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Your Most Hated Musician (70)

1 Name: Yukihira Nigata : 2012-07-05 09:07 ID:CQ4e/xYe [Del]

Well this may sound wrong but i kinda need this for something XD
So Who's your most hated Musician

2 Name: Karloz-3Tearz : 2012-07-05 16:54 ID:hI+3HSGp [Del]

I don't really know or hate any musicians. But singers? That's a different story...

3 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-07-05 17:38 ID:o2KKhyc7 [Del]

Non-intellectual rappers/country musicians.

Like, anyone who writes songs that have no real meaning, or are just about sex/drugs/money/ect.

4 Name: !1xmxhFUCK2 : 2012-07-05 22:11 ID:4qPzPhdG [Del]

Why waste your time hating other musicians?

Focus on the good ones, and just don't mind everybody else that isn't up to your standards, however low or high they may be.

5 Name: Ralphie : 2012-07-06 16:39 ID:nGoUpLtV [Del]

I hate every artist that try to copy the original rock... is really a shame for the genre

6 Name: Fallen_Rebel_Angel : 2012-07-06 17:14 ID:et82YLid [Del]

.____. Normal responce from most, but Justin bieber and one direction. And Rebecca Black. And anyone who tries to fuck up good music.

7 Name: Ralphie : 2012-07-06 18:00 ID:nGoUpLtV [Del]

totally agree fallen

8 Name: {Insert clever name here} : 2012-07-07 02:22 ID:BubqhfIi [Del]

MILEY CIRUS. Nuff said.

9 Name: Artifex : 2012-07-07 19:21 ID:j08nMFG5 [Del]

Poison. Something about their faces pisses me off >:/

10 Name: knottedGodhead : 2012-07-07 22:40 ID:msnSw4OK [Del]

katy perry
i dont know why but i just dont like her

11 Name: Tatsu-kun : 2012-07-07 23:43 ID:T0Zt6fTX [Del]

Adam Young from Owl City. I don't know why, but I hate his voice so much.

12 Name: That guy : 2012-07-08 00:22 ID:vuguamox [Del]

Soulja Boy, just... I just can't even describe the mediocrity

13 Name: Jenna : 2012-07-08 04:49 ID:NWzRBYv5 [Del]

Brad Paisley.

14 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-08 21:42 ID:Cnob7tC6 [Del]

>>11 LE GASP!!!!!I love his voice!Its so melodic it could lull me to sleep...and his musics so dreamy,i own three of his cds!

15 Name: MikadoKida : 2012-07-08 22:41 ID:fx1ifPyM [Del]

Lil Wayne...

16 Name: LEGION(Demons) : 2012-07-09 07:35 ID:59S0+mLb [Del]

Katie Perry, Justin Beaver, Kelly Clarkson and everything like Bon Jovi, Stix, Goo Goo Dolls, Heart, Led Zepplin. They're giving me a headache...!

17 Name: Margo : 2012-07-09 10:06 ID:aJ/uNRzr [Del]

>>16 Holy shit, man! The only musician I dislike with a passion is Justin Bieber. But, Bon Jovi? No...

18 Name: Xissx : 2012-07-09 11:52 ID:0ipY31jO [Del]

>>16 Zeppelin? How do you put Zeppelin in the same category as Katty Perry, Kelly Clarkson & Justin Bieber?

19 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-07-09 12:56 ID:wOqdieME [Del]

Because he's Azazel. Durr.

Anyways, Nickleback.
For obvious reasons.

20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-09 14:23 ID:3nb9/GYh [Del]

Honestly, I just dislike a few mainstream artists right now. Justin Bieber for his extremely stupid lyrics and inability to sing like a man. Miley Cyrus for her stupid lyrics, inability to sing in general, and continuously switching images. Rebecca Black for letting her producers auto-tune her to shit. Nicki Minaj for plastering her face in make up and being a general dumbfuck who can't sing.

Seriously. Minaj bugs the shit out of me. When she first came on on the radio, I had to change the station. I still do. She has that voice that makes you want to punch yourself.

>>19 Your reasons aren't obvious to me.

21 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-09 16:11 ID:icnDjXHh [Del]

>>19>>20 Because Nipplesack sucks.

22 Name: Meto : 2012-07-09 16:46 ID:s0uDh3Uz [Del]

One Direction. Although they seem like genuinely okay guys and nice people, the music is so generic and untouching i feel sorry for anyone that truly feels anything from it.

23 Name: Anime : 2012-07-10 14:32 ID:VR4tn5xi [Del]

justin beiber

24 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-10 14:39 ID:VR4tn5xi [Del]

i agree

25 Name: Crow : 2012-07-10 19:22 ID:qSroMclc [Del]

Oasis. >:|

26 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-10 19:38 ID:KfK9V70l [Del]

justin beiber, because his name shoulden't have caps on it.

27 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-07-10 23:34 ID:pXMGIeoc [Del]

Lil' Wayne. Oh my god I hate his voice! Ugh! It just pisses me off thinking about.

28 Name: Shiro : 2012-07-11 13:29 ID:8Tx9ggtZ [Del]

Anything rap... and justin beiber, because he is just so popular and he SUCKS I want to eviscerate him.

29 Name: DN : 2012-07-11 14:50 ID:QtIpmuI1 [Del]

I would have to agree with everyone else and say justin bieber, simply because he is somewhat famous for singing, with a crap voice.

30 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-12 20:26 ID:qQN+M2LO [Del]


31 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-07-12 21:38 ID:fY/Faz4V [Del]

Oh for the love of God, PLEASE tell me that was just a shitty trolling attempt.

If you're serious, I don't...
I don't even, what the fuck are you smoking?

32 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-07-12 21:48 ID:0CDXoZFZ [Del]


Oh, and anything rap.

33 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-07-13 01:45 ID:D1ZjAavt [Del]

LMFAO is pretty annoying

but to be honest it's easier to remember musicians you liked over musicians you disliked.

Oh and there was that Hot Problems video. Yeah, the two girls in that.

34 Name: Arthur K. : 2012-07-13 09:30 ID:8YebL5gK [Del]

I have to agree with >>6 >>20

35 Name: DJ VocaPony : 2012-07-14 13:57 ID:0qu3YpIY [Del]

Justin Bieber
Katy Parry
Lady GaGa
Nicki Minaj
Black Vail Brides
Chelsea Grin
Anything Scream-o (TO make the list shorter I'll just say that I hate all scream-o music)
All pop music (once again, to shorten the list a bit)
Most rap (I don't like rap that has constant swearing. I also don;t like rap when the rappers constantly rap about how cool they are when the rest of the world know s that they suck!)
Lil Wayne (I know, it's rap, and I've already covered that. But I hate him with a passion, so I thought that I'd name him personally)
Kind Diamond
Owl City
Rebecca Black

A lot of these things are covered when I said that I hate a specific genre of music, but, I thought that I'd say them anyway to show that I hate the artist/band with a fucking passion.

36 Name: gerita : 2012-07-15 09:45 ID:tQhVJ8I2 [Del]

rap,and cheesy pop

37 Name: pokjhdbnxw!amuOBZI1yA : 2012-07-15 19:34 ID:Us7zxcBQ [Del]

I tend to dislike mainstream music a lot more now. but don't get me wrong, there is still lots of mainstream music that is still good.

I probably have to agree with >>35 , When they said anything screamo. I usually like an artist due to the sound of their voice or the sound of the instruments. With screamo, there is really nothing good about it :/

And I usually start to hate certain artists once they become too overplayed.

Most songs that I hear continuously on the radio only meet distaste by me. What makes those songs popular to other people makes them almost intolerable to me.

Insane Clown Posse

38 Name: 大虐殺!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-07-17 10:31 ID:yYmR6ttw [Del]

Let's see, almost everything you listed. I don't really mind Black Vail Brides since I nor my family listens to it. The rest.... screw em'. Plus cheesy love songs.

39 Name: Tsukkuyomi : 2012-07-20 19:01 ID:JEk5JVYc [Del]

>>11 Oh yay, someone who agrees with me! I can't stand that guy's voice DX It annoys the hell out of me.
I don't really like Justin Bieber, Brittany Spears, Miley Cyrus,most rap, and the new singer for Nightwish (but only when she tries to redo Tarja's songs). But otherwise I'll listen to most people but only their songs (I only really like a few bands as a whole).

40 Name: yuko : 2012-07-21 02:49 ID:UitW869R [Del]

justin bieber is the worst singer ever

41 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-07-05 20:13 ID:KTkOrYOh [Del]

Fuck Lorde.

42 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-06 01:08 ID:2n6wn50E [Del]

>>41 What's wrong with Lorde?

Li'l Wayne. He seems to have some credibility in the rap world, so having to put up with him as a guest artist is just inavoidable sometimes. He's also an arrogant douchebag, and why anyone likes him is something that confounds me greatly.

43 Name: XPR : 2014-07-06 02:12 ID:A+M22GZ0 [Del]

Justin MOTHERFUCKING Bieber can jump off a cliff for all I care

44 Name: 美弥子 : 2014-07-08 08:30 ID:9dsb7vg7 [Del]

>>43 I know. He's such a shithead. I liked it better when he was just starting out and actually cared about the music

45 Name: 美弥子 : 2014-07-08 08:30 ID:9dsb7vg7 [Del]

>>43 I know. He's such a shithead. I liked it better when he was just starting out and actually cared about the music

46 Name: Rin-san : 2014-07-08 11:37 ID:+qdg6KRJ [Del]

I agree with XPR. I also hate Miley Cirus and One Direction

47 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-09 22:06 ID:cnUaz+DL [Del]

Taylor Swift. Her voice is so annoying and she's become a sell-out.

48 Name: Oden : 2014-07-10 16:24 ID:4HRJjBE7 [Del]

miley cyrus ! it's not fair she gets to perform with someone as awesome as joan jett and waste studio time making really bad music ' nuff said .

49 Name: YITMAS : 2014-07-10 16:56 ID:taPRE83J [Del]

Justin Bieber. Enough said.

50 Name: Kasumi : 2014-07-12 09:44 ID:pLZ3z8sp [Del]

I have to agree with Miyako. I liked it better when Bieber was starting out. These days he's become a total shit drip, in my opinion.

51 Name: Suli Hyuga !CLCPVwPYnM : 2014-07-13 14:29 ID:mzUhUxCh [Del]

Fake ass rappers like Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne and such. The kinda people who people assume that what they do represents hip-hop. It pisses me off, it's not hip-hop, it's rap, there's a difference =_= also their music has no substance, it's all meaningless.

52 Name: secrecy : 2014-07-13 15:18 ID:6PJ3B5y2 [Del]

one direction no offense to anyone that likes them oh and i agree with everyone elses choices

53 Name: Mizuna : 2014-07-13 15:19 ID:rMNTxcsi [Del]

I have to say it's Justin Bieber and Nicki. Nicki Minaj just scares me o_o

54 Name: Frey : 2014-07-15 11:09 ID:dY5g7qHu [Del]

Sorry, but Guns N Roses is that band for me. I can't stand them, but I don't mind covers of their songs.

55 Name: Domante : 2014-07-15 12:53 ID:ibxm5TXS [Del]

Black Veil Brides. This band reminds me of these times when i tried to be an emo kid... -.- no offense but seriously i hate them

56 Name: Nemo : 2014-07-15 14:43 ID:d95qkeF8 [Del]

Anything Around Rap and Hip-Hop. Sorry, it's just not music for me.

From the pop singers - hm...maybe Miley, One Direction, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber...

Beyonce pisses me off too, IDK why.

57 Name: park hye jin : 2014-07-16 08:52 ID:B+AI3F+v [Del]

I cant stand those vocaloid singer things its cool at first but after so many people post the same song a hundred times. it gets boring.

58 Name: Suli Hyuga !CLCPVwPYnM : 2014-07-17 04:19 ID:mzUhUxCh [Del]

EVERYONE from Young Money and A$AP. It annoys me when people listen to the likes of them and go, "oh, that's hip-hop."

59 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-07-18 05:05 ID:GeVHy/BE [Del]

Dave Mustaine, need I say more?

60 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-07-18 05:05 ID:GeVHy/BE [Del]


61 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-18 06:51 ID:l2UjrZwb [Del]

>>59 I've always regarded him as kind of a lovable dick. The kind of guy you can tilt your head and go "oh, Dave" whenever he does or says something particularly stupid.

Megadeth is cool, too.

But I can see why.

62 Name: Lilium~<3 : 2014-07-19 00:00 ID:M+ZtarQ1 [Del]

Every mainstream boy band, including Beiber. (His music just makes him a boy band by himself.) Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. Okay, Taylor we know the god damn drill. You get a celebrity boyfriend, break-up with him and write a fucking song about it. It's usually that or you write about some dumb shit that immature teenagers care about.

I also hate just about every rapper, due to the fact of the matter all of there music sounds the same. They all have just about the same message. Sex, drugs, money, and crazy parties that they went to. In reality, none of that is relatable to the average person, whatsoever, nor will it ever be. Even so, if it were relatable, it has no deeper meaning!

And last but not least.........
Nicki. Fucking. Manaj.

In my opinion, all of these artists feed into the ignorance that plagues humanity and aids us in reaching our impending demise a bit faster.

63 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-07-19 01:29 ID:GeVHy/BE [Del]

>>61 Megadeth are one of my favourite bands, but Dave can just be a dick for no reason at times and its a loveable dick yes but I missed out on seeing them for the first time after being a fan for 6 years as he didnt want to do side shows with Jason (ex 'tallice Jason)


64 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-19 01:37 ID:QM3aXUQ6 [Del]

>>63 heh, I get that. The bastard had an argument with AJ Maddah and pulled out of Soundwave this year. Annoying.

>>62 Most people who have that general opinion of rap as a whole haven't heard a lot of it.

65 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-19 09:00 ID:FYfvIk86 [Del]

>>64 I used to have that opinion of rap.
Then I started listening to rap.
Now I don't.

66 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-07-19 11:02 ID:KTkOrYOh [Del]

>>65 Same.

67 Name: Suli Hyuga !CLCPVwPYnM : 2014-07-19 20:43 ID:mzUhUxCh [Del]

>>65 That just made my day. Thank you, sir, for actually giving Rap and Hip-Hop a chance.

>>62 I'm guessing your a Lorde fangirl.... hey, just a guess.
Try these out and then tell me that Rap and Hip-Hop is all about sex, drugs and partying;

Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On (
Hopsin - Ill Mind 5 (
Pro Era - Like Water (

68 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-07-21 08:54 ID:GeVHy/BE [Del]

Prescribing Mr/Ms/Mrs >>62 with Nas - Illmatic should do the trick

69 Name: park hye jin : 2014-07-21 10:47 ID:B+AI3F+v [Del]

I don't much care for jpop girls groups they give the negative stereotype to Japanese people. And I don't mean jpop ingeneral I mean akb48 etc etc etc. its the whole otaku anime nerd genre.

70 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-22 01:15 ID:FYfvIk86 [Del]
