Dollars BBS | Missions




















What's the Point? (11)

1 Name: Ryu : 2021-05-26 23:57 ID:1IMUle5D [Del]

I don't really understand why this website is a thing. We all came here from an anime with the intention of helping people in the real world and forming together as a community, however I don't think I've ever seen one real fucking mission been accomplished. I feel as if this a waste due to the fact that we fantasize about helping people in the real world but in reality we accomplish nothing. There is no organization which is fine, but there is also an enormous lack of motivation. We have nothing in common and therefore cannot accomplish anything.

2 Name: bip !mzbt1.ZzkI : 2021-05-27 06:29 ID:Mat3daRq [Del]

the site was much more active before, but honestly i just used it as a place to find drrr fans, i did some missions like downloading web browsers to help organizations and similar but i just think it's a cool little thing that the website exists, i don't think it needs to be actually working and making a difference

3 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-05-27 06:43 ID:eKIKgwLy (Image: 537x386 jpg, 30 kb) [Del]

src/1622115829904.jpg: 537x386, 30 kb
Actually... nuh uh.

If you're talking about fantasizing, then maybe its just you because a lot of members that I've known here have done a lot of missions. As small and insignificant the impact we are making from doing these missions in our spare time, each and every form of contribution still counts and I think that is what matters the most.

Besides, missions are voluntary. Feel free to join the cause or just chill with the other members, no pressure.

4 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-05-31 19:37 ID:dbLUyi4h [Del]

To meet new people,learn new things, and to help others. I think that it's as close to Anonymous.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2021-05-31 21:30 ID:oz0bcqhP [Del]

I'd like to hope we could all do something as simple as clean the local area and leave a sign to show it was us, but I doubt anyone would

6 Name: Chipsa : 2021-05-31 21:56 ID:nsgHSaPc [Del]

Well said, Darkstrike!

7 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-06-01 13:05 ID:dbLUyi4h [Del]

Thanks Chips Ahoy and no problem.

8 Name: Iris : 2021-06-06 05:10 ID:nsNPc9pY [Del]

This is the problem right here. You had a rant but did u propose anything as a solution, no many people here would have a lot in common if they would talk to each other and there have been small scale meet-ups, and missions completed together in the past. we had the dollars pockets and there are members trying to make this more of a successful community. you seem to be very into this problem so maybe you should try and help solve it, organised a clean up or they and help people in other ways. I know i participated in the dollars pockets and it felt realy good to do somthin even if it was small.

9 Name: dream denier : 2024-03-14 22:03 ID:1snt0jAF [Del]

i don't think dreams exist.

10 Name: Naptime : 2024-04-30 23:12 ID:wPEdYzPd [Del]

If my memory serves me correct, the 'dollars pockets' mission did pretty well. Goodnight zzzzzz

11 Post deleted by user.