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Who else is a punk rocker? (63)

1 Name: Bulletproof : 2014-06-03 13:45 ID:IrPv8Alo [Del]

Someone into Green Day, Blink-182, My Chemical Romance, Sleeping With Sirens, Black Veil Brides, 30 Seconds To Mars, Asking Alexandria, Pierce The Veil, All Time Low, Bring Me The Horizon, Fall Out Boy, Falling In Reverse, Linkin Park, Mayday Parade, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, etc?
I know not all of them are exactly punk rock and there are a lot of different genres, but you get what I mean...

Post your favorite rock/punk/metal/ bands!!! That way, many of us who are looking for new bands to listen to cam actually have suggestions in here.

2 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-06-04 09:18 ID:KTkOrYOh [Del]

Not you.

3 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-06-05 04:50 ID:5UkDqeA+ [Del]

There is no hope left in this world. Genreation no hope exhibit A >>1

4 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-04 07:43 ID:qu40drBT [Del]

I'm sorry to disappoint you,Bulletproof,but none of the bands enumerated are punk rock.
The only ones coming close are Green Day , Blink-182 and All Time Low (all of them being pop punk bands).
You should get your facts straight before calling yourself a punk rocker and starting a thread about it.

5 Name: Kirito : 2014-08-04 16:16 ID:vC/3gGTk [Del]

TimeBomb don't go there, they are mostly punk rock bands, what you define as punk rock may be different to how someone else define's it, Although I would agree a couple band's aren't very punk like fallout boy and Linkin park, but band's like Green Day, blink 182, and Black Veil Brides are definitely punk rock band's. but I would like to add one band to that list, the replacements.

6 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-08-04 16:20 ID:g3fbEOVr [Del]

>>5 No. Those are not punk. A genre is not subjective. Punch yourself and you'll finally be a punk.

7 Name: Kirito : 2014-08-04 16:24 ID:vC/3gGTk [Del]

Believe me when I say I know what Punk Rock is, I've been involved in music for at least 15 year's

8 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-08-04 16:31 ID:g3fbEOVr [Del]

did your mother put headphones up to her womb?

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-08-04 17:12 ID:g3fbEOVr [Del]

>>9 Woah, that's old as fuck. I bet you remember early punk in the 70s.

11 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-05 04:10 ID:G84uLdnm [Del]

>>5 BVB are garbage wanna-be metalcore,not punk at all.Most of the bands he/she mentioned can't be labelled as punk.

12 Name: SilverLEO : 2014-08-07 05:52 ID:pn2zWsaA [Del]


13 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-08-07 11:22 ID:g3fbEOVr [Del]

>>12 I bet you got an A in grade school for reading and comprehension.

14 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2014-08-08 01:12 ID:GwjawBQk [Del]

please just kill me now

15 Name: Grey : 2014-08-08 18:08 ID:1wGeXbcu [Del]

Greenday <3

16 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-08 20:12 ID:cskWFlKE [Del]

The fuck, ain't Greenday and that kind of thing POP rock ? That's what I thought at least. I thought punk rock were groups like Bad religion or Rise Against.

17 Name: Adam Lokker : 2014-08-08 21:31 ID:IQgG4Tpd [Del]

Not pop-rock, pop-punk, and some of them are punk-rock, or used to be.

18 Name: Adam Lokker : 2014-08-08 21:33 ID:IQgG4Tpd [Del]

Also, I love My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, Pierce The Veil, etc.

19 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-08-08 22:50 ID:g3fbEOVr [Del]

>>16 plz be a troll.
>>18 Not punk, punch yourself.

20 Post deleted by user.

21 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-08-09 00:17 ID:g3fbEOVr [Del]

Can a mod please permasage this?

22 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-10 01:37 ID:sGG1UcCh [Del]

There is just too much punk in ITT.

JK. None of this is punk.
Even if it was punk, punk is dead.
Fuck off, kids.
You're late to the party.
Also, 2/10 epic troll OP.

>>21 thisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthis

23 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2015-04-13 15:30 ID:Thl0Jwsy [Del]

Punk's dead? You must be joking.

24 Name: **1 : 2015-04-13 16:07 ID:L78jcusL [Del]

Instead of pondering on what can be considered "punk" and "non-punk" I like to listen to bands like

Led Zeppelin
Van Halen
The Who
The Beatles
Pink Floyd

25 Name: **1 : 2015-04-13 16:08 ID:L78jcusL [Del]

I almost forgot my favorite The Cranberries

26 Name: PoisonGeneration : 2015-04-14 09:03 ID:AmTT7/gd [Del]

I'm into all of those bands.
You can write me on kik or tumblr if you wnat! I need people who listen to the same stuff :))
kik: killjoy_kitty13
tumblr: killjoykatthings
xoKat <3

27 Name: Marekku : 2015-12-02 18:16 ID:dzp9FoM1 [Del]

I found this thread and I think it's sad. In punk-rock is mostly about lyrics not soud. If somthing sounds like punk, but isn't about freedom, system, police, tolerancy etc. is not a real punk. Thing we gotta back to 1977.

28 Name: onchyophoran : 2015-12-02 20:52 ID:YLt4QtzK [Del]

You (kiddies) want Punk? Black Flag, Minor Threat, Iggy Pop & the Stooges, the Misfits, the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, the Clash, the Dead Kennedys, the Buzzcocks - those are punk bands, some true classics. (Nirvana could be in there too, depending on whether or not you consider Grunge a subgenre of Punk, or a standalone genre.)

To be honest, I don't know of many straight punk bands nowadays - pop punk, maybe - but not straight punk.

The few I can think of are like the Acro-Brats, the Soviettes, , Rise Against (at least in terms of themes and political bent), Bad Religion and maybe the 90s-era Green Day & the Hives.

>> Kids these days.

29 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-12-02 22:16 ID:NBJLjP4m [Del]

>>28 I've never thought of grunge as a subgenre of punk. I've always seen it more as an offshoot of hard rock. I mean, sure Nirvana were punk-influenced, but I don't think many other bands were.

This thread is retarded, though.

Also, Refused.

30 Post deleted by user.

31 Name: Enigami : 2015-12-03 08:32 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

>>29 Yeah, this thread is a bit off.
How about Suicidal Tendencies? S'pretty good, hardcore punk.

32 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-12-03 11:07 ID:EpX2ZAxa [Del]

lol OP is 12 or something

33 Name: Orpheus !roGTnOp9kA : 2015-12-03 11:46 ID:2qUuxTpC [Del]

The only thing I really like that's close to punk are Green day, All time low, Blink 182, and sum 41. I might be missing some that I like but still

34 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-12-03 17:38 ID:2Qs75/Kh [Del]

>>31 I've only heard their thrashy stuff, but they're pretty sick. "How Will I Laugh Tomorrow..." is a good album.


35 Name: HaydenTBM : 2015-12-03 18:35 ID:zBBbZyxu [Del]

I'm not ok by mcr is good

36 Name: Nynx : 2015-12-03 20:12 ID:8MGhdMOi [Del]

I'm a fan of MCR, Fall Out Boy,Linkin Park, Paramore, Skillet, and Marianas Trench.

37 Name: Enigami : 2015-12-04 06:10 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

>>34 Yeah, they're pretty good.
Are we willing to lump post-hardcore with punk, or are they too dissimilar?

38 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-12-04 07:09 ID:YPPxK42V [Del]

39 Name: XKELLIBUNNIX : 2015-12-04 15:03 ID:iKrrTb3y [Del]

I'm into all of these and 30 Seconds to Mars is actually one of my favorite bands.

40 Name: Yogarasu : 2015-12-04 15:08 ID:HMwMTD9e [Del]

All of these are good, but if your into these I would suggest Get Scared or Set It Off.

41 Name: Enigami : 2015-12-04 17:40 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

>>38 Fair enough.

42 Name: lillyana : 2015-12-04 21:40 ID:vPazUWn4 [Del]

i like pauley perrette, android lust, avenged sevenfold and metallica. theres alot more i like but these are the main ones.

43 Name: Enigami : 2015-12-06 10:44 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

>>42 Metallica and A7X aren't punk...

44 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:43 ID:81cbLsix [Del]


45 Name: Party Poison : 2016-04-11 14:38 ID:qcW1HGTq [Del]

Just so this isn't a pointless bump

Any punks? What are you listening to?

46 Name: Enigami : 2016-04-12 07:11 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

Currently getting into dance-punk. Q and Not U is a good band from this subgenre.

47 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-04-12 07:16 ID:Azkjj5By [Del]

Left Over Crack (Kinda mixed between punk and just rock, try either Shoot The Kids At School or Constructs Of State), Nofx (old albums of course) and the flat liners for now.
A friend of mine has just been sending me a shit ton of music

48 Name: Party Poison : 2016-04-12 17:02 ID:qcW1HGTq [Del]

Nofx is always good for a good spin. I've been trying to get into new stuff but I keep getting sucked back into the classics

49 Name: Tatsu : 2016-04-12 18:19 ID:knbwMo5K [Del]

Are there any other bands who have a similar style to Panic!AtTheDisco, fall out boy, or linkinpark?

50 Name: Akira0577 : 2016-04-13 22:50 ID:GZLhqY9z [Del]

For Classics definitely people need to check out:
-Sex Pistols (if you saw the anime NANA you'd know them)
-The Ramones
-Dead Kennedy's
For some underground punk definitely need to listen to:
Personally, for the "pop-punk" sub genre most people here like, I love:
- Blink-182
-Nirvana (okay they're mostly grunge but have some pop punk aspects)

51 Name: onchyophoran : 2016-04-18 09:52 ID:vYr4KdIf [Del]

I agree with >>50 on some of the classics, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention some artists/groups for you all to check out, like:
-the Misfits
-the Rollins Band
-Black Flag
-Minor Threat
-the Buzzcocks
-the Clash
-Iggy Pop & the Stooges
or even the absolute epitome of human trash, the legendary GG Allin.

For some newer/other shit you could always check out the
Acro-Brats, the Soviettes, or even some Shonen Knife records

52 Name: Kittie Noir : 2016-04-18 13:44 ID:v1BvY+rH [Del]

Get scared
Motionless in whote
Minor Threat
The Misfits
Sleeping with Sirens
Pierce the Veil
Sex Pistols
My Checimal Romance

53 Name: Bastion : 2016-04-18 17:46 ID:KaSq+ETe [Del]

A Day To Remember, who are either metal, or post hardcore.

54 Name: Enigami : 2016-04-19 07:14 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

>>53 According to their Wiki page, they're metalcore/pop punk/post-hardcore.

55 Name: Clementine-Lee : 2016-04-19 07:26 ID:lvdFsK21 [Del]

Get scared is my personal favourite ;)

56 Name: 737 : 2016-05-12 18:53 ID:OTW62lHZ [Del]

Rise Against or The Offspring anyone?

57 Name: EDM : 2016-05-14 17:23 ID:FHr7qOFm [Del]

falling in reverse and set it off

58 Name: Robo !W8aVZtVN3M : 2016-05-14 23:05 ID:Azkjj5By [Del]

Re-reading this thread made me remember that what most people think is Punk or metal is just need to fucking kill themselves and end it.

59 Name: Zuko : 2016-05-16 12:32 ID:zwBx36q5 [Del]

yes all of them

60 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2016-05-16 13:44 ID:xxV5BO6e [Del]

>>58 I agree - gives a bad name/image to one of the most important/interesting musical movements of our time.

Anyone who posts on this thread and HASN'T seen the Ramones doco 'End of the Twentieth Century' needs to ASAP. A great film.

61 Name: Litzun : 2016-05-19 21:36 ID:t2kTkVOz [Del]

I love them all fam! Mine are Relient K, Get Scared and Snow White's Poison Bite! ^^

62 Name: Tarquin : 2016-05-20 09:23 ID:w9RxHAP6 [Del]

Three Days Grace and Linkin Park are my favorite bands, but of the two I'd have to go with Three Days Grace.

63 Name: Sheena : 2016-05-20 11:13 ID:pWuNlJYD [Del]

I love all those bands, you should also try AC/DC, Skillet or System Of A Down. They're great