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Anyone heard of Nico singers? (19)

1 Name: Valefor : 2011-04-12 20:44 ID:HyC6QlDB [Del]

for you Nico singer fans out there, which singer is your favourite and why?

for those of you who don't know what they are, they're a bunch of amateur singers and fandubbers who mostly sing vocaloid songs... go google it xDD

anyhoo~ my favourites are clear and Senka. Those two are absolutely AMAZING <3333
I have tons more, but I don't feel like listing them all xD

2 Name: aichun : 2011-04-17 03:48 ID:pQvHhDD2 [Del]

waw~! i like Sekihan and pico! there are awesome! love that!!
Clear? i think i know that.. i'll look in youtube then~

3 Name: Ohasumi : 2011-04-17 18:50 ID:PXt6rE3Z [Del]

CLEAR IS AWESOME. And ShounenT's cuteness~~ And maybe Dasoku's sekushiness~~ (_~_)

4 Name: Valefor : 2011-04-17 23:29 ID:HyC6QlDB [Del]

>>3 hey dd you know that Dasuko dyed his hair yellow? It's not even blonde but YELLOW!!! *heartbreak*
>>2 <3 Pico. Best gebderbender singer EVER!!! And I offing LOVE Sekihan's cover of Ura-Omote Lovers :D

5 Name: aichun : 2011-04-18 07:51 ID:VxXHYtIb [Del]

>>3 ShounenT?
>>4 eh?! really?!! a yellow?!! O.O yes! pico is the best~ waa~ love it too, but i love when Izaya sing two faced lover too~

6 Name: Emma : 2011-04-18 13:25 ID:c05aaPZW [Del]

clear is love <3 gotta agree o/
OH but we shouldn't forget about ASK! Definitely my top favourite! Then it's Gero ;u;

7 Name: Ohasumi : 2011-04-18 20:03 ID:PXt6rE3Z [Del]

>>4 YELLOW??? O.............O
>>5 Yes ShounenT!! <3 He's not the best singer but he looks sooo adorable. xDD Plus I love him because of his guitar skills~~ His acoustic covers are <3 Down there's one of his covers. <3 <3

8 Name: Valefor : 2011-04-18 20:59 ID:HyC6QlDB [Del]

>>5 >>7 yep yellow =__= here's his fb profile if you wanna see xD (it's the real Dasuko)

>>6 omg ASK <3333 i love his cover of Spice!
and did you guys know that those singers have their own albums? browse and enjoy xD

9 Name: Emma : 2011-04-19 22:24 ID:O57M5yd3 [Del]

>>8 IKR? <33

ASDADF WHY WAS I NOT AWARE OF THIS? I'm just going to go ahead and bow down to your greatness.

10 Name: Valefor : 2011-04-19 22:28 ID:HyC6QlDB [Del]

>>9 lol no need xD i wasn't the one who discovered this or make it :P

11 Name: Emma : 2011-04-21 08:37 ID:c05aaPZW [Del]

>>10 ;D but I wouldn't have known that that existed if you hadn't posted the link, so you still deserve a bow.

12 Name: Ohasumi : 2011-04-21 19:11 ID:PXt6rE3Z [Del]


13 Name: Ohasumi : 2011-04-21 19:12 ID:PXt6rE3Z [Del]

AND YTchorus is UH-MAZING.

14 Name: Valefor : 2011-04-27 22:33 ID:HyC6QlDB [Del]

>>12 whut? then i'm colour blind o.o
>>13 IKR?? did you know that one of their videos (i forgot which) got a reply from Halyosy complimenting them??? >O<

15 Name: Ohasumi : 2011-04-28 03:48 ID:PXt6rE3Z [Del]

>>14 YES YESS I SAW THAT. <3 To think a famous nnd artist would comment. That was the awesssommmeeesstt moment

16 Name: Valefor : 2011-04-28 23:29 ID:HyC6QlDB [Del]

I wish I was part of that lol xD
Darn my dad for breaking our only mic!!! >:(

17 Name: Riko : 2011-04-29 16:29 ID:aJNSE6cS [Del]

My personal favorites are Soraru, Nero, Dasoku and Clear is just amazing <3

18 Name: PeiJing : 2011-04-30 18:58 ID:7WjwE2VU [Del]

My favorites are Dasoku, Clear, Tourai, Nero and Yoppei~

19 Post deleted by user.