Dollars BBS | Music
















Can you recommend some cool songs? (17)

1 Name: Laylla : 2020-12-08 14:23 ID:uTi6WZfb [Del]

It was a long time since the first time I was here (I think 8 years), these days I listened Headhunt and this song made me feel like a stupid human
I mean we gonna die someday, maybe today or tomorrow... We don't know but if we could?

Naah~~~ We are ok with this?

Music makes me wanna pass away haha but is a good feeling, I don't know how to explain it

You guys don´t have this feeling that we are losing our time?

Like... live is just a waste of time

Btw can someone recommend a song to call me down? I swear that I am a good person who just need answers and good songs :)

2 Name: Laylla : 2020-12-08 14:26 ID:uTi6WZfb [Del]

damn what I wrote? lmao

3 Name: Yacob : 2020-12-08 14:58 ID:xKGD1Wuv [Del]

The ordon village theme from loz:twilight princess is a pretty chill one

4 Name: Yacob : 2020-12-08 15:01 ID:xKGD1Wuv [Del]

Also I totally forgot about the dollars stuff. Its been like 6 years for me.

5 Name: Pisces : 2020-12-10 18:45 ID:mwZKVpsS [Del]

Pisces by Riz La Vie is an incredible but underrated song it’s not widely known and I love it so I encourage everyone reading this to go listen to it.

6 Name: Sie : 2020-12-11 09:54 ID:ArhtmtFs [Del]

If you're looking for an English song then "Cancer" is in my mind for the past few days along with "Haunted", "Try", and "F***in' Perfect".
If it's in Japanese then the whole KHR Character Songs has been getting to me once more. Mostly "Arashi no Ouji", "ONE NIGHT STAR", "Funny Sunny Day", "Kie Nai Negai", "End: Res", and "Drawing Days" along with "Echo Again"

7 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-12 10:18 ID:N7hjL/iy [Del]

Any song from twenty one pilots, for me, is super cool.
Also I've been listening very often to "are you satisfied?" by marina and the diamonds

8 Name: Kimiko : 2020-12-15 21:33 ID:wcjkuM6m [Del]

All songs from Melanie Martinez are amazing so check them out. My personal favorites are: Cake, Detention, High School Sweethearts, Dollhouse, Mad Hatter.
If you don't know about Melanie, don't judge her by her cover. She may look like a cutesy idol who makes cute love pop songs but that's not true at all. Most, if not all, of her songs have a cool/cutesy tune but have a dark underlying meaning to them. It's really cool. Definitely my favorite artist!

9 Name: ThatGuy!AnOHItoBQY : 2020-12-17 16:48 ID:0HfS+SYT [Del]

>>1 Well, your whole post sounds like XIX from Slipknot, so there's that.

10 Name: liberal_snowflake : 2021-01-15 09:24 ID:2Jz4crtp [Del]

Sounds like "Nothing Even Matters" by Lauryn Hill is the song for you.

11 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2021-01-18 03:07 ID:GhYBD1kE [Del]

omarr - journey
Makes me forget everything and when it's playing the world stops and everything's perfect. + tell me what you think if you listen to it

12 Name: -Dice- : 2021-01-20 18:59 ID:LLPItNPi [Del]

13 Name: Setton : 2021-02-03 15:53 ID:PQbyg1P1 [Del]

carry on my wayward son -kansas
conqueror- feat Estelle & Jussie Smollett
powerful- feat Jussie Smollett & Alicia keys

14 Name: Jarell : 2021-02-03 18:32 ID:mN7F+qpo [Del]

Angels- Tom MacDonald
The End is Not the Answer - Three Days Grace

15 Name: Zeph : 2021-02-09 17:23 ID:r8OqAgdD [Del]

Carpenter Brut - Roller Mobster

16 Name: Truth : 2021-02-10 19:17 ID:OWUNeprg [Del]

I'd recommend most of my tunes

17 Name: Yoshiki[Knight] : 2021-03-10 21:03 ID:BrzD5j9t [Del]

"Hated by Life Itself" - It's actually a Japanese song, but this YTer made an English version.

I also recommend you Linkin Park's songs