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What do you think? (2)

1 Name: Levy : 2012-09-18 08:20 ID:CpYEg1Jg [Del]

Okay, sorry to bother you all, but I'm not in a great mood and feel like venting my frustration. So, here we go:
A while back, my mother organized for herself, my brother and I to go on a three week holiday to Darwin to stay with my uncle, aunt and cousins. Life was pretty shitty at the time and we wanted a break.
However, I had recently had an MRI (For the brain, spine and optic nerves) and was getting my results the day before we leave. So, we go to my eye specialist and are told that I don't have MS like we suspected (Yippee!), but instead, I have a small spot, roughly 5mm in diameter, on my brain. The specialist says that I can go and see him again in six months, he'll take a closer look and, if neccesary, send me to a nuerosurgeon. Long story short: I might have a freakin' brain tumor. NOTE: I get dizzy spells, severe headaches and migranes, loss of vision/black spots/tunnel vision, muscle spasms, ect.
We fly to Darwin, but when we get there, we are informed that they left all our luggage back in Melbourne. After a big hissy fit from my mother, we go to my aunt's house.
My mother and my aunt are VERY different.
My mother doesn't really care what we do as long as it isn't too illegal, she lets us be on electronics 24/7, she lets us stay in our rooms from the time we get home from school to the time we get up in he morning. We don't do family outings or all have dinner together, nothing like that.
My aunt, however, is VERY family orientated. She makes everyone eat together and play together and do homework together. She lets her two children (one is nine, the other twelve) have a mere three and a half hours of electronics time a week. They can't just lock themselves away like my brother and I - they have to do family stuff.
My aunt and my mother are like oil and water - both the same, but so totally different.
Now, being the introvert I am, I decided to go into my room and watch some anime. I'd had enough human contact to last me a year; I just needed some down time.
So my aunt, being herself (Don't get me wrong - I love her, but she is so hard to deal with!), goes and tattles on to my grandmother about how I 'am not social enough' and how I 'came all the way here but wont even play with her cousins'. My mother knows that she's talking about me, and doesn't like her children being badmouthed, so goes to intervene. Shit hits the fan, they fight, my mother cries, ect.
I am extroadinarily pissed at the both of them.
My aunt is always criticizing my interests in Germany and Prussia (I'm damn proud of my heritage!), my attitude (What can I say, I'm a teenager.), my reluctance to be around people and preference to be surrounded with computers. This really irritates me; she doesn't even listen to my side of the argument. Call it teen angst if you will.
My mother is quite strong headed. No point trying to argue with her, really. For instance, I buy a game, but my laptop's graphics card doesn't support it. I tell her I'll ask my father about what computer I should buy - something that will suit my needs. She goes all rage guy on me and starts calling my father a biased bastard, saying that he'll only look at it from one side of the spectrum, that kind of thing. To sum it up: she's a wee bit hypocritical.
So, my mother, brother and I go for a walk - we can't stand being in the house anymore. We go out to get some food, my mother steps on a cane toad, we pass by a few drunkards, the usual.
Let's get this straight - I'm not angry that my aunt was insulting me, I'm angry that she didn't say it to my face so we could resolve the problem. Now I'm even angrier because she made my mother cry. So, the holiday is essentially ruined, and we'll be catching a flight home at the end of the week - two weeks premature.
We've been through a lot of shit (Literally - I'll explain later.) these past two years. We came here to relax, but it's just stressing us out more.
Let's rewind.
In 2010 (I think... That or 2011.), around February, Melbourne was getting a lot of rain in the western suburbs - which is where I live. One night it got really bad. It caused raw sewerage to come up the drains and into my house. We were walking though it for what could have been hours without even noticing. We contacted our city council, our water company, and our insurance company, but nothing was done about it. We were stuck in a motel for at least a month - a tiny, one bedroom motel. I was pretty damn depressed at the time. The council did nothing to help us. Nor did anyone, really.
After that, my vision problems worsened twofold, and my health in general went downhill. I've been like that since.
My mother suffers from severe depression problems now, and I've lost all love I used to have for people and the outdoors. It isn't healthy for me or the people around me.
We are currently trying to file a law suit against the council, the water provider and the insurance company for neglecting their duty to us as their clients, and as human beings. I ask that, for the sake of our law suit, the information in this post does not leave this site, as rediculous as it sounds.
So there ya go. That's only a fragment of my story, but you get the picture. I'm not sure what I should be thinking right now, and I'd like to hear the opinions of the Dollars.
Am I a hypocrite (Probably!)? Am I being victimized? Please give me some insight.
I apologise for any possible grammar or spelling mistakes - it's dark in here.

2 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-09-18 13:32 ID:TU1bldLs [Del]

1. Life sucks. get used to that shit real quick.
2. No, you're not being victimized. Shit's going downhill, and you're taking it personally.