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Does anyone ever figure out what were we supposed to do in this site? (15)

1 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-27 19:26 ID:CBdp0RUG [Del]

And like, how do we do that thing we were supposed to do?

Click "Entire thread" to see this convo in full.

2 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-27 19:27 ID:CBdp0RUG [Del]

From my observation, here's what generally happens to new members.
> they introduce themselves in Intro board
> they reply to their country thread in Countries board
> they share struggles in Personal board
> they reply game threads in Literature or Random board
> they slowly become disinterested as there is not much to do in the site, even as much as interacting with other members in an organically casual way

Some pretty unusual occurrences include:
> they become frequent bump-ers of Countries board's index
> they made a thread on Art board and posts their creations semi-frequently
> they join some discussions that are currently on top of Comics board

3 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-27 19:42 ID:CBdp0RUG [Del]

I've been pondering about this for years, but only been able to articulate it in this way.

I don't know, there's a certain fascination I had with this site that takes the format of imageboards the likes of 4chan and lolcow spawns the darkest depths of humanity and highlighted our worst side, yet having cultivate such a sanitized board culture that I suspect more than half of our members that frequent this site probably never heard of or known where we came from.

Probably has to do with presentation, but that's beside the point.

Not to belittle the folks who knew no better, but having been equipped with this knowledge and our interesting circumstances, I ask of you to join me as we ponder and decide where should we take the direction of Dollars.

4 Name: Undefined : 2025-02-27 19:50 ID:MQVOB4Ze [Del]

I'm honestly here on this site because I think it's pretty cool that the owners tried to make the dollars irl. I'm not sure where this site will go in the future but as a concept it's really cool. Maybe the times have just changed (since DRRR) is pretty old now and people have moved on? Still though I think this site as a concept is sick asf.

5 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-27 20:26 ID:CBdp0RUG [Del]

>>4 I think its more of what the site represents, our idealism that we think were represented by it. We thought that we are one, but then we walk our first step and realized our differences couldn't be any further dissonanced.

Or, that's what I think has happened all this years, because we hadn't done anything together for eternity.

I know Missions, doing good, world peace and contributing has been all the rage for our general purpose. But I suppose what I'm looking for is merely a way to connect in a casual yet meaningful setting.

"If you can't save anyone today, its okay to just tend to yourself first, you can tend others when you're in your better days."

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-28 01:15 ID:pjQe7CHo [Del]

What do you mean?

We can do what we want.

There are no rules in Dollars.

until Aocchii + BossKado come down to spank us

8 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-28 06:56 ID:qGYdlARd [Del]

>>7 take your time distinguishing fiction and reality, thank you in advance.

Besides, if there's no rules, then we're free to organize things as we see fit. The only limit that truly matters is how far we are willing to carry on our dreams.

9 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-28 08:18 ID:J1s1+YdH [Del]

I honestly don't know. This is just fun to be on for me. srry.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-28 14:36 ID:cJTurH/J [Del]


why are you so rude to me?

11 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-28 16:41 ID:pGNYd+Pc [Del]

>>9 That's good enough, friend. Its also nice to be able to enjoy the simple things.

>>10 I don't think I did, might you be able to specify?

But also, I thought this whole thing about having no rules was your idea? Surely, being somewhat rude or nice shouldn't affect the flow of our discussions as long as our thoughts through texts are coherent enough?

Do you see how silly that part about insisting in having no rules now? Are you with me now?

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-28 21:49 ID:uTD2pzMP [Del]


Oh, an novice politician, aren't you?

Friendly advice, you should probably soon remove yourself from your $1 high-chair.

My comments have been more than relevant, except to you - evidently.

It was the Founder's idea, remember? You dare oppose the Founder?

Also, since when is being rude to one another led to anything besides war?

Do you see how silly you're being right now?

Are you with me now?

Oh and by the way, your inability to engage in respectful and fruitful conversation simply reeks of immense insecurity.

Perhaps you're not qualified for this conversation.

14 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-03-01 00:41 ID:WsIfWmKp [Del]

>>13 I'm not sure if you're being serious or just troll baiting, so here, I'll bite.

I'm not roleplaying, I'm asking what are WE, the real people using THIS site, is going to do with OUR Dollars, what directions shall we take going forward.

The founder of Dollars BBS is not some enigmatic figure like in the series that only goes by the name "admin", he goes by the name "Reltair" and you can always try contacting him through the email address on the right sidebar of the site. He has made a few posts here and there throughout the years, as you can see by his "Respecting Fellow Members" thread that was made because there were a lot of petty arguments like these back in the day stemming from clashing ideas and various differing traits among our members.

Reltair has stated that he has no intention of mobilizing an army of drrr enthusiast into any movement or action in any way whatsoever and will remain a viewer in the background watching us do our own thing like goldfishes in an aquarium. (This info is publicly available on the Description FAQ thread btw)

We might have no rules set in stone, but we accept everyone and anything posted on the site as long as we can tolerate it. So the site has always been under a sort of democratic-anarchism except for specific circumstances where Reltair jumps into the ring personally (which as far as I remember, never really happened after the first few years the site was up, which I wasn't there for).

My question on the original post still remain open to new answers as you derail it from topic at hand, so who is actually being rude here? If you so believe that rudeness led to conflict, why have you doubled down on the offensiveness instead of second-guessing about misinterpreting me?

Will you converse with a cool head as I did now? Do you see this wall of text as an invitation to conflict? Or a lamentation of a Dollars member who genuinely wanted to talk about the fate of the place he once adored (still is tbh)?

15 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-03-01 20:50 ID:ES85YEoU [Del]

>>13 and >>14
Look guys can we calm down? Some of us are seeing this as roleplay, and some of us are not. Don’t clash down how other people do things. >>13, please get out of this thread if you were joking around, and >>14, just ignore them. I’m not saying anyone should say sorry, I’m not saying anyone’s at fault. If I’m right, Anon is upset at Firion’s tone in his reply. And Firion is upset at Anon’s not realistic replies. Tell me if I’m wrong tho, I just think this isn’t something to get defensive over…