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The Wonder Years (4)

1 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-09-14 23:08 ID:/BK9HRB0 (Image: 960x540 jpg, 244 kb) [Del]

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For some reason I thought I'd made this thread already. Whatever. My thoughts on this band are clearer than they've ever been. This should be a breeze.

The Wonder Years are a pop punk/alternative rock band from Lansdale, Pennsylvania. Formed in the wake of a band ironically titled "The Remnants" in 2005, the 6 piece group consists of guitarists Matt Brasch, Casey Cavaliere and Nick Steinborn, bassist Josh Martin, drummer Mike Kennedy, and vocalist Dan "Soupy" Campbell. The band has released a total of five studio albums, a collection of B-sdes and a couple of split EP's with other bands from their area.

Get Stoked On It (2007)
The Upsides (2009)
Suburbia, I've Given You All and Now I'm Nothing (2011)
The Greatest Generation (2013)
No Closer to Heaven

Probably one of the most intense straight rock bands out there right now, The Wonder Years use their four guitarist line-up to produce some surprisingly dynamic and layered instrumentals, which with the passionate vocals and relatable lyrics of Dan Campbell to create some truly cathartic pop punk. Lyrical themes commonly include pre-mid-life crisis bullshit, depression, regrets and missed opportunities, regression, and basically all the emotional insecurity you thought only you went through until you grew up and realised you aren't that special. Despite this, I'm sure we all still feel it sometimes, and that's when The Wonder Years are there to help you wallow in your own self-pity until you're ready to come out of your basement again.

No? Just me then.

Alright. You can listen to The Upsides then.

2 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-09-15 10:52 ID:lPL5FdSw [Del]

Heard The Greatest Generation back when it came out and thought it was alright but it didn't grip me at all. Would the new record be worth checking out?

3 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-09-15 20:03 ID:/BK9HRB0 [Del]

>>2 I wouldn't discourage you from checking it out. My brother wasn't to hot about about The Greatest Generation either, but he really likes this one.

My first impression was that it was more of the same, but after another listen I can see some progression from their older stuff. There's a bit more of an alt. rock/emo skew, and the music itself is just better - catchier hooks and riffs, better use of layering, soloing, etc. I haven't looked into the lyrics yet, so I can't say much about them, but they sound pretty solid. My thoughts on it aren't set in stone right now, but so far I like it a lot.

I'd recommend giving The Greatest Generation a few more listens, by the way. It's a grower. It just gets so much better once you're familiar with it.

4 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-02-02 10:38 ID:xiyjsMRh [Del]

Australian tour with Knuckle Puck announced.