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Music from FFX and Kingdom Hearts (28)

1 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-12 22:32 ID:9fwMyGZ+ (Image: 307x306 jpg, 28 kb) [Del]

src/1302665522569.jpg: 307x306, 28 kb
I am into alternative/rock music, but I recently started listening to themes from those video games. My favorites are To Zanarkand from FFX and Namine's theme from KH2.

2 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-13 00:32 ID:cDCwMc2D [Del]

Ah, the final fantasy piano collections...
I used to be able to play a song from FF9, but I've since been out of practice.

Speaking of Kingdom Hearts music and piano though, I linked this on another thread once and it's still my favorite piano cover of any Kingdom Hearts song yet.

3 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-14 23:28 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]


4 Name: Hart : 2011-04-15 21:24 ID:zteF943V [Del]

Oh that Nobuo Uematsu and his piano. :o I really like the Star Onions' arrangement of XI's Vana'Diel March. preeetty good.

5 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-15 22:01 ID:cDCwMc2D [Del]

Something about the piano is just so nostalgic, or at least the way it was arranged. That song takes me back ; w;

>>3 Yes I do, albeit fairly recently - maybe a couple months now? I've heard his music on youtube before that, it's just that I subscribed recently.
That link for the duet though? I actually saw it on the other person's channel, Sherry Kim (fantasiex3). I just found the wrong link, lol
Same song, anyway.

6 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-15 23:45 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

>>5 Yeah I found Sherry Kim through Kyle. I like their To Zanarkand duet also. But I'm learning Kyle's 2008 version of Dearly Beloved. I'm so slow xP

>>4 That's a cute song! ^_^

7 Name: Hart : 2011-04-17 14:52 ID:zteF943V [Del]

>>2 that arrangement was freakin crazy... And the guy on the right REALLY got into it. I enjoyed it a lot. BUT DID THEY HAVE TO END ON A LEADING TONE!? I MEAN... THAT WAS THE SEVENTH FOR GOD'S SAKE.

8 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-17 15:37 ID:cDCwMc2D [Del]


If you saw their expressions at the end, the way they both shrugged, you can tell it was like
Kyle: "trololo unresolved leading tone"
Sherry: "u mad, music theorists?"

9 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-17 21:24 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

Haha yeah. I think that was improvised. And in the decription, he was it was a WARM UP video. I was like "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

10 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-18 14:01 ID:cDCwMc2D [Del]

Even something small like this just seems so awesome of them to do on the spot like that.

And I guess, inadvertently, this became a piano thread. Should we digress?

11 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-18 22:55 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

Haha I don't mind! I love piano music :) And the fact that they can sight read like that makes me look suckish xP

12 Name: Firo : 2011-04-19 01:23 ID:h7HakJrT [Del]

Omg so much talk about Kyle. I fought myself his version of Passion/Sanctuary theme of KH. It was really challenging, but that was last year and it's been a while since I've touched a piano.

As for favorite piano piece, FF themes are really soothing (1, 7, 9, 10, 13 are my favorites). I dont play KH but i like the themes as well. Also musician from DGM. Those are just some of my favorites (to play).

13 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-19 16:34 ID:cDCwMc2D [Del]

>>11 Piano thread it is then. Huzzah!

And yeah I was a bit hung up on not being able to read music as fast, as accurately, or improvised as they do, but I figured as long as I can at all I should be content.

>>12 I haven't played piano in a while either, man.. it feels bad forgetting. I really only remember fully how to play one song now, but I'm trying to learn another one.
It's this one, but don't click it if you haven't played (but plan to play) pokemon black/white

14 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-19 17:56 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

>>13 That's a pretty song! And I yeah, I'm happy just to be able to read music, but I still want to improve myself.
>>12 If I try his version of Sanctuary, I'd probably just stare at the sheet for 10 minutes haha

15 Name: Hart : 2011-04-22 14:37 ID:rph/6vWs [Del]

I think the piano-transition was quite natural. (Even though I'm not sure it's too different; we're still mainly discussing Square stuff.) I wish I could play the piano... my teacher died of a stroke was I was little....

16 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-22 23:07 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

>>15 Aww That's so sad! And you could always learn again.

17 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-23 04:10 ID:cDCwMc2D [Del]

It's never too late to learn, Hart.
Unless you don't have a keyboard or a piano.

Then just...sing or something. Whatever works, it's never too late to learn music :Ub

18 Name: Bakura-chan : 2011-04-24 01:00 ID:mZEdeaMT [Del]

That's true Misuto, I sing when I get tired of learning the guitar (since its the only instrument I have atm... OcO b

19 Name: Hart : 2011-04-24 18:18 ID:zteF943V [Del]

>>17 This is true. Well unless you have a degenerative disease in your hands at a late stage. Then it might be too late.
It's not that I don't do music; I'm just mildly incompetent at piano because of the whole interrupted-learning deal. I'm content with bassoon and saxophone at the moment, and piano wouldn't be first on the list of new instruments. So I guess I take back the "wish"...?

20 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-24 20:12 ID:cDCwMc2D [Del]

( ◕ ‿‿ ◕ ) You sure you want to take it back?

21 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-25 22:52 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

>>19 What new instrument are you going to learn?

22 Name: Hart : 2011-04-27 08:42 ID:qx5H9XKv [Del]

>>20 I'm on my phone so all I see are boxes in those parentheses, but I'm just gunna guess that's a Kyube face. So, NO I'M OKAY I DON'T NEED A CONTRACT JUST LEAVE ME ALOOOONE
>>21 right now, my first choice would probably be cello.
How about you guys? Or is that suitable for a new thread?

23 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-27 11:42 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

>>22 No need for a new thread. I'm thinking of learning guitar.

24 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-27 14:35 ID:cDCwMc2D [Del]

>>22 Good guess... :U

Cello, huh? I'd say that's a great choice. Though I used to play violin, so that may be my bias towards stringed instruments talking.

>>23 Acoustic or Electric?

25 Name: Hart : 2011-04-27 16:22 ID:zteF943V [Del]

>>23 What Misuto said. It seems like everyone's tried to pick up acoustic guitar at some point....
>>24 I've never played a string instrument but I've always liked the cello best. Viola's my second favorite.

26 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-27 17:41 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

Yeah I'm thinking of learning acoustic first and learn electric after.

27 Name: Hart : 2011-04-27 22:31 ID:zteF943V [Del]

>>26 seems like a good strategy to me. get those roots down or whatever.

28 Name: Raminé : 2011-04-27 23:32 ID:9fwMyGZ+ [Del]

>>27 Yeah exactly. Maybe once I learn the basics of acoustic, like notes and stuff, I should just learn electric at the same time.