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Chill Hop/Lo-Fi Hip Hop Thread (14)

1 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-03-15 16:53 ID:SB5kEQpQ (Image: 300x168 jpg, 6 kb) [Del]

src/1489614787967.jpg: 300x168, 6 kb
Didn't see this anywhere else on here, and I'm unsure how many fans of these genres are on here (possibly just me and Bulma...), but fuck it.
This thread is for talking about our favorite artists of the chill hop/lo-fi hip hop genres, and why we like them.
For the uninitiated, chill hop/lo-fi hip hop are characterized by the following:
- Songs are typically instrumental, though not always.
- Production qualities are low, with intentional defects (hum distortion, background noise, etc.)
- Notable jazz influences are common, though not standard.

I'll start with the obvious artist, the one who is practically the godfather of it all: Nujabes.
Yeah, theres already a thread dedicated to his work, but he really is the logical artist to begin with of one wishes to begin to dive into chill hop/lo-fi hip hop. Because of his influence, these genres were allowed to take root and grow. Gotta respect the classics. Recommended tracks from this maestro: Aruarian Dance, Just Forget, World Without Words, Death Wish, and Battle Cry ft. Shing02.

3 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2017-05-02 00:32 ID:VL+Zgiia [Del]

There is a great Youtuber who does mixes with some fantastic tracks on them, his name is Axian - here is one of them

Im gonna try post something here every now and again for anyone who is interested or likes this kind of stuff. I find it very relaxing, great for studying or just zoning out a little...

4 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-05-05 06:21 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

A new artist: Birocratic, a bass connisseur hailing from New York. He recently released a new album, Beets 4. Personally, my favorite album from him is Leftovers 2, with my favorite tracks being Summereyes and La Unica. Great stuff here.
Also, nice of you to drop in Bulma. How's shit?

5 Name: Makishima : 2017-05-10 07:33 ID:132yE5EH [Del]

Let's not forget Joji, his work is brilliant I've never felt anything this strong while listening to a song

6 Name: Setton : 2017-05-10 13:36 ID:uIoGkJrc [Del]

joji is unknown and im fucking pissed cause his work is god :3

7 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-05-10 18:47 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

>>5>>6 Guess I need to check this artist out, then. A lot of high praise, here.
Another artist mention: TMB the beatmaker. His LP Methods is super solid. Recommended tracks: Wanton Soup, Computers Dream, Jazzphonic, and Mr. Lazy.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: 顔ăȘし : 2017-05-15 17:45 ID:ZF4b6Q3n [Del]

@Setton yeahhhhh, Joji is a God. He recently hasn't posted any videos as Papa Franku so I hope he's working on some new serious music instead. Actually tbh, I wouldn't even mind hearing some Pink Guy music too lol

10 Name: 顔ăȘし : 2017-05-15 17:48 ID:ZF4b6Q3n [Del]

as well from Nujabes: reflection eternal, feather, lady brown, and shiki no uta. there are many other amazing tracks he's got out there but those are what come to mind

11 Name: onchyophoran : 2017-05-15 21:21 ID:OwMUVPAc [Del]

If you're interested, here's a playlist I put together of some recommendations and related stuff

I threw a few 'curveballs' in there, but it should all vibe - lemme know what you think

12 Name: Makishima : 2017-05-23 07:38 ID:132yE5EH [Del]

@顔ăȘし Well with "I Don't Wanna Waste My Time" I guess he is planning on making more "serious music", lucky us :3

13 Name: Phantom Phox : 2017-07-20 20:12 ID:Js3dxydh [Del]

me likey lofi. me produce. me make decent stuff.

14 Name: Phantom Phox : 2017-07-20 20:13 ID:Js3dxydh [Del]

rip me i pressed space. this is the link