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Your Opinion on Certain Popular Songs (3)

1 Name: Ana : 2016-01-08 17:13 ID:qPWSGUvV [Del]

I have recently listened to Pharrell William's song titled "Freedom." I have read a few comments that made me wonder about the musical talent expressed in the song. I have thought of other popular songs that had similar hype of being different, innovative, or expressing great musical talent. Now, whether you consider a song to be good or bad is subjective, but even so, I would like to know your opinion of popular songs that had received similar hype. I would also like to read your opinion of the music video itself. It would be especially interesting to learn about an artist's opinion. Do you think the song deserves the hype? What popular songs do you think are over hyped, if any?

2 Name: Lurker !TPWlrPZQIg : 2016-01-08 18:15 ID:rT24VmQA [Del]

I try to have an open mind to all genres of music. For the most part, I disregard the hype and analyze the song itself first by its parts and then as a whole.

I'm basically not one to go "Holy shit, this song is absolute garbage!" My first impressions will most likely involve the actual beat, then the catchy hook, then the crescendo, finally the transition (if any) to the next track.

Behind most popular music artists is occasionally a competent producer and/or songwriter and I appreciate that.

3 Name: Ana : 2016-01-08 19:01 ID:qPWSGUvV [Del]

>>2 I'm not a music expert, or even remotely well-versed in the studies of music, but I try to analyze the complexity of the instrumentals, as well as the meaning of the lyrics (if any; a lot of the music I listen to are instrumental). I have to wonder what a well-rounded musician would have to say about the talent expressed in the popular songs which receive praise simply for being somewhat different and catchy. I may have different standards from a well-versed musician, who has much experience in actually composing music.
I do appreciate your simplicity in the interpretation of songs you consider "good" and "bad." I don't really know what standards I should set, but I attempt to analyze what I think another musician would focus on. I don't really get anywhere, unfortunately.