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Les Paul vs Fender (13)

1 Name: Slender : 2013-04-14 20:16 ID:DPo8z9Aa (Image: 323x156 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1365988563817.jpg: 323x156, 9 kb
Which is Better?Les Paul or Fender and what is your favorite?My is US made Telecaster from Fender.

2 Name: Svecia : 2013-04-14 21:37 ID:KQZj0aBz [Del]

Fender is my favorite, no particular model I like best

3 Name: char16 : 2013-04-14 22:19 ID:XOS6CqCq [Del]

Well Fender is a brand where as Les Paul is a type of Gibson guitar...and I like Gibson for no other reason than that is the type my parents had.

4 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-04-14 23:16 ID:bOyHRxYk [Del]

Like >>3 said. Les Paul is a specific model, not a company. Anyways...

I really haven't played much for Gibson's. Actually, I'm not sure I've EVER played a Gibson. My brother did have a Les Paul copy from some other company, and it was good I guess.

Personally though, I just got a Fender Tele from my uncle, and I absolutely adore it.

5 Name: SkullsNBones : 2013-04-15 00:03 ID:nzlKsiIv [Del]

They're both great depending on the model, but well over-priced and over-rated. I think electric guitars are best used for more aggressive sounds in which case just buy a Jackson or anything with EMG pickups, otherwise you'll end up paying too much just for a name. If you're not using electric guitars to distort the sound then you're using them wrong and should just go buy an acoustic guitar. Maybe a Martin.

6 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-04-15 00:18 ID:bOyHRxYk [Del]

>>5 I can't put into words how much I disagree with you. Going clean with an electric isn't "wrong". Some of my tastiest sounds are clean tones. Contrary to popular belief, there are far more genres of music than those that some EMGs would really lend themselves to. The stock single coils in my Tele? They sound wonderful clean.

7 Name: SkullsNBones : 2013-04-15 15:37 ID:nzlKsiIv [Del]

I don't dispute that there are other genres more suited for clean sounds or that clean electric sound is possible. I simply dislike using either because that's just what I like :) What kind of music do you play? Are you into metal too?

8 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-04-15 18:08 ID:bOyHRxYk [Del]

Most of the stuff I write by myself is progressive metal, (See my thread "Make your own music? Plug it here!" for link/details) but the stuff I play with my band is a weird hybrid postrock/reggae/folk/whateverwefeellike jam.

9 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-04-15 20:38 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

I don't care for the shape and weight of Gibsons. I grew up with a Fender so that's probably why.

...even though I mainly use an Ibanez now.

Fenders are great for clean electric sounds though. Quite frankly I don't see the logic in not using an electric if you want to go clean. Acoustics and clean electric guitars sound very different, and I'm with Chimera, I think the best clean tones you can get out of a guitar come from certain electrics.

10 Name: ShotaroKaneda : 2013-04-15 22:02 ID:WmNWVjov [Del]

I don't really like Fender, but I don't really dislike them either. I don't have a problem with the sound (except Squier's, those sound terrible), I actually think they sound quite good. My main problem is that they seem to specialise in strats, and I just find those ugly.

It's nitpicky, I know, but if I'm gonna get a guitar, I want it to look, as well as sound, fucking awesome.

>>7 And I don't get it? If you're into metal, you should know that clean and acoustic are different. Just what kinda metal are you listening to, anyway?

11 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-04-16 01:42 ID:bOyHRxYk [Del]

>>10 Where I took issue was the sentence "If you're not using electric guitars to distort the sound then you're using them wrong and should just go buy an acoustic guitar." The point of this statement, it is wrong to play electric any way other than distorted. If you want clean, play an acoustic. That's what it says. I couldn't disagree more, which is what I said.

I know how important a clean sound can be. I made certain to say so. I KNOW there is a difference between clean and acoustic, thus why I got upset.

And of course Squiers sound awful. <.< That's the point of a cheap guitar: It's cheap.

12 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2013-04-16 04:06 ID:nCf/6yGn [Del]

>>11 Dude, that was directed at SkullsNBones, not you.

13 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2013-04-17 00:39 ID:bOyHRxYk [Del]

>>12 bad. <.<