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black veil brides (86)

1 Name: setton : 2011-12-22 07:26 ID:8JA1aZcy (Image: 2000x1531 jpg, 634 kb) [Del]

src/1324560410914.jpg: 2000x1531, 634 kb
Does anyone else like this band/? If you do what is your favorite song? mine is knives and pens.

2 Name: clancy : 2011-12-22 08:52 ID:8JA1aZcy [Del]

loves this band

3 Name: baccano : 2011-12-22 11:54 ID:Nck9GmNs [Del]

love knives and pens, havent had time to listen to any of their other songs yet =(

4 Name: GCknight : 2011-12-22 18:51 ID:HiNiT93B [Del]

love Andy Sixx. Favorite song is New Religion.

5 Name: hikari : 2011-12-22 23:36 ID:aX7VVKSE [Del]

I love black veil brides, my favorite song is between never give in and perfect weapon.

6 Name: ^samansuko^ : 2012-01-07 14:42 ID:9g7WbSsF [Del]

One of my favorites :))

7 Name: ^samansuko^ : 2012-01-07 14:47 ID:9g7WbSsF [Del]

oh and my favorite songs are All Your Hate, Knives and Pens and Sweet Blasphemy

8 Name: Soul : 2012-06-12 18:44 ID:xJbWNSJv [Del]

This band is kinda...poser-ish. I mean there like the skrillex of screamo. This is the band people say they like when you ask them "oh wahts your favorite screamo band?"

9 Name: Okami : 2012-06-12 21:29 ID:68PmsYXt [Del]

>>8 This

Everybody "loves" them, but have only really listened to like, 3 songs... They aren't even that screamo...

10 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-12 23:05 ID:Ggb8Pa8/ [Del]

This band sucks.

Do not compare Skrillex to such faggotry.

11 Name: setton : 2012-06-13 08:00 ID:c91Vh9Zd [Del]

i really like the band screamo or not

12 Name: Okami : 2012-06-13 19:43 ID:68PmsYXt [Del]

>>10 this

13 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-06-13 20:00 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

>>10 >>12 These to an extent, that said I'm not fond of Skrillex either.

And what the hell is OP supposed to appeal to? It's a dude with mall-mannequin-esque skin covered in "blood" (red food coloring) with what looks like oil on his head. Dumb no matter which way you look at it.

14 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-13 21:27 ID:7u823PqH [Del]

>>13 One of these days, I will convert you Yaya.

It appeals to faggots who are so "dark and brooding, super edgy and junk."

15 Name: Anti-Sin : 2012-06-13 22:02 ID:YDrZObmG [Del]

My favorite from this is all of it. I don't listen to New Religion and GBY. Mine is Ritual.

16 Name: KitsuneLawliet : 2012-06-15 01:14 ID:QE990uH0 [Del]

i'm sorry, if you have a problem with black veil brides and their music, then stay out of it. you arn't going to like everything others like and we arn't going to like some of the things you do. You should just get over it or keep your oppinions to yourself. To be honset, this band has saved many people from hurting themselves and i am one of them.

17 Name: Lavi : 2012-07-09 01:42 ID:VlOsFwax [Del]

Love them soooooo much!!! As I write this, I'm listening to Perfect Weapon!!! *Clearly overexcited*

18 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-09 14:25 ID:3nb9/GYh [Del]

>>8 >>9 >>10 >>13 >>14 These

>>16 Just as much as you can discuss your love for them here, we can discuss our dislike.

19 Name: Karloz : 2012-07-09 14:58 ID:hI+3HSGp [Del]

Dafuq did I just see...

20 Name: setton : 2012-07-10 14:20 ID:NXTqwRFP [Del]

o-o why are all of my old ass threads comeing back to life?

21 Name: soul : 2012-07-10 22:53 ID:fvDSF+NK [Del]

Coffin and fallen angels

22 Name: DYFI : 2012-07-10 23:40 ID:fpgfCKc8 [Del]

this is gonna give me offence thou!

23 Name: Veronica!TajKvtF51U : 2012-07-11 11:05 ID:SUEjZv1d [Del]

I used to like them but... everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

24 Name: menita : 2012-07-12 10:17 ID:mRCFS52d [Del]

love bvb and my fav song are perfect wepon and knives and pens

25 Name: RebeliousExie : 2012-07-12 19:28 ID:W6pik3Vk [Del]

I love black veil brides, awesome photo

26 Name: LEGION : 2012-10-01 10:39 ID:iQbQXwwz [Del]

I will Die For You!

27 Name: Melody : 2012-10-01 20:34 ID:Yoyd0MlT [Del]

I'm gonna miss Andy Sixx's sexy a$$ hair :'c

28 Name: Swift : 2012-10-02 17:37 ID:bs4FjPfJ [Del]

Ooh. BVB thread.

I personally liked We Stitch These Wounds much more than Set The World On Fire. The second seemed much more.... Glam. Like if you compare the videos for Knives and Pens and compare it to Rebel Love Song (Look at the title differences, for God's sake), you'll see the difference.

29 Name: Kuria : 2012-10-04 08:55 ID:hnw77U5m [Del]

mine would have to be mortitions daughter. I LOVE IT!!!

30 Name: Onyx : 2012-10-07 14:07 ID:Qx69kd3H [Del]

Kinda hard for me to choose but I like Rebel Love Song or Perfect Weapon.

31 Name: Anei : 2012-10-08 10:00 ID:b3qKRMBS [Del]

rebal yell is the shit when the sing it

32 Name: cool story bro : 2012-10-08 13:52 ID:hnw77U5m [Del]

!!!!!! rebel yell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

33 Name: AkemiChan : 2013-01-16 21:48 ID:sJi8UTlX [Del]

Perfect Weapon.

34 Name: whatsupdoc : 2013-01-17 04:14 ID:jrQaN7uQ [Del]

In The End

35 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2013-01-17 06:18 ID:pmtC22Yh [Del]

Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I fucking hate this band. They are indeed the kings of generic metal-core bullshittery. Hell, they're pretty much One Direction for hipsters.

I really want to emphasise that this band is NOT metal, because I'm really sick of metalhead wannabe's trying impress me with them. This band is METALCORE. Not metal. Metal-core. It's not an opinion, it's fact.

36 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-17 06:51 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

"pretty much One Direction for hipsters"
More like One Direction for teenage scene loners and kids that wanna act "tuff."

"This band is METALCORE"
Oh, are they? This whole time I was under the assumption the genre these guys played was called "faggotcore."


37 Name: Legion : 2013-01-17 14:20 ID:RLwhmYj2 [Del]

Yeah I hate them as well.

38 Name: lovelol : 2013-01-20 02:52 ID:8I350dZp [Del]

I LOVE black veil brides -3- AND I LOVE ALL OF THE SONGS 2!!!!!!!!!!

39 Name: Midori !XvqOrmXVo2 : 2013-01-20 15:00 ID:4iHhWD8+ [Del]

I personally really like this band. I love the songs "Saviour" and of course "Knives and Pens" but them in particular because I have a personal connection with those songs. I don't see what's wrong with liking or loving this band, nor is there anything wrong with liking One Direction, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, or any other obnoxious mainstream band in existance. Those are personally not my cup of tea, but if you like them it's perfectly fine. Don't bash on people just because they like a band or on a band just because you don't like their music. If it's not offensive or hurting anyone it doesn't make sense for you to talk shit about it. It's okay if you disagree with me though :) we're all entitled to an opinion.

40 Post deleted by user.

41 Name: Tash : 2013-01-21 23:05 ID:6/Jh8Id1 [Del]

^ THANK YOU no one gets that haha LOVE BVB specially die for you :) also anyone like Pierce The Veil??? MY FAV <3

42 Name: Mariah : 2013-01-22 10:41 ID:hlqSzDte [Del]

This band has helped me through my toughest times. The lyrics to the songs have actual meaning, meaning that lifts my spirits. These days, each song is about breaking up with someone, or trying to wins someones heart. BVB tells us to accept who we are, no matter what others may say.

Many people are not used to this punk, gothic style. Because people are not used to it, they automatically think its weird, and start to pick the goths and others.This is the constant war some people face ( like me). We have a life to live, and our minds to express. BVB express themselves through their music and way they dress, and let no one get in their way. And look at them now- famous, and inspirations for many.

43 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-22 11:09 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

.....or we pick on it because the music is terrible, uncreative, and caters to the lowest common denominator of that genre. Just sayin.

44 Name: Mariah : 2013-01-22 11:33 ID:hlqSzDte [Del]

Well, I think BVB has great music. And creative.

45 Name: Mariah : 2013-01-22 11:34 ID:hlqSzDte [Del]

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So one person might think a band is bad, another may love it. It's a matter of opinion. So... yeah.

46 Name: Mariah : 2013-01-22 11:39 ID:hlqSzDte [Del]

Quit hatin'. If picking on this band makes you feel better or "tougher", then go ahead. But for the fans of BVB, you will NEVER change our opinions.

Oh, by the way, saying you hate the band will not do you any good. It is just wasted time and effort.

47 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-22 11:43 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

Saying you like a band is also wasted time and effort. Saying anything about anything is a wasted time and effort, but this thread is here to discuss it's topic, and just as you have the right to praise them, I have the right to criticize them.

48 Name: Mariah : 2013-01-22 11:53 ID:hlqSzDte [Del]

What are you trying to prove?

49 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-22 12:03 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

Not really trying to "prove" anything. Just expressing my thoughts on them. As demonstrated by >>42, a handful of fans of these types of groups tend to think that people dislike them because they're "weird" and "not used to it" when in actuality, many just hate them because they've listened to much better music elsewhere and they don't care all that much their often-immature gimmicks and get-ups.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, certainly, but the beholder can be, and is often ignorant and unaware of it.

50 Name: Mariah : 2013-01-22 12:07 ID:hlqSzDte [Del]

Ah, but not all are ignorant. You sure can express that you don't like them, but that doesn't make the group bad. Therefore, you are unaware that YOU are being ignorant.

How about we stop this childish bickering. It's not going anywhere.

51 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-22 12:11 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

I'm not ignorant of it, because I've listened to the group before and constructively deduced why I don't like them, and how other groups I do like do what they do better and why. I'm not just spitting shit out of my mouth here, there's a science to it. :P

I'm fine with stopping this argument now too though, because you're right in that regard, it isn't going anywhere.

52 Name: Mariah : 2013-01-22 12:13 ID:hlqSzDte [Del]

Thank you :P The fight was fun while it lasted :P

53 Name: Bakyura82 : 2013-01-22 12:22 ID:6v4xL2Tt [Del]

I like more of their older songs cuz I don't like how he does inward screams now compared to when he did the outward screams that I love so much therefore my favorite sing by them is either the legacy,perfect weapon , or fallen angels.

54 Name: Paradox : 2013-01-23 01:32 ID:Qx69kd3H [Del]

I used to love Perfect Weapon but then I heard In the End....It all took off from there!

55 Name: Michiko : 2013-01-30 20:53 ID:yvWqHRzA [Del]

Same as Paradox. :) but they are at a tie atm. although. I love every single song <3

56 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2013-01-31 02:43 ID:lNf9zax1 [Del]

Still a shit band for shit people.

>>36 This.
I love you, Yata.

57 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-05-04 21:26 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

I never thought I'd see the day where I had to bump this, but here I am.

58 Name: Spencer@ : 2013-05-17 23:42 ID:s4rL/ZmR [Del]

these guys are my heroes :)

59 Name: Zenith : 2013-05-18 20:09 ID:5zGk23JB [Del]

I love this band... especialy their "Fallen angels".

60 Name: Hadesnake : 2013-05-19 19:57 ID:Z4IKphQ1 [Del]

I love this band! The KISS of this era. Rebel Love Song, Legacy, & Fallen Angels are on my PSP. That's right! I refuse to get a VETA!

61 Name: nya : 2013-05-20 13:22 ID:H426BdmF [Del]

i love bvb my favorite song is knives and pens two and the video is really good too

62 Name: Raven : 2013-05-20 13:44 ID:b+PoJfrf [Del]

I love this band and i love the song In the end

63 Name: Shizu Gem : 2013-05-20 16:19 ID:bm2OORaE [Del]

Andrew Biersack, looking awesome then and now too

64 Name: Crimson T : 2013-05-21 19:08 ID:RFT/UvOi [Del]

Knives and Pens was really bomb. Go BVB.

65 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-21 20:36 ID:al6VOpRu [Del]

Knives and pens is a song made by black veil brides

66 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-21 20:37 ID:al6VOpRu [Del]

My favorite song is I am bullet proof

67 Name: Mariah : 2013-05-24 17:01 ID:eNAgUPX0 [Del]

Yeah, this band is pretty wicked :3 I personally enjoyed the song "Knives and Pens" and "We Stitch These Wounds"

68 Name: Asmodeus : 2013-06-19 23:04 ID:iopO7671 [Del]

Proud in all you are, show them every scar!! As your badge of honor. When you can't take anymore of what they're living for!! Set The World On Fire.

69 Name: PkmnTrainerRed!i.fBnRu/qc : 2013-06-21 05:39 ID:wt8QebX+ [Del]

This band...are that terrible. I cant believe there are people Dollars who can stand to listen to it. The only reason they're successful is because of their image, if people actually enjoy their music and aren't trying to "fit into a cool trend" I honestly feel sorry for them. You should really try listen to something that isn't written for 12 yr old scene girls who cut for attention. I have nothing against emo's or emo music, I actually love alot of it myself, but just read through some of their lyrics and try see past the filth they're spewing.
sagey sage

70 Name: xbunnyx : 2013-06-22 03:16 ID:kK5Pew+y [Del]

>>69 sir. I may not know this band or their songs but one thing I would like to say it respect what these people like. They all have their own reasons and that may be your opinion but sir, this is the internet. Everyone is a person who has their own likes and we don't have the right to judge them against it.

71 Name: Kazu : 2013-06-22 05:33 ID:D8cmdSoD [Del]

I find it interesting that there is only about 3 songs from this band that people like. I do not like this music, simply because well A: the music is repetitive and well..shit. B: because how they act. Now I am aware that many 'famous' people are just an act, don't get me wrong, But in all honesty do you think these people are like that? Do you think they give one singular fuck about the 'little man' or the person with problems? No. Its all about the money, argue all you want but its true, but hey if I could lie to thousands of people and get paid I would to, but I despise how they act and people act like they are doing some great service, if they actually wanted to help people they would donate money to those in need, they would go around and talk to people about their problems. At the end of the day these people are acting how they are told to act, they are singing what they are told to sing. Its a giant lie and if you seriously think that they would give one singular fuck (enough to actually get off their asses and do something ) about a kid who has a fucked up life you are horribly mistaken, Its not just them, its most bands, I just think they should admit they want money. I would respect them 1000 times more if they were just honest. Oh and by the way, you don't have to be 'emo' Goth' or 'scene' to be different. By joining those treads you actually get rid of your individuality. You are just bowing to another mainstream. Which again is fine, but just say it how it is, you aren't some unique torchered soul who is oppressed by society. Real people with real problems are everywhere. Yet you think you have the audacity to think you are worse off? or 'have it harder' That is what's pathetic. People all over the world are fucked up. Don't think you have it worse. and hey you might have it worse then some, but don't act like no one understands you because there are people starving to death across the globe and you are complaining because your girlfriend left you? Sure shit may be worse then that but try living somewhere else where every day you watch those around you die. Im now rambling, you get my point haha.

72 Name: Asmodeus : 2013-06-22 21:39 ID:nu9uords [Del]

>>70 Thank you for that.
>>71 I love this band for the fact that, even though they may not do anything on a 'personal' level, they have helped several people through hard times. I was about to commit suicide when one of their songs came on. That is the main reason I continue to listen to their songs. The final part for Set the World on Fire is "Proud in all you are, show them every scar as your badge of honor!" In other words, don't give a crap about what anyone else thinks about anything you say nor do. I respect your points, I just felt that I needed to come out and defend their fanbase.

73 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-06-22 22:01 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

One could in theory look at a scrap of dog feces on the ground when they're depressed and realize that "life sucks, but at least this excrement gives me hope that my life will never involve something as bad as pooping in public like a dog."

Doesn't mean the catalyst for the change of heart is anything more than shit though.

15 years from now all the kids who are into this will shamefully try to hide the fact that they ever enjoyed it. It's like how 80's glam metal was.

74 Name: SLAYER : 2013-06-23 00:44 ID:7LNBcHbh [Del]

My favorite was Devil's Choir. Makes me wanna cry and be happy.

75 Name: Reggie : 2013-06-23 06:37 ID:nxoJPIXH [Del]

>>72 Their fanbase is mostly 12 year old girls/12 year old faggots.

Having scars from self harm should not be a badge of honor by any means. The saying makes me want to swallow my tongue and choke to death.

But your story is kind of funny, I was about to commit suicide when one of their songs came on too.

Because it was that fucking bad.

>>73 >15 years from now all the kids who are into this will shamefully try to hide the fact that they ever enjoyed it. It's like how 80's glam metal was.

This. So hard.

76 Name: Kazu : 2013-06-24 01:29 ID:D8cmdSoD [Del]


Fucking Lol XD

77 Name: Noctis : 2013-06-24 21:14 ID:9pzxqOVW (Image: 625x351 jpg, 53 kb) [Del]

src/1372126440685.jpg: 625x351, 53 kb

78 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2013-06-26 04:17 ID:wt8QebX+ [Del]

Hear Hear Noctis

79 Name: Bulma !gfkvD0.aME : 2013-11-28 16:31 ID:pzVCmUvJ [Del]


80 Name: me : 2013-11-29 16:46 ID:0w8/Qvaj [Del]

I think its post-hardcore

81 Name: Infinitum : 2013-11-30 22:22 ID:ymtkceH2 [Del]

My favorite song is either Wretched and Divine, The Legacy, or Sweet Blasphemy

82 Name: Yorokobi : 2013-12-01 03:30 ID:pN/ClhFC (Image: 441x429 jpg, 18 kb) [Del]

src/1385890200807.jpg: 441x429, 18 kb
heard the new song In the is soooo awesome!!! :D :D

83 Name: Zamboni : 2013-12-06 02:13 ID:F1l+7vZ2 [Del]

I'm one of those weird people that listens to music for the instruments and have not really listened to the lyrics very closely in many songs, I just sorta fall in love with songs for certain instrumental aspects, and after reading some posts of this thread I guess perhaps I should pay more attention to the lyrics

but no one can be denying that the double guitar solo in their song In The End is wicked awesome, also that guitar in the music video with the pointed hooks is pretty sweet too

84 Name: Rini Yamori !DIXv5jBsv. : 2014-01-15 21:15 ID:mKivVBbO [Del]

you know this is a place were every one is equal so why does every one keep using the dirogatory term faggot it is rude and f-up also if you dont like a band dont sit there and bich about it learn to grow a pair and walk away~Rini Ps: i love fallen angels

85 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-16 06:08 ID:nxoJPIXH [Del]

>>84 This is not a place were everyone is equal.
The only terms we are equal on is that we all start out as nothing, with no weight to our words.

If you want to be equal, you need to act like it.
The word faggot is used, cry more and maybe it will make people stop.
Also, if I don't like a band I will say so, you won't deny me that freedom.
So, grow a pair and quit crying.

86 Name: kenpachi ramasama : 2014-01-16 17:35 ID:OFzBEhbk [Del]