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Feed Me (5)

1 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-02-11 20:19 ID:dVzJcXR2 (Image: 612x720 jpg, 69 kb) [Del]

src/1392171587910.jpg: 612x720, 69 kb
Feed Me is a stage name Jon Gooch has adopted for his electro-house/dubstep productions. Gooch, who is from the UK, also produces drum and bass under the alias Spor. He started Feed Me in 2008, when he released The Spell / Raw Chicken in an EP of the same name through mau5trap. He then released a series of EP's and singles over the next three years, including Feed Me's Big Adventure, Feed Me's Escape From Electric Mountain, and To The Stars. In 2013, Feed Me released his first studio album, Calamari Tuesday. Gooch has revealed in an interview he would like to released more albums under his Spor, Feed Me, and Seventh Stitch aliases in the future.

Feed Me is another one of my favorites. I discovered him through a three-way mashup of Knife Party, Skrillex, and Feed Me, and after listening to a couple of his songs I was very impressed. He is the first artist I have bought an album from without listening to it first, for good reason. He has a lot of variety, in each song and his selection as a whole. He has a unique sound that I enjoy listening to. I don't like everything he has made (Green Bottle, Chain Smoker, Trichitillomania), but the songs I do like are some of my all-time favorites (Cott's Face, Silicone Lube, Strange Behaviour). His new album, Calamari Tuesday, is really great, and while his older stuff is mostly hit-or-miss for me, there's not a single song I don't like on this album. My favorites from Calamari Tuesday are Short Skirt, Onstuh, and Love Is All I Got.

Highly recommended.

(Since it represents a specific branch of Gooch's music, I usually refer to Gooch as Feed Me when talking about music released through that name)

2 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-02-12 09:51 ID:+Hd4c5vm [Del]

I'd never actually listened to Feed Me until I saw this thread. I think I heard Love Is All I Got a while ago, but I didn't know it was Feed Me. I listened to Calamari Tuesday when I was doing some homework, and it was pretty sweet. I don't like the really high-pitched sounds and generally rough or annoying sounds he sometimes uses, but the melodies are cool. I might listen to more.

Thanks for putting some more electronic music on the music board, it's mostly rock which unfortunately I'm not really into.


3 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-02-13 06:55 ID:dVzJcXR2 [Del]

>>2 I think he's moving away from that style, given his most recent album. I'm glad you like Calamari Tuesday, I think it's his best work over-all. He's also got more albums from Spor too, so you might want to check that out.

It used to be a lot of JPOP on the board, so now there's a little more variety.

4 Name: Inuhakka !SgMoLTEonA : 2014-07-14 17:42 ID:Ob04Fyn5 [Del]


5 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-14 22:23 ID:Ob04Fyn5 [Del]

Just bumping this thread because I like Feed Me and I think you might too.

Give Short Skirt a listen.