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Music DJ-like App suggestions (11)

1 Name: Natsukashiikun : 2014-03-19 01:55 ID:r5ODm8cU [Del]

So I'm pretty bored with my life and I want to do something. I have this idea on making my own music as I have a youtube account but no videos. I wanna know what application I should use for making them. You know, those dj-like application. I dont know if there are any threads like this or if this thread even suitable for this board. (sorry)

Please reply nicely ;-;

2 Name: ReiDoushikai : 2014-03-19 08:39 ID:/vdZtwok [Del]

If you want to edit some audio or song you can try Audacity.
But for DJ-like software, you can look at VirtualDj Home. Both of them are free. Ever try Pioneer DJ few days ago, it is free too but it need some kind of registration, so we can get the key for the installation.

Well I'm prefer to use both VirtualDJ and Audacity anyway. VirtualDJ Home Download

Uh then there's a pro version but it's paid version.

3 Name: Ari!!RV+3t7/a : 2014-03-19 09:26 ID:4oU/JKfa [Del]

Traktor DJ works nice

4 Name: Mr. Conservative : 2014-03-19 22:15 ID:iLkN3zOc [Del]

What I have always used for digital music composition is use Propellerhead Reason. Works great, lots of samples and sounds, and visually easy to use with virtual visual devices.

5 Name: Mr. Conservative : 2014-03-19 23:43 ID:iLkN3zOc [Del]

Propellerhead Reason also comes with a program called Record which allows you to record more channels simultaneously, compared to Protools which you can only record one sound at a time. This I also find it easier for mixing and mastering than Protools.

6 Name: Natsukashiikun : 2014-03-20 01:06 ID:xtXFjevr [Del]

Hm. Are all those need instruments? I only have a laptop :/

7 Name: Mr. Conservative : 2014-03-20 04:24 ID:9E0hPr/U [Del]

You don't need instruments it comes with samples of sounds so you can compose your own music and stuff. Like it shows the "machines" you're using virtually to sample the sounds and make a beat, the synthesizers you are using. I probably can't explain myself very well but check out some youtube videos of what people are making on there, and some tutorials it's really one of the best softwares for DJ type of work.

8 Name: Chreggome : 2014-03-20 13:21 ID:0dB3Atak [Del]

It's what I use.
I also use Ableton, Audacity, FL Studio, and a couple of programs made by some friends.

I would strongly recommend Max/MSP though.
It's not something you can just pick up and do, but once you get the hang of it you can make some (un)godly sounds.

9 Name: Mr. Conservative : 2014-03-20 22:08 ID:iLkN3zOc [Del]

^ I love Ableton!

10 Name: Natsukashiikun : 2014-03-20 22:37 ID:r5ODm8cU [Del]

Well I'll try them. i don't want the ones that we need to pay though.

11 Name: Chreggome : 2014-03-21 22:07 ID:0dB3Atak [Del]

>>9 Ableton has nice plugins and what not.
Max/MSP is a lot like the Max plugin for Ableton, only it's a stand alone and it's more expansive.

If you love Ableton, I would look into it.

Also, if Kuma comes around, I know he knows about a couple of really good programs.