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Keytars? (13)

1 Name: Kaze : 2011-05-26 03:49 ID:Y1rpL+hS (Image: 300x225 jpg, 18 kb) [Del]

src/1306399797481.jpg: 300x225, 18 kb
Anyone own a Keytar here? or does anyone know where I can get one?
I really want one of those things, Korg RK-100 if possible. ^^;;

2 Name: anon : 2011-05-27 02:08 ID:9/80r3+m [Del]

that looks amazing!!

3 Name: Akito : 2011-05-27 03:20 ID:CWqmAAH0 [Del]

I've been looking at them too, eBay has a lot

4 Name: KIEON : 2011-05-28 13:00 ID:4Zud/IQs [Del]


5 Name: Kaze : 2011-05-29 01:36 ID:Y1rpL+hS [Del]

>>4 YEAH! I actually got to know this instrument after watching K-ON

6 Name: KIEON : 2011-05-30 06:11 ID:/X2lSFup [Del]

YEAY!!! another K-ON lover^^ K-ON DAISUKE~

7 Name: Incognito : 2011-05-31 17:36 ID:ywHl7gFs [Del]

I actually liked them after I saw the movie "13 Going on 30" :) and also Victoria from Cobra Starship has one, I love her *__* (anyone like CS? just me? yeah.)

8 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-06-02 05:31 ID:Bh5Vz/9y [Del]

I'm pretty into keyboards, keytars, and most of all - Mugi.
I've yet to find a keytar I'd buy though.
Unfortunately this one would set me back into a deficit.

9 Name: Kaze : 2011-06-03 09:20 ID:Y1rpL+hS [Del]

Yeah, that's the problem of this keytar, it's way too expensive, especially because its not in development anymore.

I also found Azusa's guitar really nice: its a Fender Mustang '69 Reissue, which is pretty affordable compared to other Fenders.

10 Name: KIEON : 2011-06-03 23:31 ID:cllyAO0h [Del]

KAWAIII^^ i like Yui's Heritage Cherry Sunburst Gibson Les Paul^^ it fits her well hehehe... after seeing thier live performance so cool!!!!! but i'm more to bass actually =P but Yui is cute enough~ XD

11 Name: Kaze : 2011-06-04 08:44 ID:Y1rpL+hS [Del]

Haha my main is Bass as well. But its about time for me to get a new guitar, since mine is really hard to play on because of so many different reasons.

I'm going to get one of these models:
-Fender Mustang '69 Reissue Matching Head (OCR)
-Photogenic MG-200 (MRD)
-K-ON! Original Brand: KMG-Azusa Model
I was wondering which one I should get? The best choice would be the Fender, but I'm a student, so I wouldn't be able to afford it unless I save up my money for a long time.

12 Name: Nobody : 2011-06-05 16:44 ID:X/LUoBIg [Del]

Kaze, if your life had a face, I would punch it. Derp you know me.

13 Name: Kaze : 2011-06-05 20:12 ID:Y1rpL+hS [Del]

>>12 LOL I surely get a sense of who you are.