Dollars BBS | Music
















YUI~lovers :) (13)

1 Name: kazexsola : 2011-05-29 01:04 ID:/znq+ygG (Image: 390x500 jpg, 41 kb) [Del]

src/1306649077196.jpg: 390x500, 41 kb
Hey guys, how many durarara fans are YUI fans too? I wonder...

2 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-05-29 01:35 ID:dj7s1LZO [Del]

>>1 I am insulted you think all of us are DRRR! fans.

I digress, I love YUI. Ever since Bleach. One of the only few things that made me watch it. That and Soul Society arc.

3 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-29 02:10 ID:0Qfj4Re3 [Del]

I liked YUI before I heard the Bleach OP ; n;

Haven't kept up with YUI in quite some time. Hell, last single I listened to was Summer Song. That was definitely almost 3 years ago.

Need to update myself on her songs one day - she's a great artist.

...Also yes, I resent the community being lumped together as "durarara fans." Not everyone here has seen it, liked it, or gives a shit about it, you know.

4 Name: Natsu : 2011-05-29 21:32 ID:CApWeclm [Del]

Love her voice~

5 Name: kazexsola : 2011-05-30 01:02 ID:/znq+ygG [Del]

>>2&3 Sorry. I generalized quite hastily and used the wrong terms. Well, this thread is for Dollars members, not only durarara fans, my bad :P :).

6 Name: furihara : 2011-05-31 06:20 ID:ZYY79mbx [Del]

me................ yaaay!!! :)

7 Name: Temeri Rallas : 2011-06-01 06:02 ID:uTUu+ujF [Del]


i like her too although i only know two of her songs...
one used in bleach and the other in full metal alchemist-again

how old is she?

8 Name: A C E R : 2011-06-03 00:32 ID:iQ+aHR/6 [Del]

me... (>v<)

9 Name: Takara : 2011-06-03 09:18 ID:GWiOn1Br [Del]

Haha Yui's pretty cool. It kind of bugs me about how I've never seen her smile in her photos...

10 Name: kazexsola : 2011-06-03 10:03 ID:/znq+ygG (Image: 670x463 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1307113394794.jpg: 670x463, 16 kb
>>7 she's born 26th of March, 1987, which makes her 24 by now :)

>>9 here's a handful of YUI smiles :D enjoy~!

11 Name: Inhibichi : 2011-06-03 15:18 ID:13wafQC4 [Del]

I have a thing for girls who play music plus how can you resist that face you know

12 Name: MystPhaze : 2012-12-09 15:12 ID:ja63aNoL [Del]

Yui is absolutely amazing. I have all her albums <3

And wow, I think it's awesome that the Dollars have grown so much that people who don't know about DRRR have also joined!

Okay back to YUI. I love her~

13 Name: Lockon.V : 2012-12-12 00:42 ID:iv5ETYTb [Del]

i love her voice, so cool and beauiful
love you YUI