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What are some singers with a cute voice? (10)

1 Name: MisterOlive : 2019-11-18 14:57 ID:yjVgsIPW [Del]

As the title says, are there any singers out there, be it profesionals or just people doing it as a hobby, on youtube that sing with a cute or adorable voice? The type of voice that would melt your heart and make you go "awww"

Absolutely any genres are fine since I tend to enjoy most stuff.

As an example, I recently came across someone called "Helena Cake" on youtube, and that's the type of voice I mean.

Many thanks in advance.

2 Name: DanielAndYam : 2019-11-22 01:18 ID:X3ATZUO4 [Del]

Sorry but thank you very much, thanks to you I have something to listen!!!1

3 Name: MisterOlive : 2019-11-22 02:44 ID:NJctjwWs [Del]

>>2 Well, glad you enjoy it I suppose :D

4 Name: Tamotaki !whl8QrLaOo : 2019-11-22 08:33 ID:DLtIwCxk [Del]

Even if I dont know whether you like it or I understood you right, I hope this will help you a little bit!

Her name is AURORA (on Youtube)

5 Name: MisterOlive : 2019-11-22 12:49 ID:VgswLnvS [Del]

>>4 Not quite what I had in mind but still not bad. Thanks for replying!

6 Name: Takeda : 2019-11-22 21:12 ID:+mhArCq0 [Del]

Carvan palace aftermath

7 Name: MisterOlive : 2019-11-23 18:44 ID:i6I/BPKx [Del]

>>6 Great!
I actually listened to this channel years ago but it completely flew out of my mind :o

8 Name: Elly the 3rd : 2019-12-01 14:30 ID:0Pko9hP4 [Del]

Mafumafu should be just what you're looking for. He and Soraru were just hired by Nintendo to sing opening for the new Pokemon show. Here's the link to his channel if you're interested:

9 Name: devlin : 2019-12-03 05:57 ID:PIw6WZ9J [Del]

i was going to suggest mafumafu but elly beat me to the punch. id also recommend mili (camelia is my personal favorite song). and if you're feeling mafumafu you gotta listen to FPS and role-playing game, theyre two songs that he wrote and collaborated on w three other singers (soraru, sakata, and uratanuki)band it is UPLifting.

10 Name: costanza.jpg : 2020-01-17 22:10 ID:zhygpdCr [Del]