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Making friends is hard these days (32)

1 Name: Dollars Pthillow : 2023-06-22 19:54 ID:A4CcHbhH [Del]

I guess I never really made deep connections with people in high school and now I'm regretting it. And for some reason reaching out to old friends in this generation just seems like something scary to do. Being lonely suck, I'm not suicidal or anything but it hits me when I do things like playing games. Having no one on Discord I can call. This post is all over the place I guess cause I just wanted to let off some steam. I've been a lurker on here for almost a decade now, but I feel like this is a community I know I can always come back to.

2 Name: BLANK : 2023-06-24 17:37 ID:gJqjwQgI [Del]

i totally understand, I'm on the same boat too and I used to come on here all the time and be a regular on the chat rooms back in the day but it's not as active anymore sadly, Feels nostalgic. I really do hope you do meet people you can have a true connection with someday, loneliness is a crap thing to deal with.

3 Name: Dako : 2023-06-24 19:47 ID:jh4ZmmqH [Del]

It scares me cause I was thinking about the exactly same thing this morning when I woke up. I lost the 98% of my friendship, everyone seems so busy with their own life and I feel like there's no one else left by my side. I'm an introvert but sometimes, when the pain is too much i just want to speak with someone but there isn't. Well, you know what? I guess is normal, I guess it's meant to be like this, but we're here. The community is not active like before, but we're always here. I love this place and I love the people here. I love you guys cause we're all on the same boat but we keep supporting each others. So just promise me anyone here won't do something stupid. Trust me, I understand your pain, but we can stand together.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-01 05:45 ID:tmP5WpQr [Del]

Agreed. These days to make friends you have to already have them it seems.

5 Name: fel : 2023-07-01 16:42 ID:WjQLVPU2 [Del]

It is much easier to find somebody to talk to online than in real life. Online, there are places where lonely people look for friends, and so it is a simple matter of hitting them up over and over. Eventually, a conversation will survive for longer than a few days.

Offline, finding friends is much harder, especially after university. A social job could help, I suppose, or a social hobby. However, whenever I think of middle-aged and older people I know, they do not seem to have many friends, if any at all.

I reckon having little to no friends after university is normal. Everybody is too busy with their life. Eight hours sleeping, eight hours working, two hours commuting, two hours doing chores, and the remaining four hours are spent on the family.

6 Name: CalmPink : 2023-07-01 21:12 ID:BlXCeZAk [Del]

Joining random discord servers is very much more helpful then you think. Even if I don't immediately get friends, if I stick around long enough I tend to pick up a friend or two. Not if you are talking irl, I have no idea.

7 Name: SummerGrass : 2023-07-02 15:44 ID:NRhaUYhe [Del]

Can agree, I was never the type of person to make close friends especially in high school. Although I made a couple of friends, we never grew too close, which I guess is better than nothing, but I still really want closer connections.

Also agree with CalmPink about random discord servers, it's a hit or miss but if you find the right one it can be great.

8 Name: P : 2023-07-02 23:15 ID:bePCJlhL [Del]

Sadly, discord wrongly disabled my account and haven't given it back yet, lost job as well, no hope for me

9 Name: SummerGrass : 2023-07-03 00:57 ID:Xa/PGZRU [Del]

Damn, well I hope things turn out well eventually. I'm in a situation where I can't work or drive so at least you're not alone in that department.

10 Name: Dako : 2023-07-10 18:09 ID:ibDjrWjy [Del]

I red the other post right now and we are all in the same situation apperently
not for everyone life seems easy, but we're still here and we're together, a very small thing but still a good one <3

11 Name: Yatsu : 2023-07-14 11:41 ID:X7alsLiZ [Del]

I've heard things get worse before they get better. Perhaps that's what's going on for all of us?

12 Name: sokoneko : 2023-07-15 22:36 ID:MHx7dGDj [Del]

it definitely gets worse before it gets better, which definitely doesn’t sound believable at the moment but it really is the truth when we get to the light at the end of the tunnel. i got dogged on hard in high school but when i went to college that’s when i met someone who totally changed my perspective on life. he just doesn’t know it yet, and probably never will.
it really only takes that one person and luckily enough the dollars are overflowing with connections like that. or maybe i just like to talk to people. online really is where it’s at, even if some things are still to be desired haha
it’s not hopeless cause we do at least have eachother. that’s what’s been keeping me through this tough month at least, but maybe i’m just speaking (or more so rambling) my own experience. long story short, we’re here!

13 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2023-07-21 18:41 ID:h+6RhKJ9 [Del]

All you have to do is be believe in yourself, be good to yourself.

Forgive yourself for your faults and celebrate yourself for your successes. Talk to yourself, spend time with yourself and really get to know yourself.

You have to take care of yourself.

Don't worry other people think; just live let go and live in the moment. Be here and now. Don't worry about anything else. As long as you know you're doing good, and you're on the right track, and you're able to provide at least stability FOR YOURSELF... then you will be able to provide for those around you subsequently.

The key isn't to find to world, it's to find yourself in the world!

14 Name: Vanta : 2023-07-25 08:47 ID:PtpmBS9X [Del]

Yeah as a person who just graduated not long ago I think that as soon when you get into college things start to die down. If you have friends that are going to the same college as you, you may still be friends with them but the downside is that people tend to just get there work done before anything else unlike in high school. And if its possible, hitting 21 and joining the night life could and possibly always be a problem if you don't have that much friends to hangout with. This is just a personal take on it but this is how I feel.

15 Name: Ruiso : 2023-07-25 22:15 ID:rpxgWhMK [Del]

Dude I get you, it's amazing how we're surrounded by more people at the same time alone.... If you want to play a chat glue in discord (.ruiso)

16 Name: Tanashi !JzQoO8EnWY : 2023-07-26 07:29 ID:aeZRhgk7 [Del]

When it comes to things like this, I don't think the world is as complex as it seems, many people are probably like you and seeking friendship but are in the same boat of fearing reaching out, I used to be in the same position and how I fixed it was picking up a new hobby (it was YuGiOh TCG for me) and interacting at little local venues and such, people in hobby spaces are almost always nice and welcoming and many know how it is to be alone, responses you get aren't always favorable, but it's always worth trying :)

17 Name: Lelouch : 2023-07-27 11:13 ID:t3GPsVMf [Del]

I am now borderline crying for help. I can’t seem to keep a real connection with people. I want to die from reality

18 Name: Shenshenii : 2023-07-28 18:48 ID:SCPyMAkK [Del]

word for word, my situation as well. i just wanted high school to be over fast and now looking back, thats when everyone seems to have made their closest friends. but have no regrets. people are all around, find those you share interests with and befriend them.

19 Name: Amor : 2023-07-29 21:54 ID:YfgZkIEP [Del]

i had a close group of friends a long time ago, yet things still turned out this way... i eventually found myself left with toxic friendships. i thought, "they'll have to turn over a new leaf in due time". !!!WRONG!!! people are so mean to each other these days! at this point i would rather be left to my own devices than have to put up with somebody who jumps at every opportunity to project their negative emotions onto me... it's no use humoring people who can not even be kind to others.

as long as you are being honest with yourself and treating your friendships with confidence in respect, even if they do fall out, that's a very admirable thing personally. there are always going to be people out there who truly are seeking real friendships... but until we all decide to get out of this funk and start being nice to one another, i'm going solo.

20 Name: spoons : 2023-08-05 19:47 ID:5degazOj [Del]

drop y'all's discord and you'll have a brand new friend :)

21 Name: Sponge : 2023-08-06 16:19 ID:gUeGWNh9 [Del]

22 Name: spiegel : 2023-08-20 17:34 ID:PPh2yTTJ [Del]

in 7th grade, i've had a terrible trauma with my friends and (even tho i can't remember what i was like before) i've became an introvert person. i terribly long a friend group, but when i meet a group i just sit there in silence and cannot join the convo, i guess thats the reason i dont have any friend groups
where i feel like im being loved and wanted...

i'm a sophomore year college student and i still have many chances to meet people, but i seem to cannot connect deeply with anyone. i dont have long-lasting relationships and idk, i just dont have close friends like a want to. even my childhood friend seems to not care about me, and i dont what can i do to make people care about me and want to have me around. i dont know how to solve this, and to be honest i dont even know what the problem is.

23 Name: Darkstrike : 2023-08-20 22:26 ID:Mlo2yaJu [Del]

@spiegel Holy cow. Are you me?

24 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-12 20:46 ID:LNqJIFrm [Del]

25 Name: Jagoda : 2023-09-13 01:14 ID:YoLyCAR1 [Del]

Sometimes I feel the same but you just have to try find new people with same interests as your<3

26 Name: Roma : 2023-09-14 18:32 ID:yClCCSDz [Del]

i cant say its the same for me cuz i have a bunch of people to spend time with but i cant call them "friends" either, so i get it in some sense, i guess ill have to shake me to change that, anyway strength to you

27 Name: liz : 2023-09-14 20:17 ID:+Zp5FMNi [Del]

very true; wish it was a bit easier tbh

28 Name: River : 2023-10-02 15:06 ID:BS8VMF/n [Del]

I get how you feel. I feel the same. I have alot of family near me but no real friends I can really talk to. There are so many times when I watch a new show or movie or play a new game and I wish I had someone to talk to about it.

29 Name: Nakura : 2023-10-25 15:09 ID:teas67tC [Del]

I also understand where I live and it's difficult to make friends, for various reasons, but it would really be nice if the world were easy.

30 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2023-11-03 10:07 ID:N0jErnlE [Del]

I agree this is a place where everyone is welcome. I may not know you guys but you’ll always be my friends. Peace and love to all. Let’s keep this community running 🔥

31 Name: Sora!MO4LVZZpbQ : 2023-11-16 11:23 ID:0qkG+v06 [Del]

>>30 it could be nice, i need friends lol

32 Post deleted by user.