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Friendship Problem (5)

1 Name: ___ : 2012-03-30 21:08 ID:B/AmYLk4 [Del]

orz;; I hate that I made this but, I censored my name because even though you guys don't know me, I feel the need to. So to business.

I have two best friends and we're sort of a trio I suppose, and we've been tight like that for a while until a few months ago when I sort of started feeling hollow, they saw how sad I looked and probably figured I was being arrogant since I never looked anyone in the eye at that time, so I think they decided to go hang out with each other more, and I don't know if they still consider me a friend, or a pest. And now that I think about it, they aren't as adventurous as me, and are pretty boring, but everyone else around me is popular and I can't really make friends with them since they're so busy around their friends, also, one of the two people I'm talking about thinks whenever I'm angry (which happens to be a lot, but it's never ever directed to her), that I blame it on her, even when I explain that I'm not, then again she must figure I'm lying. Please reply to this it's like, my first crisis.

2 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2012-03-30 23:14 ID:1qZCnCtQ [Del]

why are u feeling hollow?

3 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-03-31 01:36 ID:J82At3Gf [Del]

Stuff like this just takes time, I'm sure that if you guys were all that close once, that you can become that close again. Just don't push them away anymore I'm sure you'll be fine. ^^ we're all here for you

4 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2012-03-31 02:03 ID:4fGpXQYB [Del]

Your FIRST crisis? NO WAY. Darling, you most certainly have had a lot more this! All those so-called 'minor' crisesesesses have added up to help you get through this tough time. Remember all the times you felt horrible, or depressed, or just tried to get through a stressful situation/time. Those occured in your life for you to understand and to learn how to take control when a situation goes from bad to worse.

Imma give you some secrets:
1. A lot (most i should say) of people don't believe they are popular, its really all in your head. I have the same problem, i keep thinking that people will go behind my back (hence my posts in the rage thread) and slander or gossip. Truth is, it's inevitable, but it's not as if they are going to outcast you for the rest of your life just because of one mistake. Remember that the people around you are all....well, PEOPLE. They are just the same as you, they think like you, have the same self-concious views, and undergo the same stresses and depressing craps of life just like you.

2. If you REALLY want your frends back, go and hang around with them. If you feel like you've been gone for too long, or that you're a pest to them. Address the situation, tell them how you're feeling. Say, " Guys, I just want to know...." or "Guys, I've been having a hard time recently and have been feeling..."
People should understand you, talk things through with them, but be wary of overusing the pronoun "You". When you say "You", people assume you are addressing them, and they tend to take it a little more personal.

3. Stop being angry. Whatever it is, stop being angry. I dont care if its from stress, depression, or anxiety. Just stop. Anger is a put-off. No one wants to be around an angry person, everyone wants to be put up not put down. If you don't want to be mixed up for always being angry, change your words, your tone. Practice in front of the mirror, in bed when you cant sleep, in the shower (so no one can hear you and its more normal). Using words such as "I'm fabulous this morning, I woke up and I had a good piece of toast!" instead of "I'm good." of just "Good" itself is a whole lot better. It invites people, and tells them that you're not an angry person.

And to that pesky problemo of your friend saying you blame all your angers or wutnawt on her. You really need to talk to her. What you need in your relationships right now is understanding. You need to COMMUNICATE and UNDERSTAND each other's point of views. Like i told the other person earlier, you may say one thing and mean one thing, but what the other person hears can be a completely different thing.

And by the way, practice your patience. Being patient leads you to not be so offended, if you're angry, you feel offended a lot, right? Well, don't be offended if your frends tell you how they are feeling, thats just how they feel, theyre not talking about YOU, theyre talking about themselves.

Boy this is long, so imma go now. good luck mi amiga. :D

5 Name: Zero : 2012-03-31 02:07 ID:dRNIOzIb [Del]

You aren't the only one with a crisis. I'm having one with my relationship status it sucks!