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help me write this plz (8)

1 Name: Azami : 2013-03-06 14:24 ID:rxtRqPe/ [Del]

when your laughing and your smiling
the whole world seems so exciting
every opportunity for the taking
and the whole world is for your making

when you are lost and alone
maby waiting by the phone
and nothing seems bright
then you get a fright
the phone begins to ring
you just want to sing

can anybody help with the rest of this song ill give you credit if it goes global thanks xxx

2 Name: Equinox : 2013-03-06 15:02 ID:Pba6Ig7A [Del]

uhhh maybe ... when im with you day and night, you make my sun shine so bright..

3 Name: Ao !VHZDH2l3Ig : 2013-03-09 10:28 ID:tzNddnLk [Del]

when my chest feel tight,you ease my fright ?? maybe...sorry..i'm bad with this

4 Name: Gamerboy : 2013-03-11 00:54 ID:LdyNzzRF [Del]

maybe... when you answer the call
people start to sing along.
(i know the words don't rhyme but if you say it out loud it kinda sounds like they do)

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-11 14:53 ID:A/EwXORY [Del]

Far be it from me to discourage a group activity, but shouldn't writing a song be about expressing your own thoughts and ideas?

I mean I'd understand if you want to do something collaboratively, but what is even the meaning of your song? Is it really just a generic love song - no other purpose? Nothing to separate it from other songs of the same type? Because it seems like you don't really care about the outcome so long as it's "finished", and honestly, I don't condone that kind of emotionless music making.

It's like writing a book. You don't write the first chapter and tell someone else to finish it - you start it with an idea in mind, with themes that you care about, a start, a finish, details. Otherwise it's trite, scattered, and doesn't convey any real meaning unless by chance alone. But even then, can you really call it your own if its intrinsic value is accidental?

I understand getting input, but as feedback and not a prompt. Like, people could critique what you have already but to ask any more of them is a bit odd, to me.

6 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-03-11 19:26 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

I was trying to find the words to say this gently, but >>5 basically summed up my thoughts.

7 Name: Gamerboy : 2013-03-11 20:22 ID:LdyNzzRF [Del]

>>5>>6 OMG, lately I have been seeing alot of people saying, you should not put that here, or you did it wrong, or bad thread. This is a sight where people can do what they want for fun, and not having people to stop it. Its just a fun little thing to do.

8 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-03-11 20:40 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

Reread our posts.
We didn't say this thread was in the wrong place. I don't know where you got that from. It definitely belongs here of all the categories we have. If OP wants to make their song, they should feel free to, however Misuto makes a very valid point that as a songwriter myself completely agree with. If OP wants help, this is the kind that could help them in the long run.

However if people said other places that a certain thread didn't belong there, there's a good chance that they're correct. This site does have rules, it's not just a free-for-all. Please read our FAQ here if you're confused or have questions.