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Linkin Park (45)

1 Name: Aire : 2011-09-04 16:27 ID:5gEaiNE8 (Image: 300x450 jpg, 35 kb) [Del]

src/1315171649986.jpg: 300x450, 35 kb
This Band is great because they like to mix different sty7les of music! Leave your Comments about this band on what you think

2 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-09-04 17:28 ID:Bh5Vz/9y [Del]

I used to like them a lot when i was younger.
Their newest album is pretty good.
I like the electronic influence.

3 Name: Halcon Velamen : 2011-09-04 18:46 ID:4vl+jFMr [Del]

LP has been testing the waters in different genres ever since their first album. If you pay attention (it's not that hard), you can tell that Hybrid Theory used a lot of hard-rock aspects. Meteora, while still maintaining these hard-rock characteristics, also made much more use of Joe Hahn and the sampler (this is best heard in Session, track #12.) In Minutes to Midnight, LP seems to stray away from both of these, settling with a combination of soft music, acoustic instruments, and more conventional rock style. Finally, in A Thousand Suns, the band has taken more to an electronic style, and is probably most like Meteora's synthesizer style with the soft rock of MTM.
They get a lot of hate on their last two albums, but I personally think it's all great; it just takes a person that appreciates multiple genres of music to enjoy all of what Linkin Park has to offer.
So, here's to the nu metal band to rule them all!

4 Name: Xikkei : 2011-09-04 19:04 ID:b5hIwwiR [Del]

linkin park rocks all i have to say

5 Name: Yatahaze : 2011-09-04 20:28 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

I loved A Thousand Suns.

Coincidentally, I'm re-watching my videos I took at their concert in Dallas earlier this year, lol.

6 Name: Germany : 2011-09-04 23:15 ID:u3BO2OA3 [Del]

Linkin Park is complete trash now. I was a very big LP fan, for awhile actually. They were the first rock band I ever really followed, and I thought they were invincible. Everything they made was gold. And then, Minutes to Midnight came around. Everything after that was garbage. I'm very open to trying new things, but the definitely broke their mold and screwed to up. They should aspire to hearken back to their Hybrid Theory days. One Step Closer, best song ever.

7 Name: tomthecrazzy : 2011-09-05 00:30 ID:d6Z3x9uw [Del]

dont realy like them that much

somthing smells like shit.......

8 Name: xMachinae : 2011-09-05 00:48 ID:WcFzegb/ [Del]

lawl used to be my favourite band

like, i had their dvds and everything

don't like their new stuff too much but it aint bad. meh

9 Name: Street Spirit : 2011-09-05 21:23 ID:q5Lfrj+m [Del]

Idk... They just don't do it for me anymore, lol

10 Name: Yaro Shien : 2011-09-05 23:10 ID:oJZ9ABGs [Del]

There is alrady a thred on linkin Park, sorry

11 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-08-27 18:00 ID:iM2U0y3J [Del]

so, just curious, what's your favorit song by LP?

12 Name: Link488 : 2012-08-28 20:10 ID:z++8JEjt [Del]

Ok we did not just start this topic... i love them!!!! there my fav...... i know everything about them lol.
My fav song is a tie: in the end, lost in the echo, and black out.

13 Name: LEGION : 2012-10-01 10:38 ID:iQbQXwwz [Del]

To the MOSH PIT, Linkin Park!

14 Name: kitty-kat : 2013-06-18 18:48 ID:QHXoEbC8 [Del]

Linkin park is by far my favorite band :) I like their new music too

15 Name: Fruits Punch Samurai : 2013-06-18 20:18 ID:D71bS0Ed [Del]

I hate this band

16 Name: traveler : 2013-06-19 02:20 ID:WOxMXpXK [Del]

lp is da bomb, best song 4 shurs is nothing else maters!

17 Name: PkmnTrainerRed!i.fBnRu/qc : 2013-06-19 04:48 ID:5UkDqeA+ [Del]

First and Second albums were cool, terrible band nowadays

18 Name: Asmodeus : 2013-06-19 23:02 ID:iopO7671 [Del]

My girlfriend hated that I liked Linkin Park so much. She dumped me a few weeks back...but in the end, it doesn't really matter.

19 Name: Miza : 2013-06-21 12:43 ID:Tev6R06S [Del]

Theyr a good band, but they changed since Living Things, they arent the same anymore, if anyone wants to listen to Linkin Park i recommend Hybrid Theory and Minutes to Midnight

20 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-21 23:08 ID:zT2a1nsV [Del]

Even though they changed I like their music

21 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-04-12 22:27 ID:b7urATK4 [Del]

Bump. I'm actually really looking forward to their new album.

22 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-04-12 23:06 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

Didn't really care for the new single and the latest interviews with these guys are just mindnumbing to read.

I yearn for the day where they stop trying so hard and just fucking write what feels heartfelt again. Don't care what it sonically sounds like, just as long as it isn't forced and dry.

Then again this new album may totally rule and I would've got my jimmies all rustled over one subpar single. Who knows?

23 Name: Raku : 2014-04-12 23:47 ID:dRljAhA2 [Del]

Looking forward to their new album too. Guilty All the Same sounded promising to me. Reminds me of the old days if not too much.

24 Name: Water Remedy : 2014-04-13 04:24 ID:u5YqtgT+ [Del]

Big fan of Linkin Park, I've been listening to them since I was a kid but something bothers me about what a friend of mine said to me who's an even bigger fan of Linkin Park

We had gotten into a little argument about the song 'Castle of Glass' he says old LP is the only way to go... I don't think I agree with that.

25 Name: CroonerCarcinogen : 2014-04-14 18:59 ID:HdnFHW4Q [Del]

First band i ccan think of.

26 Name: Misunai : 2014-04-16 10:31 ID:5AQdExFc [Del]

I freaking love this band!!!

27 Name: ベルリン : 2014-04-17 08:08 ID:gDGxXggF [Del]

I like In The End by Linkin Park

28 Name: W : 2014-04-19 17:55 ID:jc1gOGjS [Del]

I liked meterora, hybrid theory and living things

29 Name: NessaTheSinner : 2014-04-19 19:04 ID:+Pec1pC4 [Del]

I loved their song "Lost In The Echo"

30 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-04-22 04:51 ID:5UkDqeA+ [Del]

Meteora and Hybrid are actually killer albums...

31 Name: Lost !hqbnPC3Y7o : 2014-04-22 11:23 ID:ksQj2VWc [Del]

What I love about Linkin Park is how easily one can relate to most of their songs

32 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-04-23 01:54 ID:G4uIZq1M [Del]

Call me crazy, but I've always loved Minutes to Midnight best out of their current discography. I really don't get all the hate for it. Hybrid Theory an Meteora were good, and I do like them a lot, but once you get over the overall style, the songs all kinda sound the same, for me anyway. It genre-fusion almost feels like a gimmick. And a lot of Mike Shinoda's rap verses are kinda cringe-worthy, and they pretty much dominate the two albums.

Minutes to Midnight was mixed bag, but none of the songs are really bad, a few of them are actually pretty epic. The very worst you get is probably Hiven Up, but it ain't longer than 3 minutes, and all the straightforward rock singles are pleasant enough to the ear to justify their presence. Mike raps only a couple of tracks, and in my opinion Hands Held High has some ofthe best lyrics he'll ever write. No More Sorrow, Valentines Day, The Little Things Give You Away - all killer songs.

It's the only Linkin Park album I own, as well as one of the first albums I ever bought, so admittedly I'm hearing some of this through nostalgia... ears(?). But yeah, with a band like this, I much prefer variety over consistency.

33 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-04-23 07:09 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

I would rank Minutes to Midnight in the middle of a list of LP's stuff, not because the songs are bad, since as you said, nearly all of them are great and it includes some of their best work (all the ones you listed, minus "No More Sorrow" which just doesn't do anything for me), but the killer is the mood whiplash of the disc.

The way the radio-friendly singles on the first half are thrown in between (no pun intended) the heavier tracks create a really sloppy flow that fail to keep the listener in the same mood for too long...which normally wouldn't be a problem sonically, but lyrically it's harder to take a track like "Shadow of the Day" seriously when it's preceded by the shameless verses of "Bleed It Out". Same pattern occurs before it with "Leave Out All The Rest" and "Given Up". It doesn't surprise me at all that looking back on it, my favorite portion of the disc is the second half, which aside from "No More Sorrow" has a steadier flow and more consistent tone that results in a more enjoyable listen.

Agreed, "Hands Held High" is one of Mike's most emotional performances and "The Little Things Give You Away" will remain one of the best songs they will ever create.

I still think "No Roads Left" deserved a spot on that disc in place of one of the shitty songs and to this day hate that it was delegated to B-Side status.

That's my take on Minutes to Midnight

34 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-04-26 03:16 ID:G4uIZq1M [Del]

>>33 Out of interest, which one of their albums would you say is your favourite, then?

35 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-04-26 08:29 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

A Thousand Suns is far and away my favorite. In studio they really just went grasping for straws in all directions sonically, and to me, it was a surprising success. The concept delving into human fears in forms of warfare and change was a much-needed revival to their lyricism, which I feel is downplayed to fit their audience on earlier albums and unfortunately their work after A Thousand Suns as well. The layering and mixing of sound gave the record something to enjoy with multiple listens instead of what they've done in the past.

That and it's just a really interesting record. I don't even care that some of the tracks on it are straight-up pop. They do it will when they put the effort in.

My personal Linkin Park ranking would probably go something like this:
A Thousand Suns > Hybrid Theory EP > Minutes to Midnight > Hybrid Theory = Meteora > Reanimation (some great stuff but too inconsistent) > > > > > > > > > Living Things

36 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-04-26 20:50 ID:G4uIZq1M [Del]

>>35 Given the period of tome in which I ignored them entirely, I often forget that they have more than 3 albums. I've only really listened to A Thousand Suns once, and it was while gaming, so I don't suppose I can say I've really heard it.

Personally, I wouldn't rank the Hybrid Theory EP over Meteora, there were only a couple of tracks on it that really stood out to me. Of the EP, I will say that Mike's overall performance as a rapper impressed me on it, though. His lyrics are as lame as ever, but his flow and delivery are a lot better than on the following 3.

37 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-04-27 11:05 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]

I'm admittedly not into rap much, but I'd even argue Mike's lyricism on the EP is fantastic, or at least more original and interesting than on Hybrid Theory or Meteora. There's definitely more personality there than on their albums. A dig its darker tone and grungier production (that might just be my rip though) more than what's on the albums too.

Meteora is good too. I like the instrumentation on it more than Hybrid Theory but I get less nostalgia from it compared to pretty much everything else they did during my elementary school years. Overplayed it too much at the time, I think.

38 Name: W : 2014-04-27 18:26 ID:s1R8GBj9 [Del]

Across the line ♡.♡

39 Name: W : 2014-04-27 18:26 ID:s1R8GBj9 [Del]

Across the line ♡.♡

40 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-06-16 06:28 ID:1QlVkmO+ [Del]

Nostalgia bump.

The other day when a bunch of friends and I were recovering from lack of sleep and hangovers we listened to Meteora in its entirity and it was pretty cool to listen to it again after two or three years

41 Name: astin : 2014-06-25 12:30 ID:SzKffkS3 [Del]

^over the dupe

42 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-06-25 19:46 ID:UhCospy7 [Del]

Anyone listened to The Hunting Party? Thoughts?

I liked it better than Minutes to Midnight, and MtM's actually one of my favourites by them, so that's saying something. The heavier riffage is mostly pretty pretty generic, and if it was by any other band, I'd probably dismiss it as meh. But I dunno, coupled with the typical Linkin Park-isms I've come to know and love, it's kinda epic.

Mike spends more time singing than rapping on this one, which I like. Chester's as awesome as always. I've always liked Rob Bourdon's drumming, I personally think he's one of the most underrated drummers today, and he doesn't disappoint either. I thought some of the guest appearances were pretty cool as well; at this point in my life, hearing Rakim on a Guilty All the Same was just amazing, and Daron Malakian's predictably (but awesome) SOAD type riffage on Rebellion, coupled with just about everything else on that track (basically, it's awesome)made it my favourite track on the album.

I should mention that they go a bit hardcore on a track called War. It's kinda like Victimised from Living Things, but not as good.

Otherwise, it's just about what you'd expect. Also awesome.

43 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2017-07-20 20:29 ID:Z+bfAObf [Del]

Fuck off. This too similar to Chris Cornell's death.

RIP Chester

44 Name: Chronos : 2017-07-20 23:03 ID:tn+nb8Nl [Del]

One of my favourite bands... Although I always said that they shouldn´t have changed their musical style, I still loved their music!

RIP Chester

45 Name: Anon : 2017-10-01 04:11 ID:LeN7XW3M [Del]

If you've got some time check and their project 13 Lessons Project - implement mental health on the curriculum world wide out to support mental health and their community.

Please ask professionals for feedback and share the website with fellow fans, good friends of yours and mental health supporters. You can do that on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. and in real life.

Let's help the community, make a change and end the stigma!