Dollars BBS | Music
















what do you wanna hear? (6)

1 Name: girlwholikestosing : 2012-07-29 14:21 ID:WWt1+P3n [Del]

So, I'm a singer. Music is quiet literally my life. Lately I've been having a little trouble, like every writer does. I need some things to write songs about. So here's what I need. Topics. Think about...
1-The things in life that make you emotional.
2-Something you would wanna hear in a song.
3-A song that really speaks to you.

Post them here. I'll try my best to write the song then I'll post them here whenever possible.

2 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2012-07-29 14:32 ID:xi41OBWx [Del]

This would definitely fit 2 and 3, and possibly 1. A song about finding your own way in life and staying true to yourself despite society's pressures, and finding something meaningful to pursue that gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

I can never write very good lyrics. I do okay with poetry, though. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-07-29 14:38 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

Okay, lyrics and songwriting topics are something that varies greatly by the audience you're appealing to and the genre the songs are. Your range and vocal style is also important, because a mismatched genre and style will clash.

Since I myself am a songwriter, I can give you my opinion, but obviously your's and other people's will probably vary. In my opinion, possibly the worst thing you can do is have someone give you a topic to write about. It's something that has to come naturally for me, at least. If it's something I'm told to write, I very rarely actually feel pride in writing the song. Life experience is probably the best thing you can have in writing a song. For example, I have about an album's worth of songs at this point in time. One was written about my friends becoming assholes after they started trying marijuana. One was about my anger at how the current system of two parties bickering is slowly dragging the United States down. One was an ode to my hometown. Hell, one is even about my frustration with not being able to perform songs well. Something heartfelt, whether it be sadness, frustration, or joy, makes for a more enjoyable and genuine listen in my opinion.

Characters are a good way to write a song from another perspective, but in doing so, getting the point of view correct is tricky, and your choice of words is important. That's what I can tell you from a teenage guitarist/vocalist currently-bandless standpoint.

Imagine that, taking advice from a guy that hates to sing in public who wants to be a musician. Ironic, eh?

Whatever, I wish you luck in whatever you end up doing with the advice we give. Most of all, just have some fun with the writing, and if a topic pops into your head, just scribble shit down. It doesn't even really have to be sentences. Sometimes just phrases and words work and just rearrange them til they come together into a cohesive piece. Good luck! ^^

4 Name: girlwholikestosing : 2012-07-29 18:16 ID:WWt1+P3n [Del]

>>2 Here, I think I may have a basic chorus. Tell me what you think.
"I'm gonna be me~~.
No matter what you do~~
I'm free to be~~
No matter you~~~
I don't care what you say.
I don't care what you say.
So don't get in my way.

Yeah, not the best, but it'll grow.

>>3 Thanks for the advice. A lot of my songs are definitely from experience. I'm no where near the best song writer, so I'll take the help I can get. Thanks. ^_^

5 Name: Shadow : 2012-07-29 21:39 ID:9lNoZLtT [Del]


6 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2012-08-09 19:35 ID:xi41OBWx [Del]

>>4 Not too bad for a first draft. Were you thinking of a particular melody or kind of music that these lyrics would go to? I could see them fitting better or worse depending on what kind of music they go along with.