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Ways we can generate revenue together? (23)

1 Name: AngelicDemon : 2021-07-04 13:38 ID:8L5OQfwe [Del]

What up my peeps. this is just a rough draft so just post or talk about ideas and then we can get into details later. I'll go first

We all fund one stock and/or crypto account
we create some type of clothing brand or product
some type of marketing company
we create a youtube channel(s)
we start our own crypto coin
I'm just throwing stuff out there guys so u can get some ideas but it could be anything haha.

2 Name: Orion : 2021-07-04 13:57 ID:bOAaXBwi [Del]

I think a youtube channel sounds really fun! Like one channel with a public password so any of the dollars can upload whatever they feel like.

We could also start a commission business for stuff like artwork or songs. We name it something like "Dollars art commission club". Maybe have a separate website for it so we can link the Dollars site.

Those are my ideas but I'll be willing to try anything that works :)

3 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-04 19:36 ID:USmy/6CB [Del]

We did have a Youtube channel back then, internal stuff went wrong and then it died. Didn't know the details though, but I like the idea in the first place so...

I learned from managing Dollars ARG that we have quite a bunch of artists, composers, and video editors at our disposal, (which I utilized to the maximum of my brain capacity) so my idea is to combine those creations into something. (MV? Illustrated Storytelling? Something of sorts?)

Should be a pretty interesting thing to do. Plus its made by-and-for members, so nothing could go wrong. Of course, assuming that the creators are willing to participate.

Though I must remind you, revenue should always come second in our priority. Sustaining something you don't enjoy is very exhausting after all, passion must always come first.

4 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-04 19:48 ID:USmy/6CB [Del]

>>3 Okay following up to that post, I went off-topic there. I don't really understand crypto-currency and I didn't have a leisure access to my money account to begin with, so I can't really add anything to the discussion regarding it.

It does sound like an easy way to get some passive income, so I'll follow closely to that.

5 Name: limilo : 2021-07-05 02:05 ID:SoSqmDSU [Del]

i agree! i really like the idea of a collaborative youtube channel. i think we could also use a place to note down video ideas especially if people want to work together!

6 Name: Orion : 2021-07-05 21:06 ID:Vd0EV2gf [Del]

Yeah! and maybe have an upload schedule for topics on specific days.
Also, we should have a voice call or something so we can plan this more thoroughly.

7 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-07 04:34 ID:22TKb+9e [Del]


8 Name: Domine : 2021-07-08 16:04 ID:qawOpwKc [Del]


9 Name: Xonjet : 2021-07-09 14:30 ID:uiTVJn7c [Del]

Shouldn't we set up different sectors by country and then break it down to states and cities that way we can converge and basically have teams everywhere we have members this will help with making sure people are active and work on projects together

10 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-10 18:39 ID:sa6BntUW [Del]

>>9 With our current numbers, that I believe would be improbable.

It'll be more productive to centralize ourselves, have one project to work on and somehow managed to get it out from developmental limbo rather than planning four and risking to not finish any at all.

That being said, I hadn't even thought of any kinds of content we should put in our video. OP, do we talk about this here or should we keep brainstorming ideas for now?

11 Name: Xonjet : 2021-07-13 16:31 ID:uiTVJn7c [Del]

>>>10 Well if thats the case i think what needs to happen first is we figure out what our main mission or missions are and where and more important what person or persons is gonna be running things. Personally we should move forward with networking and information gathering for the masses. Movies, crime, any thing really that people and possibly even the authorities my want or need access to(something that could go world wide if we get enough members. To follow that I would think projects to help the community and as we expand communities around the globe. New better structured websites and chat rooms. We could do food drives build our own homeless shelters organized protests whatever as long is we make an impact on the community and help each other and well everyone as a whole. IF we organize well enough we can go public but still remain secret

12 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-07-15 02:49 ID:0kHE+EUU [Del]

Maybe if this place became the host of a parasitic cult that could suck a select few very gullible members dry. But then our net revenue as a group would remain unchanged, you could say it was just a matter of money changing hands.

13 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-15 06:21 ID:iHXO6Rw/ [Del]

>>12 No

>>11 Pretty sure that tagline from the anime works here, Dollars have no purpose nor a mission.

So we're back to square one.

14 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-07-15 19:27 ID:0kHE+EUU [Del]

>>13 Yes ;D and we actually have a lot of missions on the Missions board.

15 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-16 06:44 ID:iHXO6Rw/ [Del]

>>14 Still, the way Mission works is that its a voluntary action, not something that must be adhered by each and every member. Which is why I strongly believed that something so stellar of an idea that Xonjet proposed above wouldn't ever materialize, realistically speaking anyways.

16 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2021-07-16 13:22 ID:twt9UtUA [Del]

I admin an app for the dollars in chatrooms it has potential to make revenue with ads but is not profitable yet I've been wanting to give a portion to the bbs and invest most of it in dividends to increase the pool so that we can achieve cash flows to donate regularly

I also partnered with a surveys company to help with that goal but it's not official I'd need to make sure it's cleared first allowed but if possible we could build a force for good and it's free just needs participation no account needed stay anonymous!

Feel like it's a good start send me a message I respond quickly

17 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-07-23 14:10 ID:0kHE+EUU [Del]

>>15 I see! Compulsory Missions board, huh... you're a genius, Hypela.

18 Name: Foreverz : 2021-07-25 00:57 ID:/YhB3P8X [Del]

I have a free movie website that's making about $5 a month with a small amount of traffic it just started but it can grow

19 Name: Foreverz : 2021-07-25 01:00 ID:/YhB3P8X [Del]

I can also do a dollars forum. One similar to babiato forum and monitize with some banner ads

20 Name: HINMA NO 1 : 2021-07-25 01:05 ID:EePJ4pir [Del]

Just here to say that I want to fully embrace the product line/subscription style gang

21 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-25 09:57 ID:RPPgGcrM [Del]

>>18 (Foreverz) Pirating movies hm, that's new. Any chance for us to get a detail from that? Or is it a no go? I mean, that's illegal I guess? And our threads do actually appear in Google search engines, so if getting caught is a concern then... setting up an expiring pastebin is an option, I suppose.

>>19 That I'm not sure however, wouldn't that defeat the point of this site? idk, you tell me.

22 Name: Foreverz : 2021-07-25 11:40 ID:/YhB3P8X [Del]

It's only illegal if your website and content is hosted Where the DMC Act is a problem like the US and its colonies. Also I'm seriously looking to start a forum website as a companion to the BBS.

23 Name: : 2024-01-06 11:12 ID:IXXysfxn [Del]