Dollars BBS | Music
















Songs that remind you of The Dollars and what we stand for (64)

1 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-02 19:05 ID:WKrSAocA [Del]

Okay,so the ideas short and sweet.I wanna know what songs and lyrics remind you of The Dollars,who we are,what we stand for,and why the song reminds you of this!I think its a pretty good idea.Post the lyrics or a link to it too please.So Ill start it of with-

Mika "Kickass" because it talks about how, we may not be cool and we may be young and broken,but we're still strong and free!

2 Name: Saberion !X4x7hNVP.g : 2012-08-03 01:13 ID:Bsfx3TaL [Del]

i think "Linkin Park - The Catalyst"
it talks about how the world is broken and how we are oppressed, but it also says how we must fight on and stand strong to over come hardships. ^_^

3 Name: Sonia : 2012-08-03 16:28 ID:23BJz+uK [Del]

In mine opinion - Nickelback - If Everyone Cared
because this song is about relations and care. I think this is what dollars could (or should) be - unconditional connection :)

4 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-03 17:33 ID:iRp6XqSn [Del]

Fuck Yata. As much as I now like Djent (which happened a week or two ago), it doesn't change that I still love Nickelback.

>>3 This. All the way.

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-03 17:36 ID:iRp6XqSn [Del]

But on the other hand, >>3 only applies to the part of the community that is into Missions.

Also, fuck vocaloid haters, because I say Paradichlorobenzene + Anti-chlorobenzene would fit us. Despite the "deep" seeming lyrics, the songs literally are supposed to mean nothing, which I think is similar to the Dollars.

6 Name: Sonia : 2012-08-03 18:06 ID:23BJz+uK [Del]

>>5 In this point i totally agree. However, this song seems to me a little hasty. On the other hand, its chaotic nature suits Dollars.

7 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-05 22:37 ID:jgxBXHhS [Del]

I use this song a lot to describe people who want to cause a change, mostly positive, and for people who want to make a difference.

Phenomenon by Thousand Foot Krutch

It talks about people who want to make a positive change coming together in order to make that difference. People shouldn't let the negativity or beliefs against theirs change what they believe in.

I think you should hear the lyrics for yourself to fully understand.

8 Name: Dux : 2012-08-07 11:04 ID:6P1fUBt2 [Del]
"You're gonna go far, kid" by The Offspring.

It just seems like a very motivational song, it's like it screams 'You're the best!'.

9 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-07 12:01 ID:jgxBXHhS [Del]

>>5 If that's what you're going by, then I'd say this fits better.

Interiass by Bulb

10 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-08-07 13:56 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

Inertiass gets my vote.

Inertiass always gets my vote.

11 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-07 20:37 ID:63O6fb5J [Del]

Interiass sounds really stupid, imo :|

Just sayin'.

12 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-08 00:01 ID:JiJltE4k [Del]

>>11 You're the one who had the brilliant idea of using a song with no meaning.

13 Name: Hedwig : 2012-08-08 04:29 ID:EO4iXOyU [Del]

Price Tag ;)

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-08 08:19 ID:63O6fb5J [Del]

>>12 But it's supposed to sound like it has a meaning, even if it doesn't. It's not supposed to sound like it has no meaning and then have no meaning.

15 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-08-08 08:51 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

Are you telling me lines like "Oh! I fart in this direction, it's smelling like an afterbirth, baking this lovely cake: My very recipe has been used against me to create this unearthly gassage!"
aren't meaningful?


16 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-08 09:35 ID:JiJltE4k [Del]

>>14 So, you're saying that The Dollars looks like they have a meaning, but they really don't?

17 Name: Master-Sama : 2012-08-08 11:01 ID:wYqicE9b [Del]

>>16>>15 Don't turn this music thread into an argument thread ok? Obviously we have a meaning and there's no need to turn this into a f-cking problem so take this somewhere else!

The song I'd choose for the dollars would "White Flag Warriors" by Flobots. Because it's talking about how we want peace and how we want a peaceful future for us. The line that stands out to me is " This is LOVE, This not TREASON" Because, I was doing them "TAKE WHAT YOU NEED" mission ( If u've done it, u'll know) and I decided to put one of my flyers in my building, but the people in charge wouldn't let me put it up for "religous reasons" as if I was a blasphemous traitor to them... That's why i think it suits us... even if just alittle bit.

18 Name: Master-Sama : 2012-08-08 11:14 ID:wYqicE9b [Del]

World worth dying for by Rise against

This song suits us as well, because we are doing what we can for the world in our own ways. It is a world worth dying for!!^^

19 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-08 19:34 ID:yTYp9aPs [Del]

Bumping my own thrad here

If today was your last day-nickle back

In the video,you see people doing things for the good,and the song is talking about calling old friends and donating money and forgiving your has such agood vibe~~~!

20 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-08 19:37 ID:yTYp9aPs [Del]

>>16>>15 speaking of forgiving enemies,I think thats something you two could stand to do here in this situation...

21 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-08 19:48 ID:JiJltE4k [Del]

>>17 >>20 You two must be knew here, or been fortunate enough to not know the situation. Me and Barabi mutually dislike each other. This is nothing new. None of our "argument" as your two see it, is serious. We're not mad at each other. We were having a discussion.

This is what happened. Barabi chose a song because it has no meaning. I decided it'd be funny to post that song, because it's stupid, and say that it would work as well, for it have no meaning. Yata, being himself, was also joking around. I stated the obvious, and he was being sarcastic. Me and him are on good grounds.

If there was any arguing going on here, it would have been between me and Barabi. It would have been a huge shitfest. It would be over with by now. It usually only happens when either of us is in a bad mood. Judging from what I've seen recently, she's not in a bad mood. I'm kind of pissed, but not to the point in actually taking it out on her. I've been perfectly fine bitching at the Rage Thread. There also would have been long posts and lots of cussing.

You see? No forgiveness necessary.

PS. I'm still kind of happy with Barabi since she's given me that spellcheck website. I'll be thankful every time I use it for a post.

22 Name: Shadow : 2012-08-08 21:13 ID:3lRJRhLe [Del]

This is war-30seconds to mars

23 Name: Comiclove !XJTCt28uGs : 2012-08-08 21:45 ID:2Fr1hqhB [Del]

This War is Ours - Escape the Fate

Accidents - Alexisonfire


O.G. Loko - Of Mice & Men


24 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-10 20:38 ID:7nqzLZY8 [Del]

>>21 Sorry,I remember that now,I've seen you guys' little tiffs and stuff.Ima very forgetful fake blonde.

25 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-08-11 10:14 ID:Ud69HjxL [Del]

Misfit- thebandwithnoname
Young- Hollywood Undead (No clue why but it just fits in a way)
Boys & Girls - LM.C
Funny Sunny Day - SxOxU

26 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-11 13:40 ID:+jW9CKKB [Del]

>>16 Sort of. When you're first looking at it from afar, it sounds really cool and interesting, and it feels like there's some hidden goal or meaning. But when you swallow your immaturity and get right down to it, it's a really simple group with no true aim or deep intention.

27 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-11 20:31 ID:Cnob7tC6 [Del]

>>25 you didnt follow the rules....;-; make the cat cry.

28 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-08-11 20:54 ID:Ud69HjxL [Del]

>>27 I'm sorry! Don't cry, my computer was messing up so half of what I typed didn't show up ;-;

29 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-08-11 23:45 ID:JiJltE4k [Del]

>>26 I'll buy that. I can't deny it, but I kind of do think that everyone here, whether it's intentional or not, helps everyone else.

30 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-08-16 19:12 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

I completely forgot this thread already existed:

Or is this technically different? :P

Oh well, do we transfer, or keep as is?

31 Name: Naru : 2012-08-17 13:22 ID:gm/7yRXp [Del]
I think awake and alive by Skillet is a good song for the Dollars, but maybe that just me..

32 Name: Telji : 2012-08-19 23:09 ID:LGv5vzRS [Del]

Waving Flag by Canadian artist or the original by K'aan.

33 Name: Anno : 2012-08-20 20:54 ID:o0Dw2vSV [Del]

Times they are a Changin' - Bob Dylan.

It reminds me of the Dollars because we are a forever changing group (never the same). With all the craziness in the world we are here to try and make a positive difference in our own way not for selfish reasons but for the betterment of everyone.
* I enjoyed seeing all of your posts :)

[Link to song]

34 Name: deathmonger : 2012-08-23 09:27 ID:H0JJiYbE [Del]

Gold Finger - Superman
I don't know why but it just fits in but that's what I think

35 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-23 18:13 ID:WKrSAocA [Del]

>>28 s'okay ^-^

>>30 Keep it...Many apologies.I was lazy,and didnt use view all threads.I really feel like a hypocrite of sorts now...whoops.

36 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-09-01 21:47 ID:YZkKsdlq [Del]

I've recently listened to the actual words of this song, and I have to say that this song is perfect.

The song is "we're all to blame" by Sum41 (Is the band right?)

I think it fits because it's talking about how the world's full of hatred for stupid reasons, and that it's all of our fault. I think it represents us because a large amount of people here also believe that. Not only to they agree with it, but we are also fighting to change that.

That's always been my opinion of the Dollars, as well as the reason I've joined.

37 Name: Luciferus Hellsing : 2012-09-08 21:08 ID:ZfjaF6BG [Del]

What we stand for? I am sorry, but I think you will find that well over half the people on this site are horrible, nasty people who could not care less about what the Dollars stands for. It is a shame really, when there are some who really take this seriously (like myself) and then other people have to come along and ruin it. But that is this world, and I am used to it's fetid ugliness.

38 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-09-08 21:13 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]


And who might you be referring to as "horrible, nasty people who could not care less about what the Dollars stand for?"

Surely it couldn't be the people that have to put up with the daily weeaboos and other fucktards daily while still contributing and keeping a firm grip on realistic goals, could it?

No, it surely couldn't be them.

39 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-09-08 21:13 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

-didn't proofread
-redundant "daily"
-gives no shits

40 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-09-09 00:41 ID:6G/ci4t4 [Del]

You pretty much hate everyone and everything here, dontcha? Everything I see from you is in the negative.

Now, as for the whole argument over inspirational lyrics, I do believe that a piece could say just about anything so long as it held the emotions that carry the essence of the group. Now, don't get me wrong, putting lyrics that contradict the emotion can be plenty to ruin the soul of it, so:
I have a few in mind, but I need to find 'em first.

41 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-09-09 00:42 ID:6G/ci4t4 [Del]

>>40 That didn't come out right -_-
Lyrics less than emotion, but lyrics still carry their own influence on a piece.

42 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-09-11 16:42 ID:HKjzjMyz [Del]

>>37 Some of us are terrible people but that hardly means we don't care about what the Dollars stand for.
Us handful of "horrible, nasty people" are the Dollars. We embody everything they stand for.
We take it as seriously as necessary.
I think you're a little confused on what the Dollars are. So, go fuck yourself.

Anyways, on topic, I actually have a whole playlists of songs that I listen to when I'm out Dollar'ing.

The first song to come to mind would be 'We Will Walk' by Matisyahu. The line ' You are the only good thing that I have ever done. We will walk until my blood runs out. Until my heart is burnt you are not alone.' really stands out. The things I do for the Dollars are arguably the only good things I have done for society. The goals that the community gives to me are ones I hold very close, and even though they might never happen, I'll keep on 'walking' until they do or I expire.

43 Name: ShotaroKaneda : 2012-09-11 20:34 ID:LL7gkhhW [Del]

>>37 My, my, my, your personality really shines on the internet, now doesn't it?

44 Name: Swift : 2012-09-12 20:32 ID:bs4FjPfJ [Del]

This may sound completely horrible of me, but I really do believe the second OP of Durarara fits us. Complication, Rookiez is punk'd? Yeah that one. A couple lines from the chorus: "What will I draw on the tomorrow that spreads infinitely, pure white? / What will I draw on the tomorrow that reality stained pure black? What will I draw on the tomorrow that reality stained pure black?"

Seriously, anybody?

45 Name: watashi !XcKI6yCC62 : 2012-09-13 05:55 ID:sZQkbFQb [Del]

I think you misunderstand the "horrible, nasty people". I mean there are really just some fucktards like godhatesfags, but in all honesty, even though Chrome, Barabi, Crisis, Leigha, etc sound like bitches (occasionally), I think they're just being (brutally) honest.

I mean, the internet isn't full of rainbows and my little ponies (ponys?) and people aren't going to agree to everything you say and give you false hopes and dreams and shit. I appreciate the fact that even though they sound like bitches (at times), they're honest and they give their opinions as it is, unlike so many people.

So yeah. They're bitches, but they're nice bitches.

OhanddontthinkImbiasedorwhatevercauseIdontevenknowhowiwouldbebutIvehadthatpainfultwingebeforeonceortwiceanditwasntevenoversomethingbig. Dont be a prick.

46 Name: watashi !XcKI6yCC62 : 2012-09-13 05:58 ID:sZQkbFQb [Del]

Oh my, I went into the black. Sorrys.

Back to the thread,
Seven Nations Army - White Stripes

47 Name: watashi !XcKI6yCC62 : 2012-09-13 05:59 ID:sZQkbFQb [Del]

Whoop and a link (according to the rules of OP)

48 Name: Night Wolf : 2012-09-13 10:13 ID:tK6pSydY [Del]

we are the dark horses

49 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-09-14 18:27 ID:1YOCyO8y [Del]

Is this what happens when I leave for a week?My really obscure threads pop back up into the spotlight?I need to leave for five days more often,huh?

50 Name: CT (Lanikai Wishes) : 2012-09-15 14:35 ID:A76FQAvx [Del]

Unity - Shinedown

51 Name: Seagull : 2012-09-19 14:04 ID:Limawwne [Del]

We Will Rock You-Queen, or Igeneration-MC Lars

52 Name: Karu : 2012-09-19 14:35 ID:6+ODQcat [Del]

I think that the song that reminds me of the dollars is
The GazettE - A Moth Under The Skin

53 Name: Rio : 2012-09-19 16:46 ID:GxN2vfkI [Del]
this is literal XD

54 Name: Rio : 2012-09-19 17:00 ID:GxN2vfkI [Del]

annnnd this
spice and wolf but on piano ^_^

55 Name: djuxer : 2012-09-19 18:32 ID:85Dd6Krm [Del]

This song reminds me of The Dollars a lot. Its like we are in a War to Change things for the better. And the part "Is it true what they say, that words are weapons?" Words ARE out weapons.

56 Name: Happy : 2014-04-28 15:15 ID:7IfsD7q5 [Del]

Together - Krystal Meyers

57 Name: Infitix : 2014-04-28 15:36 ID:Uobtl53A [Del]

how about this?

58 Name: shinichi : 2014-04-28 15:59 ID:763E39SD [Del]

57 is right :D

59 Name: Happy : 2014-05-03 13:56 ID:7IfsD7q5 [Del]

The World is Ugly by My Chemical Romance

60 Name: Happy : 2014-05-17 11:36 ID:7IfsD7q5 [Del]


61 Name: Happy : 2014-09-07 09:56 ID:i3jVANir [Del]

Katy Perry - This Is How We Do

62 Name: BlindSamurai : 2014-09-07 13:34 ID:acsWq5H3 [Del]

"How Near How Far" by ...And You Will Know Us by The Trail of Dead

63 Name: CeltysCat : 2014-09-07 17:11 ID:WKrSAocA [Del]

How did my dead thread rise from the grave of two years ago?

64 Name: Miharu Masayuki : 2014-09-12 02:15 ID:Om8kfStU (Image: 500x500 jpg, 44 kb) [Del]

src/1410506134868.jpg: 500x500, 44 kb
Any Wakaba's Fans here?