Dollars BBS | Music
















ONline Dollars band (35)

1 Name: Kumagawa !X82HgrLHT2 : 2011-09-05 15:11 ID:CO5u87Op [Del]

Ever heard of online bands you know getting on skype and playing together who wants to start a band like that for the dollars?

2 Name: Sakashita : 2011-11-15 17:54 ID:KnI6q3Ym [Del]

That would be AWESOME! Maybe make a charity album?

3 Name: Masomi-Kun : 2011-11-15 20:36 ID:JUz11wcQ [Del]

ya im in

4 Name: ST496 : 2011-11-15 21:31 ID:p4tseupj [Del]

I would like to join one as well :o....

5 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-15 23:10 ID:Aqr0O3Sp [Del]

how would that work? i'm not too familiar with skype bands

6 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-16 01:56 ID:T+tQ3+Jo [Del]

What kinda music would we play? I'm down if we play good music.

7 Name: Zen Kawano : 2011-11-16 07:26 ID:zp/0CQ6Z [Del]

im in if you need a bassist.

8 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-16 23:04 ID:Aqr0O3Sp [Del]

>>7 lol, that's what i would do. we can have double bass though *joke drumline*

9 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-16 23:06 ID:Aqr0O3Sp [Del]

>>6 define "GOOD" lol. when it comes to music, it's a completely subjective term.

10 Name: Jose : 2011-11-17 05:36 ID:nLh6F4Y0 [Del]

my favorite is God only knows from the anime the world god only knows

11 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-18 00:53 ID:lhN7SIjm [Del]

>>9 By good, I mean music that isn't bad. From a general perspective, it would be hard for me to describe what I consider good since I enjoy such a huge range of music.

12 Name: Zen Kawano : 2011-11-18 07:37 ID:zp/0CQ6Z [Del]

>>8 haha. good one. i doubt anyone else got the joke though. but actually having two bassists is pretty awesome. i play in a band where we have no guitars just 3 basses. we sound really good or at least thats what the people tell us.

13 Name: Tanaka : 2011-11-18 08:12 ID:z9sTCBlg [Del]

I'm in! As a keyboarder or a guitarist ("guitarist" ololol, that's going a bit far)

14 Name: Tanaka : 2011-11-18 08:14 ID:z9sTCBlg [Del]

>>11 Well defining bad music is like defining good, it all comes to preferences and tastes doesn't it?

15 Name: M.I.A : 2011-11-18 08:51 ID:6tcI64HU [Del]

This sounds really interesting I wish i was musically talented I can be a devoted groupie and make t shirts and stuff for everybody!

16 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-18 12:54 ID:T+tQ3+Jo [Del]

Well whatever, I could do vocals, I'm a good singer and if for some reason you decide to do Metal/hardcore music I can scream as well. But I'd prefer the former. I'd still like to know what kind of music is being proposed.

17 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-18 13:51 ID:ZhmEcBCM [Del]

>>12 that's pretty cool and would be interesting to see. i'm in a band as well, i actually got that joke from the topic of bringing another bassist in. aside from that we haven't accomplished too much

18 Name: Tanaka : 2011-11-19 09:18 ID:aLQ/LbQj [Del]

So... why don't you people tell us what they'd like to play? I'm interested in playing almost everything I guess. Rock, metal, funk, jazz, blues...
We could try some covers to familiarize with each other!
Also, that would be a good thing to summarize who's interested for which instrument.
Tanaka: Guitar/Keyboard

19 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-19 10:44 ID:T+tQ3+Jo [Del]

>>18 Jesus thank you, why couldn't anyone else answer that? I'm down for all the same kinds of music as you.

20 Name: Tanaka : 2011-11-19 11:15 ID:aLQ/LbQj [Del]

Hell yeah :D

21 Name: TheWillower : 2011-11-19 15:33 ID:pJznnCUG [Del]

I can sing, but I only know some French and English.

I don't know jack schitt about sheet music either, I'd have to hear what it's supposed to sound like from ear

22 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-19 22:38 ID:Aqr0O3Sp [Del]

>>16 ok, i agree with that being labeled "good", i just had to know because it could have been anything
>>18 excellent idea
I like Metal/rock/alternative, but i could probably play something else if we needed to
I play Bass, but could work on rhythm guitar if i needed to.

23 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-20 12:34 ID:BXqotUra [Del]

>>22 Hahaha alright, well I'm down to do vocals. Any particular bands you'd like to sound like? Cuz we're probably going to start out doing covers right?

24 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-20 17:58 ID:Aqr0O3Sp [Del]

>>23 i would imagine so. there are no particular bands that i would personally like to sound like, but these are some of the bands that i am more familiar with and would probably be able to learn more quickly if we were to do any covers by them.
i'm the last post (45 if someone else adds onto it.) this saves me some time. I'm not against learning songs by people off of the list, just give me a song and artist and i could probably find a suitable tab. it'll just take me a bit longer to get it down becase i'm not as familiar with the songs.

25 Name: Dispute !9obbI7GK76 : 2011-11-20 22:33 ID:nOcRCpYv [Del]

I'm down for doing vocals, bass (electric or double bass) or guitar. I would be interested in playing jazz, any kind of rock, or acoustic stuff. If anyone is actually interested in this we should exchange Skype usernames.

26 Name: HazardX : 2011-11-21 17:34 ID:RRTyFkxx [Del]

I could do the drums if you'd like. Though, it'd have to be after Christmas, when i get some things replaced on my set.

27 Name: Misato : 2011-11-21 17:38 ID:f0FaZvoU [Del]

If this turns real i'd be willing to do vocals and/or keyboard, and i think I'd be willing to do almost any genre.. well, cept you know, like opera or country or something. lol.

28 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-21 18:02 ID:Aqr0O3Sp [Del]

I'm open for any genre but opera and country as well. and as i already said, i can do bass or maybe rhythm guitar (though i'd prefer bass :P) if we needed it

29 Name: Dispute !9obbI7GK76 : 2011-11-21 18:38 ID:nOcRCpYv [Del]

Well it looks like we have enough people, I can do guitar.
And Misato, I think it would be awesome if you played keys, I love keyboard/piano in rock and jazz =D. If anyone is interested in jamming tonight my Skype username is "dylanbassg" without the quotes of course.

30 Name: Dispute !9obbI7GK76 : 2011-11-22 19:45 ID:nOcRCpYv [Del]


31 Name: Tanaka : 2011-11-27 17:41 ID:NS2voNuT [Del]

+1 for the Skype username thing, because this all band stuff is going really slowly xD Mine is dark_RoxasXIII (yeah, an old nick of mine -.-). Maybe we shall create a skype group.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-27 23:37 ID:nOcRCpYv [Del]

Are you up for jamming tomorrow night?
And if you had any covers in mind i can get working on that

33 Name: Tanaka : 2011-11-28 13:05 ID:NS2voNuT [Del]

It's already pretty late for today XD And depends what night means according to your vision and your location :3 And for a cover... boh! Smells like teen spirit? :3 Except if we put a keyboard, well nothing is coming in my mind for now.

34 Name: Tanaka : 2011-11-29 13:15 ID:oGj8+fz1 [Del]

So, basically... yeah, bump. :B

35 Post deleted by user.