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Song Analysis (13)

1 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-24 18:45 ID:qSroMclc [Del]

Pretty much it is what it is, Analise a songs lyrics and tell us what you interpret them as. Its pretty simple, weather there are metaphors ect, just explain you interpretation here, it can be a whole song or just a verse, even a line if you want.

Remember it is YOUR interpretation, so just because you may not agree with someone else doesent mean either of you are wrong, but feel free to post how you interpretedit opposed to them.

2 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-24 18:47 ID:qSroMclc [Del]

Interpret it* not interpretit XD

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-02-24 20:57 ID:QEkBgh1p [Del]

Just a suggestion - remember that there is more to a song's meaning than lyrics alone! The instrumentation and style says a lot about the message of a piece, especially one completely lacking vocals.

I like the idea of this thread though. Perhaps it would be better if one were to link songs and have others interpret them, as well?

4 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-02-24 21:00 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

I like the idea of this thread though. Perhaps it would be better if one were to link songs and have others interpret them, as well?"

I'm cool with this, but take in mind that would make it really similar to the Rate This Song thread (though that hasn't been bumped in forever). It's basically the same thing, but this one encourages more about personal opinion of the one posting as well.

I dunno, whatever is fine with me.

5 Name: Kazu : 2013-02-24 21:44 ID:qSroMclc [Del]

I like those ideas too, Im personally just looking for peoples in depth opinions and interpretations XD I find it interesting, OH and side note, make sure you post song name and artist, Though I dont thing that needed to be said just putting it out there.

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-02-26 17:06 ID:A/EwXORY [Del]

You have a point, Yata. My main concern was that the thread wouldn't really take off unless it invited alternate opinion. I mean I'm more than happy to analyze a song I like, but I just feel pretentious doing so. Might just be me.

I'll get around to this when I find a song I'd want to analyze :u

7 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-05 04:03 ID:A/EwXORY [Del]

Bump - I like this thread, but haven't gotten around to contributing yet :I

8 Name: Musician : 2013-03-17 22:30 ID:cvUg8s6W [Del]

Alright I got one.
Copeland-The last time he saw Dorie
"He's in love with tragedy, in love with tragedy
She was a wreck, but he loved her
She was a wreck, but so was he
And the last time he saw Dorie, he didn't know what to say but
'Thank you because you loved me, it's all on me
cause I didn't want to stay, I didn't want to stay...'

Live, live, live because you love, love, love
And love will make you give, give, give
And give in when you break, break, break
But you just want to fix yourself
Just to break again... "
So this song is rather slow and has breaks in between the lyrics. The first part is sang by a guy and the second is sang by a girl singing at the guy.
I think the coolest part of this is "But you just want to fix yourself
Just to break again"
I think there's something that happens when we break down from stress or depression or whatever have you. And that final breaking point does something to us(I can't really up it in words sorry) But basically she is saying you fix your life up just to see it fall apart.
I can kind of relate to it because there are times where I'm living life and it's just going good, I mean life is just great, But to me it's kind of boring not having any problems, how can we know the light if we don't know the darkness, same goes for emotions, how can we truly enjoy being happy without know what true sadness is. These verses have a lot of implications, if you think about them you might notice something about yourself.
Hope you liked my little 2 cents.

9 Name: Porcupine : 2013-03-18 23:55 ID:eHs16GnT [Del]

I feel like hallelujah by John Cale can be interpreted in many ways. what do you a think it means?

10 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2013-03-19 04:01 ID:SgFfXjxA [Del]

I'd like to hear a deep, meaningful interpretation of this song.

11 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2013-03-19 04:03 ID:SgFfXjxA [Del]

^ Oh, and I should probably mention that you should turn it down if there are other people around.

12 Name: Neige !kVW5pmtHlM : 2013-06-30 08:18 ID:29SW4zFN [Del]

It's weird, but I find that I appreciate the song "Elevator" by Box Car Racer more after analysing the lyrics. I'm usually more of a "music-and-melody" kind of guy, and I always felt that this song wasn't as good as it could've been with a nice heavy riff and second chorus or something to compliment that string section they introduce briefly during the outro. Actually, on that thought, they could've had an instrumental section there or something, that would've been much more satisfying. But that's never been Tom's style (before AVA, anyway, and most of them are fucking boring, really), and the sparseness of the music actually suits the lyrics nicely.

Anyway, enough rambling, for now anyway. Here's my interpretation of the lyrics.

So, the song's basically about a guy jumping off a building and killing himself. It's presented from two different perspectives, the guy who's jumping (Tom) and a guy watching from the crowd below (Mark).

So, here's Tom's bit.

"The building turned its back, ignored my call
The concrete looks too thin to break my fall
The sunset stretched across this nighttime scene
I counted people as I neared the street below."

So, yeah, Tom's part. Guy jumps of building, perhaps feeling some regret in the brief moments before hitting the floor (first line). Fairly easy to see how I came to my conclusion, it's not particularly cryptic or anything, but it struck me as particularly awesome when I realised what they were about because, well, for me it's either lyrics are important or they aren't. This band never struck me as one in which lyrics were a big deal. Don't ask me why.

"I saw it all, I saw it all go down
The shadow grew as he approached the ground
The sunset stretched across this nighttime scene
I turned away as he grew near the street below."

Mark's part, which I like a lot more than Tom's, from the view of a witness. Then we get this:

"Let's forget this all, move on."

Repeated over and over and over and over and over again, until the song ends. It's a little contrary to the rest of the song, in my opinion, as I feel that the song has somewhat bleak, apocalyptic imagery attached to it, and then this. It fits the music, though, and I love the vocals here.

So bump. This thread lives.

13 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-17 03:10 ID:IBpIemSA [Del]
