Dollars BBS | Music
















What Song Are You Trying To Sing? (11)

1 Name: Sakura : 2011-08-13 03:01 ID:50XnzBp6 [Del]

As the title says.
I'm trying to sing Hatsune Miku no Shokitsu ~Dead End(if I wasn't wrong). It's too fast and it looks like a great challenge for me.

2 Name: HyeMi : 2011-08-13 10:51 ID:lTBngiul [Del]

I try to sing Koi Wa Thrill Shock Suspense !!
I love that songs .. :D

3 Name: Yubel : 2011-08-13 13:22 ID:iw7ulxFY [Del]

I'm trying to sing hatsune miku's song Dead end too and another song by her and gumi matryoshka

4 Name: Chaoder : 2011-08-13 14:13 ID:ZDMUrKxs [Del]

DRRR's 2nd opening song "Complication" by Rookiez is PUNK'd. Challenge: Can't speak Japanese and to top it off I always try to sing it and play guitar all at once.

5 Name: Pokjhdbnxw : 2011-08-14 22:18 ID:I38P76Vh [Del]

I try to sing "What's up people" from Maximum the Hormone.
And also Zetsubou Billy from them as well.

It's pretty fucking hard.

6 Name: マシンガン !v0GixqO39k : 2011-08-15 01:32 ID:qtCjpCnV [Del]

"Super Bass." xD

Although seeing Nikki Minaj perform live, I can say with confidence that I am definitely a better singer than she is. xD

7 Name: Yatahaze : 2011-08-15 08:22 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

>>5 Haha, I tried learning these last year. "What's Up People" is a lot simpler with all it's repetition, but "Zestubou Billy" is still impossible for me.

8 Name: Kaori !.LunmCeUzs : 2011-08-15 23:17 ID:3LHFsXq9 [Del]

haha, this be a guud thread actually :U thurz lots o peepoh har that our trying to sing good songs, just takes practice.

>>4 man, you shoulda been here earlier and joined the first bbs chorus then /o/ unless you did already :3

i'm just trying to sing Black Papermoon in english, theres a really good fandub on yt that i'm trying to sing with so...yeah, can't hit the high notes o___________o

9 Name: NurseKitty : 2011-08-16 05:28 ID:2ow6sBgf [Del]

I'm trying to sing and record one of the following songs: Paramore's "My Heart", The Script's "If You Ever Come Back" or Rihanna's "Take a Bow"...

(Yeah... you gotta aim high. lol)

10 Name: Night : 2011-08-16 20:23 ID:Xv/HJa2X [Del]

Well that one is tough because today i've sung a ton of songs, the ones i remember singing is Evanesence "My Immortal" Taylor Swift " A perfectly good heart" and Elise Estrada "Poison"

11 Name: Aelita : 2011-08-16 20:42 ID:HhsOFec9 [Del]

I tried to sing "uragiri no yuuyake"[first DRRR intro] and "lithium" by evenescene. I wound up singing "melt" by hatsune Miku because of my high voice ^^;