move by intrest and maybe her so called "new friends" have somethings that she wants. i don't know what to tell you really, but in the end, she isn't a real friend if she is doing this to you. you should try to look for new friends ^^

3 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-09-11 00:10 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

Okay so for the majority of my middle school life I had the exact same issue (I'm in grade 12 neow,) I had "best friends" that would lie and tell my secrets and spread rumours about me behind my back, anyways from literally years of trying to be their friend because all I wanted were good friends, I've learned that those are NOT TRUE FRIENDS. If you notice that she's purposely "ditching" you for other "cooler" people, she probably is. Honestly, forget about trying to be her friend, if she wants to be your friend then let her, but she will never be a true friend by spilling secrets and spreading rumours. What you need is a good friend, the dollars are your friends ^.^ but when I gained my good friend it was through kindness; I simply asked the new girl in my class over for coffee since she had no one to sit with. Just be nice and I'm sure you'll find someone! To be honest the "best friend" title will always be held by my cat, she has never hurt me nor lied to me, if you want a real true friend then I suggest a pet X3 good luck! You sound like a nice person, you deserve the best! (^o^)/