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Vocaloids (14)

1 Name: Red Blade : 2017-01-09 15:27 ID:ULte1HMF [Del]

Does anyone here like/listen to Vocaloids? If you do, what is your favorite song, and/or Vocaloid.

2 Name: ajjbb123 : 2017-01-10 14:55 ID:tjL3p2pa [Del]

my favorite vocaloid is luka XD i love her and my favorite song is world is mine and bad end night

3 Name: Satomi : 2017-01-11 11:56 ID:plVya+57 [Del]

So I don't know if it's a vocaloid but I've heard it was but senbonzakura

4 Name: kowakowa : 2017-01-12 00:55 ID:cvmWJCGh [Del]

My favorite Vocaloids would have to be Gakupo and Gumi! I really love how unique Gumi's voice is with each producer, and Gakupo's Whisper is heavenly. I also love the producers siinamota and nekobolo.

5 Name: Cypher : 2017-01-12 23:53 ID:LAIb2fpz [Del]

My favourite Vocaloids are Gakupo, Len, 96Neko and Oliver. Don't really have any favourite songs... love Gakupo's voice the most though.

6 Name: Rozu : 2017-01-13 03:38 ID:mBh1UOIi [Del]

My Favorite is Megurine Luka and IA. especially IA's kagerou project songs.

7 Name: Akita : 2017-01-14 08:09 ID:iO30RJ8n [Del]

I like Hatsune Miku along with lin and ren. My favorite songs are electric angel and nekomimi (cat ears)

8 Name: Mayuri : 2017-01-14 13:05 ID:1goHeEg/ [Del]

I don't really have a favorite vocaloid anymore, but more of favorite vocaloid producer. Like Wowaka, SAMFREE, Dixie Flatline, Yama, Hitoshizuku, Ryo, SuperCell, Michie M, and a handful of others I can't seem to remember at the moment. A lot of those producers have made my favorite songs.

9 Name: Lewdacriz !7UPrYS1cZ2 : 2017-01-16 16:11 ID:8uKLDKAo [Del]

IA's my favorite vocaloid (especially low-tuned IA), but like >>8, I tend to go by producers. From the top of my head, I'm a fan of MikitoP, SuperCell, Orangestar, and BarrageP. As for vocaloid tuners who cover songs, Cillia, Osamu, and GrandMasterFlames159 are my favorite.

My favorite vocaloid song right now is Sayoko, mainly IA's version shown here:

10 Name: ajjbb123 : 2017-01-18 11:12 ID:tjL3p2pa [Del]

my favorite song is bad end night and Alice the human sacrifice

11 Name: Anonymous : 2017-01-18 12:29 ID:6dZc6cS3 [Del]

tfw you love Vocaloid to the point where your listening to Vocaloid music after playing a vocaloid game and reading a Vocaloid thread
For me, Double Lariat and Interviewer have to be my favourite songs
Favourite Vocaloid is Kaito but not many people use him anymore really or I'm just not seeing any...
btw It's nice to see other Vocaloid fans :)

12 Name: Shift : 2018-06-09 02:45 ID:ym0PKbIk [Del]

I recently found Dasu who makes songs for Len in tagalog (philipino) THEY SOUND AMAZING
>>5 96Neko is technically not a vocaloid, she's a singer

13 Name: Shift : 2018-06-09 02:47 ID:ym0PKbIk [Del]

>>5 i think she would be called Utaite (a human singing songs made for the syntezators) but she doesn't sing only vocaloid songs

14 Name: FireFly : 2018-06-19 13:16 ID:DqCfBan8 [Del]

Secrets of wisteria