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Problems with Dollars and the site (33)

1 Name: Manganaran : 2022-06-01 09:21 ID:OSsUZFmx [Del]

Many had been complaining about inactivity, myself included (although privately). How the site looks so very dead, there doesn't seem to be anyone even lurking let alone post something new.

Our community is scattered, people often get confused when they wonder "Where does everyone gather to converse? Do we just stare at this static page and hope the camaraderie bond with members that we never even got to talk with forms through telepathy?". at first seemed to be the one that fulfills that purpose, but then you go there and noticed hardly anyone ever mentioned about BBS, some even went "???" or worse "BBS? What is that?"

AND, if you go to (the "Chatroom" option on the top sidebar), you'll find six, YES, SIX options of 'chatrooms' that are essentially just group chats made in popular social platforms. And when they entered any of those so-called 'chatrooms', it'll soon dawned on them that the place aren't even related to the main site anymore, like, hardly anyone even talked about the site, its like they lived in their own bubble.

The site has so many fucking boards that are deserted, new members would understandably get overwhelmed. In the end, they just post their introduction thread on Intro board, then hit a wall because there is no giant billboard sign that could actually point out to them where they could actually talk with the other members of the site. Of course, they will try to reply an existing thread or even make one of their own, before coming to the realization that it would REALLY take quite some time before they can get their first response.

These are some that I can pull out of my head as of now, I'll add more if they come to mind. But overall, we need to solve these problems now that I've put them on the spotlight.

2 Name: Dran : 2022-06-01 21:45 ID:K8X1Rw+S [Del]

Hm, very astute observation.

3 Name: Manganaran : 2022-06-01 23:54 ID:OSsUZFmx [Del]

>>2 This is our current reality and it is indeed very unfortunate, but I want to do something about it. No, I want us to do something about it, because I can't do it alone, even if I want to.

We are slowly but surely, descending towards the oblivion. Are we going to accept defeat? Or are we gonna hang on to dear life and struggle against our fate?

This is the Definitive Question, Dollars.
Do we want to keep this up and actually figure something out to improve the situation, or shall we simply quit it and move on with our lives? To tend to it, or left it to rot? Feel free to speak out your mind.

I look forward to your replies, but if there aren't any, I suppose that's an answer too.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2022-06-02 09:32 ID:F6c0RGAJ [Del]

There isn't anything to talk about. Everything is going exactly as it should have been. Everything ends sooner or later.
The site is dead because once Durarara hype ended people had no reason to stay. In the end it's just a fan hangout group not something related to Dollars. Don't take it too serious. :)

5 Name: whoknows : 2022-06-02 12:29 ID:lSTYyPR8 [Del]

::: the online social lexicon has changed over the last 12-18 years. People have found community in finely categorized terms & experiences. The Giant Billboard pointing the way is the margin of subjects on the left of the screen, but they're too vague for the way people over-utilize categorized communities to connect. Each subject on the site's margin should have sub-categories like Games & Random. We are hoping that individual threads can act as these subcategories. Bubbled Communities have formed cliques through FPS, RPG, Casual Life Sims, Franchises like Zelda & Dark Souls, etc. etc. These finer categories are much more accessible with the bigger sites. Technology, Sports, Music; these are VAST subjects given the 99.9% dilution of concept that sites have presented for us. They are deep dark abyss' to dive into, where everything is floating on the surface of those sites before you dive in.

::: what's also changed over that time is how information is provided to others. Especially the information of- proof of engagement. What you are calling for is like twitter hashtags or a 'most recent activity' or 'keyword' organizer/filter for all threads regardless of subject. What we hope for is people's curiosity- that they will explore the site, observe the finer details, and initiate engagement on their own, based on their own interests- when the result is a lack of accessibility compared to the current social media giants. There is perceived to be so little engagement because there are no easily caught indications of engagement. You have to want to explore the site every time you're here if you want engagement without a subject in mind. And no 'likes' or 'votes' or any of the other dopamine catalysts that sites implement.

::: what's also changes over that time is the people who wanted to carry the ambition for this site and adopt this scripted concept into fruition, in hopes for a fan community to come together and change things for the world. I don't know that this is the intention of everyone who created the site, nor the intention of everyone who visits the sight currently. 12 years is a long time. heck, 4 years is a long time to bring about a lot of change, and people ultimately must lead their lives and forgive themselves for what seeds did not sprout.

::: whats also changed is the age of information turning sour. There is mistrust bred through deliberate misinformation. There is doubt & skepticism sewn into the standard culture of social media as a whole. We lie to each other, create fabrications to invoke sympathy & drain others of their value & worth in order to profit. Each call for help, especially financially, will be questsioned to interrogation, doubted, and likely abandoned before their authenticity can be truly proven or disproven. It is hard work to trust one another. And I do not believe the Dollars name alone is enough for everyone to trust each other and for every one to never betray that trust. I wish that can change, and we must be able to show ourselves that we can trust eachother as a whole, that we aren't barking away all for empty idolization.

::: that being said I believe the heartened fever for change & for this community to stick together is in full merit. However, I think we need to understand what needs to be done is different from what can be done. like you said, we're scattered. The world has a lot going on. Much of it, a group of people with all the resources in the world could do nothing about. We are limited, but I do believe we can take advantage of social media. People are desperately reaching out for help everyday.

::: Just using this as an hypothetical; 3 people can argue about how to help support a starving family. The family needs, let's say $100 USD to have at least one meal a day for the next month. I wouldnt expect one single indivudual, or even 3 indiviuals on this site to cough up $100. What I totally expect is that 100 of us can cough up $1. So take out the middle man. How do we get that money to those starving people? Venmo, Cashapp, Paypal, Streaming Services have tip functions. Instead of the person wandering their way in here to ask for money and we engage or doubt, we go find someone in need that can be trusted out there, then call for the community to go out into the world and engage with THEM, just like the Dollars did, except we have to use social media as the world we go out into. Now we can argue all day about who deserves the money or if they will use is they way they should. Is that the point? Is that what we're here to do, if we came here with an agenda? The world is either not as bad as a place as we think, or its completely conditional on whether or not its as bad as a place as we think.

6 Name: whoknows : 2022-06-02 12:43 ID:lSTYyPR8 [Del]

Genra's Pocket Dollars v2.0

instead of getting one dollar to one person to spark hope, we get 100 dollars to one person and spark change

7 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-06-05 20:29 ID:aBjbh9G6 [Del]

I mean, we could make bigass billboard posts that link to the RTT and talk about where activity actually is... among other actually useful things.

8 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-06-05 20:29 ID:aBjbh9G6 [Del]

>>7 Pretend that I didn't sage this.

9 Name: Mirai Akari : 2022-06-06 03:46 ID:Nkaip/P0 [Del]

A lot of people are probably busy on what they are doing and have no time in this site because that's the same as me since i have lots of works to do and too busy so i never actually got to post in this site but hey i have freetime and come to check the main dollars BBS.

10 Name: electroliz : 2022-06-07 14:37 ID:/qqXKpr+ [Del]

it might be bc old members forgot this place even existed. i suggest people bring up this site's existence on places like tumblr, they have a heavy fandom leaning and are on a "nostalgia for the 10s" kick rn.

11 Name: TRILLAHB : 2022-06-07 17:21 ID:EKRIpgxr [Del]

Yeah I’m not to much of a online person but the idea of a thing were u can talk to people you could, or could never meet amazed me. From childhood not knowing about the site but wondering, to getting a lil older and finding m6 way here.

12 Name: Unlimita : 2022-06-09 01:45 ID:E7ejYwL4 [Del]

Yeah most of us older members barely get on here anymore. I joined when the site first started gaining traction and haven't been on since 2015. Good to see that the site is still somewhat utilized

13 Name: Raiden : 2022-06-14 05:52 ID:/8Fbz+eU [Del]

The sad reality of this website. Not only that, Durarara is not that popular nowadays so this site won't get much traction...

14 Name: Scythe : 2022-06-14 12:43 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

Yeah, people have made other server like on Discord with the Dollars server where there are 5000 people who have join and I even made with friend our own server to do some things. They are not going on the BBS anymore… that’s sad

15 Name: Tri-Edge : 2022-06-14 18:09 ID:LfdQkLz9 [Del]

It's just the way of the internet. Eventually, inevitably, sites slowly die off due to older members moving on with their lives and with the popularity of said site sorta going with them.

Though the fact there's still active threads on here brings some manner of hope that this one might last a little longer.

16 Name: K : 2022-07-08 07:44 ID:O1Tu13sB [Del]

That is how things work, on the Internet to be specific.
4chan, as a fellow anonymous forum, lasts long because of its big community and reputation, where a lot of small communities gathered around various topics.
Other forums on the Internet which is not anonymous survive with mostly the same way of functioning: topics and bubble communities being formed around.
This site, however, is a fan site created with the theme of a 2010 anime (which is now got so underrated and forgotten). It does not promise a large and suitable community (even in its most successful time) for people to come and talk about their interests (outside of Durarara, of course). Once the hype of Durarara faded, people left, and that was the inevitable outcome.
And even those who have been on the site regularly over the years, they've gotten old eventually and have to move on with their lives.

Seeing this site dying makes me sad. But I will definitely come back to the site after a while to check if there's still something left...

17 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-07-08 12:22 ID:aBjbh9G6 [Del]

Not to burst all of youses bubbles but this site has been the same amount of dead for years, lol. We are not in slow decline, we are not in the end-times. What was has ended and what is left moves along slowly and inconsistently... but always moves along. We aren't teetering on the verge, dudes. We fell and the ones left are those who like hanging out in the pit.

18 Name: Murasakibara : 2022-07-09 03:16 ID:kU/CJSJo [Del]

Shame, I loved the concept of this forum. It's a bittersweet emotion to see the site on its last breaths and people gathering up on a desperate effort trying to avoid the unevitable outcome. Btw this layout is so more attractive than 4chan

19 Name: K : 2022-07-09 12:21 ID:O1Tu13sB [Del]

>>18 I also think this is prettier and more clear than 4chan

20 Post deleted by user.

21 Name: FightingFlea !6.BxWsmqPI : 2022-07-10 16:16 ID:Pvrk+sAu [Del]

some people being active and talking is better then none right?

22 Name: Vigil : 2022-07-11 04:41 ID:AJkBYdoc [Del]

Within the chat lounge there are actually a bit of regulars on almost every day, even noobs stream in every now and again. Sure, chat does not always revolve around "drrr" related things but that's to be expected. The show started it all, but the idea is to have people of like minds get together and just chat and such, no? Because the show itself was fairly unique I tend to think it attracts a certain sort of people, people curious enough to bother searching in the first place if its really real. Honestly that's something to tout. As for the BBS, yes, it's often dead. But much like FightingFlea mentioned, some is better than none. Besides, it's still more organized than discord, lol.

23 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2022-07-11 21:39 ID:Ul6fEyjB [Del]

Regulars are plaguing all over when you set aside your biases of what you want to see, its more probable that you hadn't found your cliques yet.

Random board has the RTT, Art board receive new posts from some old and longstanding users for their own art thread every now and then, Personal board gets new thread filled with someone's heart spill every now and then, which gain replies about advices sometimes.

Intro board gets new threads every single week, most of the time. Someone needs to harness that burning flame of passion from the newcomers, they get excited over mostly anything.

24 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-07-12 13:47 ID:aBjbh9G6 [Del]

>>23 Maybe I should make a thread about changing/taking over the world FOR REAL THIS TIME!!11!1 Then I can make a Discord, get a bunch of members, flounder around for a bit, disappear sporadically, etc.

25 Name: Valrie : 2022-07-13 22:27 ID:UUsXz9Zw [Del]

I think it would be great if we could share big news or a good deed or something, to make it more popular. At least a big new topic

26 Name: Vbyakko : 2022-07-14 21:52 ID:C1O8hyGy [Del]

¿Nos queremos apoderar del mundo?

27 Name: Vbyakko : 2022-07-14 21:54 ID:C1O8hyGy [Del]

No se donde son. Pero estaria genial
Les copa?

28 Name: Daks : 2022-07-17 09:00 ID:mHhJGxxw [Del]

True, kinda sad how people go inactive. I was here since idk 2015??? But I got bored with it ig since there are like no people to talk to and I find this site to have no purpose anymore. But then again this site is prolly just made for people who love the anime and not a lot of people actually takes this DOLLAR thing seriously

29 Name: Jaydon.A : 2022-07-19 10:23 ID:4mwGG7v8 [Del]

>>24 wait.. that sounds familiar.

This is an interesting thread but the reality is, wouldn't it be best for the BBS to die? It'll most likely be hosted for a long time, it may eventually be took down.
Archives don't work well, if we just went and died then we could manually archive and move on in our lives. Another part of dead internet history.

30 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-07-20 00:13 ID:aBjbh9G6 [Del]

>>29 It is already """dead""" as far as most people are concerned and is still actively being archived by the people who still hang around. Pretty sure the BBS still existing has not stopped anyone ready to move on from moving on, if current activity levels on most boards are to be considered.

31 Name: Λ !dxIjyKKRq2 : 2022-07-21 00:23 ID:uv5wmCyl [Del]

Hello! Old member here (Since 2011).

I understand what you are saying, and indeed it is a feeling that i get from time to time whenever i visit the website.

This online space has turned from a simple website, to a glory station for anime fans, to something passive (its current form).

Can't say i am really that much sad about it, because there are always people lurking here, like me, regardless whether they post something or not.

Though I have believed since 2011 that this website can be great. It has the potential to become like reddit, only, for the Dollars.

And I gotta admit, personally i get a thrill whenever i visit here, because i remember all of the episodes of Durarara, and i understand the gravity this site holds. It is a reminder that Dollars exist, and they may be anyone. Me, you, your neighbors, foreigners, Japanese, etc.

I find it exciting that through all these years, this site has become a passing point for thousands of fans, and as such it must be honored.

Nonetheless, do not fret for the inactivity, for this site is never inactive.

32 Name: Reid : 2022-07-21 00:56 ID:rplOLZJ+ [Del]

Hi, I'm a newish member but often lurk. I think the website is cool and i'd be sad to see it die off.

I hope a solution comes up that works out for everyone :)

33 Name: Cakra : 2022-07-23 02:34 ID:xYIVEsgu [Del]

dude im still lurking here