Dollars BBS | Music
















Need some suggestion ^^ (16)

1 Name: Thung : 2016-01-11 05:34 ID:XjTNdIZf [Del]

I would like to study while listening to some music/song, any suggestion??

**PS: Not too rock, I might dance rather than study :P
Not too soft, I might sleep rather than study :P

Thanks a lot!! ^^

2 Name: Sainō-kun : 2016-01-11 06:27 ID:D1bHLeFC [Del]

"The War On Drugs" is a good band I study to frequently. Try their album "Lost In The Dream".

3 Name: Jewel19 : 2016-01-11 14:14 ID:QIUnhMQx [Del]

If your country allows spotify, you can search for something like edm for concentration, there are a lot of recomendation there!

4 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-01-11 15:04 ID:M36QYUM7 [Del]

When I was in high school, I used to listen to a post-rock band called God is an Astronaut when I studied because it was so background-y. I can't speak for their newer music, but circa 2012 all their songs were at the same tempo, had the same basic melodies at the same volume with the same basic soft/loud dynamic shifts. it basically just worked as noise to fill that part of my brain that drifted off-topic whenever I was trying to focus on something boring.

I can't link you anything unfortunately, but here are albums I used to listen to:

All is Violent, All is Bright
A Moment of Stillness
God is an Astronaute
Age of the Fifth Sun

5 Name: Enigami : 2016-01-11 16:18 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

>>4 Seconded. Post-rock is great for work. Can't go wrong, I think.
Simlarly, I recommend This Will Destroy You. Languages is a good album. Better yet, check out Caspian. Their newest album is fantastic.

6 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2016-01-11 21:34 ID:3M3fOLJs [Del]

Thirded. Fairly non-descript but pleasant post-rock tends to be my go-to study music on the off chance I actually listen to music while studying.

Though I wouldn't lump Caspian's new record in with those groups' because it's too awesome and just distracts me instead. Just picked up a copy of it tonight actually. One of my 2015 faves.

7 Name: rrria : 2016-01-13 06:57 ID:V5h+Vf26 [Del]

video game soundtracks help me focus while studying, like super mario galaxy (╯ᐛ)╯

8 Name: ViLLiNUZ : 2016-01-13 07:52 ID:datiA0XV [Del]

The weeknd-Nomads
The Weeknd-Drinks on us (Salva Remix)

9 Name: Enigami : 2016-01-13 08:51 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

KOAN Sound is pretty good for working, as well. Check out their Dynasty EP.

10 Name: Zash : 2016-01-14 03:10 ID:2xeVuEYS [Del]

There has been research done on video game music and its benefits for the mind while studying. I would suggest that.

Or you could listen to some Nujabes <3 My personal fave.

11 Name: Enigami : 2016-01-14 06:59 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

>>10 Nooice, Nujabes. Nomak is also worth a listen. You can get a great flow going off of either of them.

12 Name: Buranku : 2016-01-16 19:13 ID:bix0Lf3s [Del]

Go on youtube and type in Le reve dreaming, click on the first video you see.
It's a very relaxing song I listen to it whenever I am writing for school or for fun.

13 Name: Barbra : 2016-01-16 20:03 ID:wekUfXad [Del]

I suggest Linger by the Cranberries

14 Name: Seth : 2016-01-16 20:13 ID:UyDt/xzb [Del]

I suggest classical it helps focus the mind my teacher also suggested it I don't mind dubstep either

15 Name: Barbra : 2016-01-16 20:14 ID:wekUfXad [Del]

I also suggest acoustic versions of your favorite songs

16 Name: Seth : 2016-01-16 20:16 ID:UyDt/xzb [Del]

Barbra Always takes my spot for suggestions :( XD