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The Dollars IG (14)

1 Name: Deki : 2021-11-21 08:42 ID:my+IdyKw [Del]

There’s an active Dollars IG now! The username is __the__dollars__ I’m sure cool stuff will be posted be sure to follow!

2 Name: Deki : 2021-11-21 08:50 ID:my+IdyKw [Del]

Also dam that other dollars IG blew up gheez……this one will all be in good fun and always feel free to dm on there! We are all dollars and we need to make ourselves known a bit more so let’s all play our part! And this is mine! Have fun!

3 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-11-21 10:02 ID:ohC5hZID [Del]

Gonna be dropping my 50 cent because it seems like I'm the only sane ones around here.

You should probably think about what will the account be used for, before even making one. Things that crossed my mind were Missions related posts, but those are ultimately felt like the cold corporate broadcasts trying to act friendly in the eyes of the public. That's exactly what the predecessor ultimately falls into, and the account flopped into oblivion after only a few posts.

For what purpose are you creating that thing you've been working on? The fundamentals, the key reasoning that will keep you going no matter the situation. If you didn't have them, it might be better off to stop it from existing in the first place. At least, until you get a solid foundation to sustain the idea.

4 Name: Deki : 2021-11-21 10:14 ID:yp6IEYIK [Del]

>>3 well yes this would be used to post missions and stuff like that but come to think of it now i think that we should all have dollar IG accounts kinda like our emails ex. kanra.dollars or something like that this way nobody has to use their real names and then we use those accounts to dm people about the organization and it would look kinda cool if everything with the same logo and similar usernames all followed one account it would truly feel like an organization but i wouldnt the leader because i dont wanna feel like people are under so i will be doing stuff for the dollars members so we can all have a voice on this ig

5 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-11-21 10:58 ID:ohC5hZID [Del]

There is a common misconception regarding the email database, in that you gotta fill your contact info with 'dollars throwaway account' for the sake of having dollars-related account. But since it was a throwaway in the first place, you would most likely check it very infrequently. Making the Dollars related information delivery even more hassling, since it'll most like never reach everyone on schedule.

In the end, we're only a message board site. Just a slightly-above-average online platform for people online to gather & converse, and how the email database were intended to be used was to facilitate those interactions.

Bet you use a pseudonym online too right? Why make a double layered alias for Dollars in particular? Why not use your already existing online persona's account?

6 Name: Deki : 2021-11-21 11:12 ID:my+IdyKw [Del]

Yeah I guess but I thought it would be nice to have something like an organized IG account with all dollars usernames and so why not throw the ideas out there ya know

7 Name: Deki : 2021-11-21 19:58 ID:my+IdyKw [Del]


I changed the username to the_dollars_bbs so be sure to follow as I will be
posting missions

8 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-11-22 01:39 ID:uw3JPpfA [Del]

>>6 That's simply absurd, we're essentially just telling everyone to make a throwaway account that will most likely never be used for anything other than following the main Dollars account.

I hate to state this one, but I'd skim through Dollars Discord server's member list to look for someone rather than anything else (even the email database, since they're filled with mostly dead emails anyway). And the members that are listed there were actually contactable as soon as you found them.

And last but not least, the Missions part. Posting mission content daily or weekly boils down to how dedicated you are to the act, and how much are you enjoying it. I say this with absolute confidence, because you're not the first one to propose something like this and likely wouldn't be the last either. Our numbers are dwindling, and most members in the current generation aren't willing to be invested with the community's effort when it is all we actually need to make something actually succeed (somewhat) even if it only enabled us to take a little sip of victory.

But in the end, I'm biased against using Instagram. Maybe that's why I desperately want you to rethink of the idea, then again I can't hide the fact that lots of people in the past had actually proposed something only to give up shortly due to burning out from the lack of community support. Everyone envisioned a different version of Dollars that they want to materialize, perhaps that's why we never got anywhere with whatever we're trying to plan out.

9 Name: inviter : 2021-11-22 06:31 ID:1NQFSaT4 [Del]

not this shit again lol

10 Name: Deki : 2021-11-22 08:46 ID:vIzgMXU1 [Del]

I mean it’s worth a try why not, I don’t care that other ppl failed cuz I won’t, idk what’s the big deal tbh lol

11 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-11-22 09:57 ID:0kHE+EUU [Del]

>>8 Doomerpela, you forget! It’s about having fun, in the end.

>>10 Best of luck! :)

12 Name: Deki : 2021-11-22 11:42 ID:LG5kwsqB [Del]

>>11 thank you! I appreciate it, if u have Instagram try and make a dollars ig account and follow!

13 Name: Rock : 2024-12-03 18:44 ID:po6t3R0x [Del]


14 Name: Reaper : 2024-12-06 05:31 ID:vkWpsIhd [Del]
