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What do we do now? (51)

1 Name: Jodisan : 2022-01-27 08:23 ID:mKptGl8g [Del]

Will anything that the dollars do change? Like, do we talk about different things everyday? That sounds like it will get boring. We should ACTUALLY do something. I’m not sure what but we should like do actual things beside message.

2 Name: Darkstrike : 2022-01-30 12:40 ID:3g+Z0yRd [Del]

I agree and I’ve been saying the same thing. Too many silly things going on here.

3 Name: Scythe : 2022-01-30 12:48 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

Yup totally agree. Something that really show who and what Dollar are: a welded community. Guys who are reading this message and that you’re agree then.. Show up!

4 Name: Jodisan : 2022-01-30 15:40 ID:K9jAMeJG [Del]

>>3 meet up where? What are you talking about exactly?

5 Name: Scythe : 2022-01-30 17:02 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

Sorry for haven’t been clear, when I was saying « show up » I was meaning reply to the topic. Right now we are not enough to show up physically additionally that people are not on the same country. I think we should group together (Dollars member) and think about actions even small that we can do on our own side. Starting to a small thing to make it bigger.. But it just a thought.

6 Name: Äs Nödt : 2022-01-30 19:15 ID:TSqk8OSg [Del]

Dollars rep

7 Name: Koko : 2022-01-30 20:47 ID:dvV4vnCP [Del]

>>1 I think this is actually a great idea, we just need to start somewhere. Tbh it might be hard because it depends on where we live and our life status (like age etc.). All we need is a clear idea and a starting point. Even a brainstorm of random ideas could help.

8 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-01-31 08:21 ID:DqGmPW73 [Del]

We should make a spin off website or post something in missions that will start off our plan. Maybe we can create something digital that will spread joy to others. It’s vague but it could work if we think hard enough about this. Idk what do you guys think?

9 Name: Scythe : 2022-01-31 08:41 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

It's a good idea to start from. I was also thinking about an old post from "Genra" in the Missions part of the website that propose to leave comforting message that people can find with a dollars inside it. The Dollars discord also propose many idea missions but they generally turn about the "save whales" message..

10 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-01-31 09:09 ID:DqGmPW73 [Del]

>>9 send me the link to that post I like that idea. We should all pitch in to do that for our fellow communities.

11 Name: Scythe : 2022-01-31 11:30 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

You just go in the "Missions" menu under the "Main" menu on the left. Next you just scroll down to look at the "Dollars pocket" topic. You have probably already seen it. The Dollars discord can be found in the "Chatroom" section, next to "Home" on the top of the page (you will have the link in it if you are interested).

12 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-01-31 12:03 ID:DqGmPW73 [Del]

>>11 thanks I think we should actually make a difference in not just our communities but the lives of others because this is what the dollars is about.

13 Name: Scythe : 2022-02-01 07:10 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

I didn't understand everything, can you explain please?

14 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-01 08:08 ID:DqGmPW73 [Del]

I was explain how the dollars should actually do something instead of chat and post. We are brainstorming ideas on what we should do.

15 Name: Scythe : 2022-02-01 09:21 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

Yes but actions will depend of everybody, this does what Dollars are; colorless. In addition it would be better if we were more replying.

16 Name: Al : 2022-02-01 11:47 ID:w6uitw4t [Del]

I have been on this site for 5 years and I have seen a lot of posts like this one, I same time ago I made one and every time they went on like this, that is to approve the idea of ​​doing something but without Get to the point.
The real big problem is that we are all too distant from each other and totally anonymous. These aspects would be strengths if there was an organization.
In any case, we must ask ourselves what we want to show the world, why and how. How the world should notice us. In my small way I often found myself starting Projects of various kinds (not related to dollars) but I have always encountered this problem, and I believe that others have also experienced it: the fact that in our context of life and place we often don't have people who want to participate in our events and therefore we always find ourselves doing something that should be done in a group, especially if like me you have too ambitious ideas for one person only

17 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-01 13:04 ID:DqGmPW73 [Del]

I understand. We can at least do our own things to help others who are in need. Maybe we can do our own thing to make up for team work. If we each do our part, then it may become the equivalent of teamwork.

18 Name: Al : 2022-02-01 13:47 ID:w6uitw4t [Del]

and here we come to the point I said, which is what to give to the world, what to do. in dark and clouded times like these it would be nice to stand out as a singular light from which to draw inspiration and admiration of people.

19 Name: Scythe : 2022-02-01 14:58 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

I will not repeat your answer because I am in the same way. The things that we can do is to do Mission’s things as I have proposed idea on this website or on discord to show light in the darkness of people life, in any case this website will not die because people will still come here even just for one time. As I have said before, with many small things we can make bigger actions even if we are just a few. This is the only way to show what our community’s really. We are colorless. We are the Dollars.

20 Name: Al : 2022-02-01 15:55 ID:w6uitw4t [Del]

I would like to fit the goal of this post (to show the things our community can do) with my project that I have set myself for this year.
Therefore, the project has an artistic and amateur background: exhibition, or creation, of works of art to be exhibited around my city (milan), hoping to expand.
It also brings together people like me are bohemien, in order to revive "La scapigliatura" a literary movement of the late nineteenth century.
Somehow I could concurrently prove my membership in the dollars.

21 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-01 16:19 ID:yLcZHBzY [Del]

Would someone else like to lead this project? My hands are full at the moment and I could use some help deciding what we should do.

22 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-01 16:20 ID:yLcZHBzY [Del]

>>20 That's a good idea to just do something that we normally do that's nice and just subtly reference the dollars.

23 Name: Koko : 2022-02-01 22:30 ID:dvV4vnCP [Del]

My question is what is something we can do that is subtle but can get recognition ? Unless this is more of an anonymous project and unrelated to the dollars. I'm not sure on what lane we are going. Can someone specify?
Either way, I think a decent mission is just helping each other out.
Anyway, what ever you guys figure out, I'd like take an interest in it.

24 Name: TheTank : 2022-02-02 09:53 ID:15Bs0cxy [Del]

Realistically, we can simply raise the idea of The Dollars as we have done in the past. People doing good things for others without hope of recompense. This is a noble idea, and I agree that your goal, Al, is definitely one of those things.

25 Name: Scythe : 2022-02-02 11:53 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

Yeah, this is the better way.

26 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-02 11:57 ID:DqGmPW73 [Del]

Then it’s decided. We will all pitch in to raise awareness of the dollars website and community. It will take a long process but if we all do our part then we will achieve our goal of growing and helping others at the same time.

27 Name: Al : 2022-02-02 13:12 ID:w6uitw4t [Del]

but how do we update the status of our projects? and to communicate with each other?
I already have ideas in reality but I would like to hear from you first

28 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-02 16:47 ID:LNDPCRKr [Del]

We should probably start our own seperate discord server maybe? And we can make it so that if anyone is interested they can join. Anything is fine with me honestly. I can do whatever you guys want to do.

29 Name: Scythe : 2022-02-02 16:53 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

Honestly I am open to everything too, starting with discord is a good idea but I have to admit that I am not a professional for creating server so is there volunteer?

30 Name: Al : 2022-02-03 07:54 ID:w6uitw4t [Del]

I had exactly the same ideas, or discord or telegram

31 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-03 08:48 ID:0e6w4zIy [Del]

I’m not too good at making a server either so can someone make it please?

32 Name: Al : 2022-02-04 01:39 ID:RW/Kn0Tk [Del]

I hope all is well

33 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-04 11:52 ID:O2r603rz [Del]

Anyone interested should please join the discord server above.

34 Name: Scythe : 2022-02-05 05:53 ID:eE+ai+jt [Del]

Thanks AI for creating the server.

35 Name: Iris : 2022-02-07 12:55 ID:gENaPt9G [Del]

Well majority of the time we just sit here and talk alot of smack at one another but in the "News" Tab we Member's do things and sometimes in the "Mission" Tab as well Help if possible. But Unfortunately again Majority of the time we just talk smack or post random dumb stuff instead of trying to help each other in the group.

36 Name: Iris : 2022-02-07 12:58 ID:gENaPt9G [Del]

Also to note This Thread should be in "Personal" or "Random" Threads or in "Mission's"

37 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-07 13:04 ID:qej2BzDS [Del]

>>35 We made a discord server to report our changes that we are willing to make to our communities. We are trying to change the constant judging of one another and to actually make a difference for the dollars.

38 Name: Iris : 2022-02-07 13:07 ID:gENaPt9G [Del]

@Jodisan I'm Glad that User's do want to help make change's.

39 Name: TheTank : 2022-02-08 16:16 ID:A28ViaOO [Del]

>>38 I think at the end of the day, everyone here wants to make change. The problem is many don't know how to do it/Can't do it at the scale they envisioned so they give up. Little acts matter a lot in the long run, and that's why I always advocate for it.

40 Name: Scythe : 2022-02-09 03:05 ID:ueb9C0wu [Del]

>>39 That’s why we have created this server, in it we think about how to make change and apply them.

41 Name: Darkstrike : 2022-02-09 21:25 ID:lMRlZwne [Del]

Hey, I know this isn't as related to this post but I recently did the Dollars Pocket mission and so far two people took my pockets! I have 9 left to go!

42 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-10 08:03 ID:6drOtfJj [Del]

>>41 This is great! Consider joining our discord if you wish to document this

43 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-02-10 09:15 ID:6drOtfJj [Del]

I’m sorry if that sounded like I only care about advertising the server. I am actually happy you did this and every little bit helps! I was just suggesting you join

44 Name: Darkstrike : 2022-02-10 21:50 ID:lMRlZwne [Del]

No, that's fine you're all good and yeah I've been meaning to this mission for a while now.

45 Name: atrupb : 2022-03-13 18:16 ID:7IypIpPg [Del]

I remember doing the dollars pockets a while back, i made 3, and all of them were taken the next day, it made me feel super good haha

46 Name: Watson : 2022-03-13 19:18 ID:u/eL3UZP [Del]


47 Name: NS : 2022-03-16 02:17 ID:gumFrqpy [Del]

I think now is a time better than ever for everyone here that actually wants to do something to do it and to use this platform for that. I was looking for a thread to post in to kind of see who'd be interested in helping me organize some local and international aid for recent events but couldn't decide where that went haha.

48 Name: Anonymous : 2022-03-16 17:35 ID:MHPczGOG [Del]

Instead of spinning your gears, you could always join Az.

49 Name: Scythe : 2022-03-18 05:24 ID:YZzTdvrR [Del]

You again.. I thought you have learn from your mistakes but I was wrong. Why do you try to provoke us just to have some new members? Is it your goal? Being selfish and oblige people to join you without the doubt benefice ?

50 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-03-18 09:14 ID:nkZqgYHD [Del]

>>48 Just shut up. You guys aren’t accomplishing anything

51 Name: Iris : 2022-03-19 01:36 ID:hHzCAwOv [Del]

I agree with Jodisan. Sitting and Typing Bickering things back and forth will get us no where. Anon If you want User's to join your Mystery Cult then please Use the Appropriate Thread and be more Open and clear who you represent, Don't Snap at Scythe for stating what was already said previously on the other thread.